/Chapter Twenty-Nine/ Hazey

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(One Unread Message From Alyssa Clarke)
5:51 PM
I'd want nothing more than to hold you in my arms and listen to your heartbeat as you fall asleep in my arms tonight, Eric. But first, I have a surprise for you and the guys. Bring them all up to our hotel room for me?

"Fuck!" I cursed out-loud, sinking farther into one of the leather seats within the limo. I just wanted to get some sleep already. Obviously, I appreciate whatever it is that Alyssa's trying to do, but I'm just not in the mood at all right now. And I'm just about ninety-nine percent sure that the rest of the crew feels the same way.

Seated across from me, Ezra raised an eyebrow in response to my sudden outburst, "Something wrong?"

"No. Alyssa just asked if I could bring all of you up to our hotel room. You guys are coming with me, no doubt. I just want to go to bed already."

Ryan scoffed from next to him, "Women, am I right?"

I felt myself heat up a little. Ryan and I hadn't really spoken since our falling out, meaning that his comment was meant to provoke. He didn't apologize for what he had to say, which I understand to an extent, but I just can't act like nothing ever happened earlier. He said some pretty condescending shit about someone we welcomed into our lives and I refuse to just let it go.

I made my point, now I just had to wait for him to come to terms with it. He has to some time because Alyssa isn't going anywhere, especially not after last night, so the ball was in his court now.

"I get it. I'm sure she won't even realize you're gone." I retorted, causing Ezra to look back and forth between us wide-eyed as Ryan just glared at me in response.

I noticed a few more of the guys, along with Bee, focusing on us, while the rest of the limo's occupants had already fallen asleep.

"What happened between you guys last night?" Cam croaked, shifting in his seat clearly half-asleep, "This can't be good for work."

I turned to look at Mason, who definitely would've relayed last night's events to everyone in great detail at this point, but to my disappointment, it seemed as if he was already sound asleep, face down on two of the seats.

I shook my head as Ryan just continued to stare me down, "Don't worry about it for the time being. This won't impact my or Ryan's work ethic at all, it's just a bit of a road bump in our friendship, I guess. It'll be figured out sooner than later though."

"Alright. I hope so." Cam looked uncertain while Ryan just rolled his eyes.

"We're home. Goodnight boys." Ryan exited the limo while Bianca did the same, not bothering to say a word to the rest of us. I don't think anyone really noticed in our haze though.

"WE'RE HERE!" I screamed, waking up the rest of the limo's occupants.

A series of groans and complaints immediately went up in response to my wake up call, while everyone scrambled to their feet looking to exit.

"Guys, wait." Jay, Ezra, Cam, Brodie, Ana, Matt, and Toby all turned to look at me.

"Bro, spit it out already. I'm so hungry and just want to go to bed already." Jay whined while the others nodded in agreement.

I winced, "I know buddy, but there's one thing we need to go do before then."



I just blinked at Alyssa through the crack of the door. She just stood behind our counter with four pizza boxes opened on our counter.

Since I was too tired to react, I just stood in the door dumbfounded for a few more moments.

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