/Chapter Four/ This is The Right Address, Right?

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I stood in front of the mirror, smoothing out my silver skater dress just as there was a knock at the door.

Well, here it was. I was about to go on a date. It wasn't just something I could say casually though, for the first time in five-plus years, I was going on a date with a man who wasn't Josh.

In fact, I was about to go on a date with a man I'd just met hours before this. While curiously had ultimately gotten the best of me in the end, I had a hunch I was biting off a little bit more than I could chew here.

Sure, because I had only met this man today, it's not like I could actually be attached to him. If dinner went bad, then the two of us could just go our separate ways, no strings attached. But I found myself not wanting that in the slightest.

Somehow the thought of having to let Eric go, despite only knowing him for a few hours, made my heart feel weird.

Maybe I feel more attached to him than I originally thought.
Maybe I am biting off a whole lot more than I can chew and I should just back off before I get crushed.

But, I'd already said yes, and Eric once again knocked on the door, snapping me out of my thought process, "Hey, you home Alyssa?"

Too late to back out now.

Composing myself, I picked up my clutch and walked to the door to open it for Eric, who was standing there in front of me smiling with his hand up as to knock again.

"Hi, there! I was beginning to think the address you gave me was a dud and that this was all some sort of sick prank," He greeted, "But luckily that's not the case, therefore you might just be in for the night of your life."

I returned his smile, "Night of my life, huh? Man, I wish everyone else I went to dinner with was that enthusiastic about going."

"Well, sweetheart, you're going to be spending the night with me, Eric Vivian Matthews, so I don't see why it should be anything less than exciting."

"Oh, of course. I'm going to be spending the night with my Knight in Shining Armor. Or better yet, Mr. Clean." I quip.

Eric laughs in response, "Just let me in already. That is if you're not already ready to go."

"I'm just going to grab my keys and lock up really quick," I say as I start back into my place, but not before sticking my head out the door once more, "Oh, and Eric?"


"You look really nice tonight."

He, surprisingly dumbfounded, just stood there smiling at me and rubbed the back of his neck before looking up at me with sparkling eyes.

"It's a huge upgrade from what you had on earlier. I mean what was that? Just a t-shirt and cargo shorts? You looked like a dad."

His smile quickly faded and he opened his mouth as to insult me back, but I just quickly dipped back into my house snickering and grabbed my keys.

Maybe this won't be so bad after all.


Swagger's POV

She opened the door for me just as I went to knock for the third time.


She looked gorgeous, to say the least. She was dressed quite simply, in a casual silver dress which she'd likely throw a sweater or something over.

But she was the type of woman who didn't need to throw on extra or "loud" clothing in order to stand out. She stood out because of her because at the end of the day she was simply beautiful.

She looks so much more than perfect. I'm going to have a fun time trying to tell her that because her beauty can't even be put into words.

"Don't get me wrong though," She smiles at me as she brings the green sweater around her as she closes her front door behind her, snapping me from my thoughts, "You do clean up nicely."

"Oh, that's all I get?" I jokingly cross my arms at her half-assed attempt to recover from her previous insult.

"Yeah, can't have you getting too much cockier. I'm beginning to think that your statement about being humble earlier was mostly a fib."

With that, I throw her over my shoulder and smack her ass as I bring her to my car.

She instantly starts to laugh, likely out of both enjoyment and surprise, while I open the car door for her and place her in the passenger's seat before going around and taking my seat.

Putting on my seatbelt and starting the car I address her again, "You know, from moment you had opened the door I had planned to romantically carry you to the car and place you in the passenger's seat," Turning to her I continued, "You know, to show you how much of a gentleman I am,"

I turn back to the road beginning to drive, "But now I realize that your only intention tonight is to attack me. Which makes it really difficult to try and actually act like a mature guy and cater to your needs as I have to defend myself every two minutes."

"Aw, Eric, are your feelings hurt?" She cooed, "Poor baby, I'll be sure to be more considerate next time."

Baby? I think I could get used to that.

"But who said I wanted you to be a mature guy? I like you for who you are. I like the guy that sat across from me at the coffee place hours before this."

"Well, I'm glad to hear that," I respond while motioning to myself, "Because that guy just happens to be taking you to dinner right now."

She giggled, "I couldn't ask for anything more."


Alyssa's POV

"You look stunning by the way."

I blushed as I pull my sweater closer to myself out of habit, "Thanks, Eric. And hey, you don't look too bad yourself. But you already know my two cents on this look as opposed to the one before this."

His grip tightened on the steering wheel as he playfully rolled his eyes at my comment, "Oh yes, please don't remind me."

The two continued to casually converse the whole ride to the restaurant, and after what felt like a matter of minutes, Eric pulled into a spot in front of the Korean Barbecue place he'd recommended.

Shutting off the ignition and taking off his seatbelt, he turned to look Alyssa in the eyes, "Well, here we are. I hope you're hungry because I have a feeling I'm going to end up ordering a lot of shit that I won't be able to finish on my own as always."

He hopped out of the car, coming around to my side to open the passenger's side door, "Eric, it'd be my honor to have the privilege of being able to have your leftovers." I reply with my hand over my heart for emphasis.

"I'm so glad you feel that way, Alyssa," He holds his hand out for me to take, "With that kind of enthusiasm, I think this dinner is gonna go really well."

"Yeah, I do too."

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