Chapter 15

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When I walked into my room at Endeavour's mansion I almost cried. "H-" I look at todoroki, "how is this my dream room?" I ask him.

I see a smile tug at the corner of his mouth. "Well, I took notes on things you like, Bakugo, Denki and Midoriya also helped give me ideas." He says.

Genius idea. I had to give it to him, he probably spent a few hundreds or thousands just to get me comfortable with this room. I decided not to point that out.

"I left my bag in the doorway of the main door. Where is it?" I ask. I was going to be pissed if someone got rid of it.

"Well, open the closet." Todoroki says.

I knowingly open the closet to see all of my clothes hanging up. "You didnt have to do this!" I yell excitedly.

Todoroki laughs, "I didn't do it. While you live here you will get a maid or two, depends on how bad you need one. You have one maid for now, she hung up the clothes and organized the room."

I laughed. "But- how long do I need to stay here?" I ask.

Bakugo and Todoroki both frown. "Y/N... you're here because the Villain Leauge is probably looking for you now. So until they dont look for you anymore or until they all go down." Bakugo says.

I wanted to cry but I knew I had to smile. "I've got to go, I'll explain anything later tonight at dinner." Todoroki says and walks out of the room.

"Uhm.. I was wondering if you could stay with me." I say to Bakugo. I shift my feet.

Bakugo looks at me, "hell yeah. I was going to have to stay here anyways because I'm probably also being targeted."

I nod my head and flip onto my bed. Bakugo sits down beside me. "Why does everything have to be so difficult?" I ask. I move my head onto his lap.

"Like I said, everything will be alright in the end. I'll protect you with everything I have" he says. He starts to play with my hair.

I look up at him. He looked worried. "Bakugo?"


"What's wrong? You look worried."

He looks at me. "I dont know." He says. "Do you remember what Dabi's quirk was?" He asks.

"Now that I think of it, not many people knew what his quirk was, I only know because he accidentally activated it once. His quirk is like blue fire I think." I say, "why?"

"What if the jail cell he's in, the bars aren't fireproof?" Bakugo says.

My eyes widen. "No... he cant get out! He'll know where we are, he'll..." I pause to hold back crying, "he'll kill you, then me. He would do it all by hand by himself, just for the glory of it."

I tried to push the thought away. He had so much power, the Villain League would stand by and watch everything.

"Y/N itll all be alright. Todoroki and everyone else will help keep us safe. We're all going to be pro heroes one day, we cant let that not happen." Bakugo says.

I nod my head. "Can we go anywhere? Or are we on like, house arrest?" I ask. I hated being cooped up in the house.

"Well, it depends on where you want to go." He says.

"I want to train. I need to get stronger if I want to try and defeat Dabi myself." I say.



After we were done training I finally saw how good Y/N was with her quirk.

(Listen I know you're quirk is levitation but as long as you practice using a quirk or focus on it, you can get new quirks, they add on)

I realized she somehow got a new quirk. "Hey, Y/N. I realized you seem to have a new quirk, how did you get it?"

She looks at the ground. "I dont know, it's like I can learn them and use them. While I was with Dabi I found that out and trained myself when I was bored or wanted a new quirk." She sighs. "So far I've learned flames and electricity."

My jaw was better off on the ground. "Babe, you could probably be 100% better than All Might!" I yell.

She didn't seem to like that remark. "I just want to make my family proud. I almost grew up with nothing if it wasnt for the passing of my rich grandmother, we got most of her money." Her voice cracks. "I... I just want to help my family, I dont care about being better than All Might."

I don't think I've ever heard someone say that. She has strong quirks so far. I should push her to learn more quirks, ones that could really come in handy.


I was called by my dad to go to the jail that Dabi was being held in. Well, was held in.

"We moved him into a strong, fireproof cell. We learned from an incident that he could melt the bars." Says one of the guards of Dabi's new cell.

"I will get out of here one day, and all of you will die!" Dabi yells.

I try to not laugh, I didnt need him talking to me. I get pulled aside by a familiar voice. "We need to talk about quirks." Says the person.

I stumble by their strong grip. I look up to see Midoriya. "I just got a message from Kacchan, he said that Y/N can learn quirks." Says Midoriya.

"I didn't even know that's possible! Does he know what quirks she has now?" I ask. I thought is was impossible to gain a quirk, unlike Midoriya but we wont go there.

He looks at his phone and smiles. "Shes going to love class 1-A. She has levitation, fire and electricity." He says.

"That's good, they're pretty strong quirks. Also how the hell did you find me?" I ask.

Midoriya looks down, "I just assumed you would be here. Sorry if that scared you." He says.

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