Chapter 4

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I woke up and Bakugo was already getting dressed. "Even though something happened last night it doesn't mean you get to stop training." I nod and get up. I put a black Adidas windbreaker on and some support leggings. I decided to put on some lace panties and a sports bra. I walk over to my bathroom and brush my h/c hair and put it into a pony tail. I look into the mirror and notice the hickeys from last night. I hide them. Bakugo walks up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. I turn around and kiss him. He picks me up and puts me on the sink counter, still kissing me. I pull back. "We should get going so we have enough time to get a hour in and not be late to class." I say. He nods and puts me down. I look up and give him one last kiss before we leave my room. "I didn't reply to denki." He says. "What are you going to say when we get to school?" I ask him. "If it's fine with you I'm going to tell him you and I are dating but I won't tell him what we did." He answers. I nod and hug him.

We finished a hour of training and started walking to school. "I'm proud of you, you know. I wasn't expecting you to actually go through with training for UA." Bakugo says looking at me. "Thanks. I just want to make it into UA. When do you think I will be ready?" I ask. "If you keep up this good work I'll give it a month!" He says with a hint of excitement in his voice. I nod. I look to my left and see Midoriya walking toward us. "Hey Y/N!" He yells hugging me. "You seem happy, what happened?" I ask curiously. "I got into UA! What about you Kachhan?" He says. Bakugo stays silent and shrugs. "Hey what happened to your neck? Are those hickeys?" Midoriya asks, "I swear kachhan, if you're taking advantage of her.." Midoriya says. His voice quieting down because I took his arm and made him walk with me. "Bakugo and I are.. dating." I tell him. His jaw drops, "did he give you those?" He says looking at my neck. I nod. "If he hurts you just tell me. You don't deserve to be hurt." He says angrily. "Thanks, but I don't think that will be necessary... he really likes me." I say looking down thinking of last night. "Did anything happen other than hickeys?" Midoriya asks. I look away blushing, "no.." my voice cracked. "Y/N!" Midoriya tells at me. I look at him and run to the doors of the school. That was embarrassing. The first thing that happens when I walk through the doors denki grabs my arm and pulls me aside. "Midoriya told me about what you and Bakugo did..." he says. I freak out. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. But are you going to tell him about how we dated?" He asks. "No, I told him he was my first kiss." I say. "Okay, I don't need a black eye and also you should cover those," he says pointing to my neck, "they're very visible." He finishes and walks off.

Classes dragged on except for lunch. I sit down with Bakugo, kirishima, Midoriya and Denki. I sit next to Bakugo. "So I was wondering if you want to come over to my house, mom and dad won't be home for a few days." He whispers to me. "Sure, if you want me to spend the night I'll have to go home and grab some clothes." I whisper back. I look over at Midoriya and he is shaking his head in disbelief. "You can stay till Monday if you want." (Its friday) I nod and continue eating. Today was a short day so when lunch was over we could leave and go home. Thankfully when I got home mom was still at work so she wouldn't ask where I was going. When I get to my room I find my cutest bra and underwear set and grabbed some leggings and a few tshirts. I grabbed my earbuds and charger and left my room. I picked up my skateboard and left the house

When I got to Bakugo's house nobody answered the door so I walked in anyways. I find his room and drop my stuff beside the door. After the trip over there I needed to go to the bathroom so I found the bathroom. I walked into the bathroom and saw Bakugo getting into  the shower. I quickly close my eyes and turn around. He laughs "Why do you care? You already saw me naked." I laugh too. "True." I say. "Wanna join me?" He says. "I guess so, let me go grab my other clothes and I'll get in." I leave the room and grab some clean clothes. When I walk back into the bathroom he was already in the shower. I take my clothes off and take my hair down. I take a deep breath and step into the shower. I was immediately invited by a hug. I look up and kiss Bakugo. "How much fun can we get into 4 days alone?" I ask biting my lip. "I don't know, let's make this the first time." He says. I turn around and bend over. He holds me by the hips and slides in and out of me.

We took about a hour long shower. Well not just a shower. When we were in his room I sat on his bed. I look to my left and see a box of condoms. "That would've been smarter to have them the first 2 times." I say picking up the box. "Yeah, I thought about them after last night." He says getting up. He sits next to me. "Y/n I have to tell you something." He says looking me in the eyes. "What is it?" I ask. What was he going to say. "I love youu!" He says and tackles me. "I love you too!" I say reaching to tickle him. He notices and clings my hands on the bed. "Kinky." I say looking at one of my hands. "Oh you want kinky?" He jokingly says. He kisses my neck probably leaving more hickeys. I let out a small moan. He laughs. "Its not funny!" I joke. "You're right. It's not funny. Its cute." He says kissing my neck again. "Midoriya and Denki know." I quickly say. "What?!" He says letting my hands go. "Midoriya found out and told Denki..." I say getting quiet. "I'll make sure Denki stays quiet. But for you, how do I make you quiet?" He says getting up. "I dont know, maybe I have to be punished." I say tackling him and kissing him. "That can be arranged." He says grabbing my hips and pulls me tighter to him.

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