Chapter 1 - edited

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"Hey, Bakugo!" I say running to him.

We have been best friends since birth. Our parents were best friends so we basically grew up together.

"Yeah?" he yells.

"Your mom said we need to go home by 2 pm! It's 1:55!" I yell back panting from exhaustion.

"Yeah yeah give me a minute." He says turning to me.

"Woah.. you got your quirk?" I ask looking at his hands.

They were releasing small flames. "I think so. Okay let's go," he replies closing his hands to stop the flames.

As we were walking back to his house he kept looking at his hands. "Do you think you're gonna get your quirk soon?" he asks me looking at his hands.

"I don't know. My mother doesn't really have a strong quirk, same with my dad." I say looking at him.

Still looking at his hands he asks me something that I will never forget, "What if you end up quirkless?"

I look down at my feet and kick a rock. "Knowing my luck I might be," I say.

Fast forward a few years.

I still haven't gotten my quirk so I must be quirkless. Bakugo isn't much of a friend anymore. Since he got his quirk and I don't have one yet, he's blocked me from his life.

As I was walking to school someone trips me. "Ouch!" I gasp.

I look up and see it's Bakugo. "Oh sorry didn't see the quirkless loser." he sarcastically says.

I look at the ground. My eyes start to tear up. NO. I can't cry, not in front of him.

"Is there a problem here?" says someone I've never met before.

"Not if you want a problem," Bakugo says.

The person whispers something in his ear. It must've been bad because Bakugo looked terrified. He walks away and leaves me with the unknown.

"Hey, sorry about that. My name's Todoroki," he says.

Todoroki gives me a hand up. Once I'm on my feet I dust myself off. "Thanks... I'm Y/N." I say.

"Nice name. Well, I guess I'll see you around," he says waving and walking off.

After the class is finished I have lunch next. I grab my lunch box and walk to a table. Like usual nobody sits with me unless they are forced to.

"Hey." I hear someone say. I look up and it's Torodoki.

"Hi," I say shyly.

"So I was wondering, do you and Bakugo have any history. It seemed like it," he says sitting down.

"Yeah... we used to be best friends but then I didn't get my quirk and he had him," I reply munching on some chips.

"I can sense you have a quirk, not a strong one, but you have one," he says steadily.

I nod and continue eating. Then I notice a few of my chips start to rise as I was staring at them. "Are you doing that?" Torodoki asks me.

"Maybe. I was just focusing on them and then they started to rise." I say astonished.

I look away and the chips fall. "Yup," Torodoki says snapping a finger, "you have a quirk!"

I smile and shake my hands to try and calm myself down. "What's going on here?" says someone slamming the table.

Of course who else could it be? It's Bakugo. "I got my quirk!" I squealed.

"Okay, show me then," he says calming himself.

I focus on a chip again and it starts to rise, "I can make things levitate!"

The chips drop again. "I'll see you around," Bakugo says and leaves the table.

AN: How did I do? Tell me in the comments. I promise these wont to be on all of my chapters <33

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