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Um yeah shit happens.

As in my grandpa died Thursday the 21st of February and I am just now able to tell someone.

So he didn't even make it to 2 months.

I also got my phone taken away so I'll be using my tablet to be able to be on wattpad. I got it taken away the day I found out my grandpa died so that was great (note the sarcasm). So I'll try to be on wattpad and adding to my stories more. Since it might be easier with all of the raw emotions I have.

Anyway so my parents don't even talk to me. If they want something from me they have my siblings tell me.

My grandpa only lasted 3 months after my great-grandma who died November the 6th. So that has to be a plus right?

I also have a boyfriend who is transphobic and straight up told me that he wouldn't date a trans person and would break up with the person if they are trans. So now I feel like I want to but can't come out to my boyfriend.

I may end up actual updating my story but it all depends on how my life ends up going.

Anyway how have you guys been? Better than I have been I hope. Well anyway I hope you guys have a great day/night.

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