/Chapter Twenty-Four/ Well, There's No Going Back Now

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I swayed on the dancefloor alongside Bee, Anna, and Brodie.

"Man, you weren't kidding when you said you thought you were a pretty good dancer!" Anna laughed as she swung around me, "I think I'm about to step off to the side for a little bit though, I'm getting pretty tired."

"Alright," I smiled at her and waved, "Will you be back?"

"Yeah, in a bit. Plus I think Bianca and Brodie are here to stay." She started to make her way towards the sidelines as I just turned to see the two other girls dancing together.

"Hey-" I started to call to them, just as I felt a hand clamp down on my mouth.

The fuck?!

"Well hell-o there gorgeous," A large male figure breathed from behind me, continuing to cover my mouth, "And who are you supposed to be with tonight?"

He lifted his hand off of my mouth ever so slightly, presumably so I could answer but I opened my mouth only for no words to come out.

I wanted to scream my lungs out for help and let my eyes frantically dart around the room. It seemed like Bee and Brodie didn't hear my call.

In fact, I couldn't see them anywhere.

I opened my mouth one last time in attempt to call for help, only for the same results. My captor must have caught on since he just chuckled, "Aw, sweetie. Look at this place, look at where we are right now: Sure it's a public place but every one of its occupants are either drunk off their asses or just can't hear you because of the noise. Scream all you want; no one will hear you."

My chest constricted and I felt like I was going to choke on the lump that continued to form in my throat, as two other men, presumably his friends, came up beside us.

The man addressed me one last time, "I think it's about time we got out of here, don't you?"

Before I got the chance to respond, he hauled me into his arms as the other two men covered us and carried me out some side door into a dark alleyway.

He made sure I could stand on my own before setting me down fully against the brick wall of the club, "And now, we wait for him to get here. Do yourself a favor and don't try anything dumb." The other two figures took their positions beside him as I was now cornered.

Wait for who to get here?

Finally finding the courage to talk, I forced myself to plead, "Look, I don't know who you're talking about or what's going on here, but all I do know for certain is that you've got the wrong girl! I just moved to Australia about three weeks ago and I'm just a video editor, that's it!" Tears welled up in my eyes, "I'm a nobody, so please, please, just let me go and I promise not to talk!"

"Oh, no. You just confirmed that we've got the right girl for certain, Alyssa."

My blood ran cold, someone had to have hired them, right? Had someone put a hit on me? But for what exactly?

I wanted to cry, scream, anything to get out of this absolutely fucked situation.

I started to sob and said the only thing that came to mind at the moment, "I just wanna go home."

The man opened his mouth to say something else, only to be interrupted by the BANG! of the door they'd carried me out through swinging open, pouring out with a couple of security guards pointing their guns at the men followed by Eric and the rest of the group.

"Fuck..." One of them bellowed as he was screamed at to get on his knees, and followed suit with the rest of his group.

I, on the other hand, just slid down the side of the club, crying even harder into my hands in a mix of relief, fear, and confusion. I heard loud footsteps getting closer and closer to me just as Eric slid next to me and pulled me into him, "Alyssa, baby, I'm so fucking sorry."

I just continued to cry as he held me, the rest of the group walking around in a haze trying to figure out just what went on here.

---Swagger's POV---


I chose to take a few deep breaths before talking, as to not unleash all my emotion at once. My blood was boiling as I continued to breathe in effort to calm my nerves and rage just a little bit, but it was proving to be ineffective.

"What the fuck, was that?"

"What?!" Bianca just looked at me with big eyes, "How am I supposed to know?"

This only pushed me further towards the edge, "Oh, come on, it's really not in your best interest to try and play stupid with me right now. We all saw you and Brodie from VIP when this all started to go down. You guys saw what was going on."

"Yeah, but what makes you think that I had anything to do with it?" She protested.

I wanted to break something, anything, "Well you didn't exactly try and stop it now, did you?"

She opened her mouth to reply but I just cut her off, "Who do you think you are? I get it, okay? The guys have told me time and time again how you have a thing for me or whatever, but what the fuck gives you the right to pull a stunt as crazy as this?"

Bianca started to cry now realizing that I blamed her for tonight's events, "Eric, I'm your best friend for Christ's sake. You, of all people, should know that I'd never do something like this. Yeah, I wish we were together, but I wouldn't do something as batshit as this, ever."

I just punched the wall in response to this, cursing as the pain shot up my hand, "Then who the fuck did, Bianca?!"

"I already told you, I don't know!" She began to cry harder now, likely out of fear and confusion.

"Guys," Ryan said softly from behind the VIP room door, sticking his head in observing the scene before him, "Limo's here; we're about to head back to the hotel."

Without meeting my gaze, Bianca made a beeline for the door as I just continued to stand there in a mix of confusion and rage. To describe it my feelings in one word, I felt betrayed. Bee had been my best friend for God knows how long. I honestly can't remember what life without her by my side was like.

Yeah, I wish I would've noticed his true feelings sooner. Hell, I really should've, maybe we could have worked as a couple but if I did I wouldn't have come to learn about this side of her.

All in all, it seemed like I'd just dodged a bullet.


I just wanna say a special thanks to those of you who have voted for me in the Fanfiction Awards. It means the world and more to be appreciated this much for simply perusing my interests and somehow influencing others through that.

Y'all are honestly so amazing and I couldn't possibly ask for a better audience ❤️.

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