chapter 6

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F/R is favorite restaurant

Bakugo explained everything Denki said. I'm not the same as the others, I've known him my whole life. I can tell when hes lying, when he told me I mean everything to me I could tell he wasnt lying.

Now we're sitting on his floor talking about everything. I start to cry because of everything that happened in my life. Bakugo scooted over to me and cuddled me. "You're all I have right now. Everyone judges me." I cry and bury my face in his chest. By the time I was done crying his shirt was soaked with my tears. "I'm sorry." I say looking at his shirt. He looks down and back at me. He cups my face in his palm, "babygirl, I dont care if you ruin anything of mine, you come first." He says kissing my forehead. I nod and hug him. I felt safe in his arms. It felt like everything was going right, like nothing bad ever happened. I fell asleep in his arms and woke up hours later.

I wake up in bakugo's bed and not on the floor. When I sit up he isn't in the room. I look over and my phone is charging. I grab it and get up. I couldn't find bakugo no matter where I looked. I unlocked my phone and pulled up his number. It rang a few times and he picked up. I heard yelling in the background. After a few seconds I noticed it was denki. "Where are you?" I ask. "Nowhere I'll be back soon." He says and hangs up. I stand there in complete silence.

After half an hour of waiting I hear the front door open and shut. "Hey babe I'm back!" Bakugo yells. I get up and run downstairs into his arms. He picks me up and kisses me. "But first..." he says opening the door again. Denki, Midoriya, kirishima and todoroki walk through the door with cupcakes in each hand. I cover my mouth. "Happy birthday!" All of them yell. I forgot it was my birthday. Bakugo pulls me close and hugs me, "happy birthday babygirl." He says and kisses my forehead. Everyone 'awes' the moment. I smile and laugh. "Make this quick guys! They're going to want their own time, alone." Kirishima jokes. I shake my head in embarrassment. I take a cupcake and blow out the candle.

After about 5 minutes after I blew out the candle, everyone left. I sigh, "finally they were starting to get annoying." Bakugo laughs and grabs my waist. "My turn to give the birthday girl her present." He whispers in my ear. I wiggle from his grip and run upstairs. He catches my arm once I get into his room. He turns me around and throws me on the bed. He takes off his clothes as I do the same. He gets on me and kisses my inner thigh. "Let's do something a little different." He says looking up at me. I nod. He sticks his tongue in me and I moan. He grips my inner thighs and opens them wider. He continues. I moan louder. He stops and wipes his mouth. I lean back. "How was that?" He asks me. "Did u hear me at all?" I joke. He laughs and pins me down. "Anything you want?" He asks me. I look over at his box of condoms and back at him. He nods and gets them. He slips one on and pins me down again. I didn't let him kiss me this time. He goes in and out.

Half an hour later he gets up and goes to the bathroom. He used mouth wash. He comes back and gives me a kiss. "Happy birthday babygirl." He says kissing me again. I kiss him back and hug him. "Do you want to go out for dinner?" He asks me. "Yeah let's go to. F/R!" I say piping up. He laughs and nods. "We'll leave in 30 minutes, go get ready." He says and gets up. I nod and get up to. I couldn't find my pants with straps (😉 my kinky pants, a few ppl will know what they are) so I walk over to bakugo's closet and find a pair of black ripped Jean's. I'm not as thick so I fit into his jeans perfectly. I put on my vans sweatshirt and straighten my hair.

30 minutes passed and bakugo walked into the bathroom where I was doing my hair. "Ready?" He asks me. "Yeah just let me finish this strand and I'll be out." I reply. I finish up and walk downstairs where he was waiting for me. He holds up my skateboard and hands it to me. He grabs his too, "now this is a date." I joke holding up my skateboard. He laughs and we walk out the door to leave.

It took about 10 minutes to get to the restaurant. "Damn my legs hurt from that." I say getting off my skateboard. "I'll make them worse when we get home." He winks. I shake my head and laugh. We walk into the restaurant and the waiter finds us a seat. I take off my sweatshirt to reveal a cute long sleeve shirt. "Cute." Bakugo says. "Thanks, the only dressy thing I own." I reply. We order our food and wait.

We finished eating and bakugo paid. "Thanks for dinner." I say hugging him on the way out. "No problem, but I have a surprise, just follow me." He says kicking up his skateboard. I nod and get mine. I followed him, I saw beautiful pink blossom trees. "They're so beautiful." I say looking at the trees. "Not as beautiful as you though." Bakugo says. He slows down. I slow down too. I see a park with more of the trees. He gets off his skateboard and sits on a bench, I do the same. He pulls something from his pocket. "When you called me and I was gone I also went to your house. Your mother gave me this." He says handing the item to me. "Its from U.A?" I question. "I've already read it, just read it." He says. I nod and read it.

Dear y/n, you have been let into u.a by recommendation. There is no need to take our test, you have already proved your strength of your quirk to multiple people. It would be a honor to have you here. If you do accept this offer, you will be in class 1A. You have till January 6th to relax and train. Hopefully we will see you here.

                                 Sincerely, U.A.

I gasped. "Holy shit! I got in!" I cry tears of joy. Bakugo laughs and hugs me. "Congratulations babygirl."

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