chapter 23

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I cant believe I'm going to be a dad! After Y/N and I get some sleep we decide to get up early and discuss how we would tell the news.

As soon as Endeavour and Todoroki walked into the kitchen we immediately sat them down. "What?" Endeavour says.

Todoroki rolls his eyes and pulls Y/N aside. "I already know what it is, I saw you were acting odd when you came out of the bathroom so I decided to see if what I thought may have been the reason was true. It's true." I hear him say.

"Okay," Y/N says smiling, "I can still tell your father."  She finishes and turns to Endeavour.

I watch as she hands him a baggie with the pregnancy test in it. The horror in his face rises. "Is this real?" He asks.

Y/N and I nod our heads, "sure is!" She squeals.

I hear Endeavour clear his throat, "well, I'm happy to hear this but if this is true you two have until the baby is born to move out." He says.

I see the happiness in Y/Ns face start to drain. "Oh..." she mumbles and slumps her arms.

I start to walk to her but she moves away and runs to the bathroom. I hear the lock click and hear her drop herself to the floor.

Endeavour looks at me, "I'm very sorry Bakugo but we cannot have children living here, you must understand it would be too dangerous." He says.

I nod my head and walk to the bathroom door. I knock and wait for her to reply. "What do you want?" She yells.

"Babe, please unlock the door." I say.

I hear her huff and unlock the door, "just please, leave me the fuck alone!" She yells and runs past me.

Before she could run past Todoroki, he held out his arm and stops her. "Y/N, he wants to talk to you, so listen." He says.

I've never heard him be this cold to Y/N, but apparently it was necessary. Y/N kicks Todoroki but he doesn't budge. After a moment of realizing she couldnt go anywhere she stops.

Todoroki still holding her she looks at me, "what do you want?" She growls.

I move closer to her, "remember you said it would all be fine?"

She gets out of todorokis grip and casually walks to the doors. I jog to her side. "I guess I'll just make it all normal again." She sighs.

I take a moment to think of what she said, "you dont mean.."

She stops and gleams at me, "OF COURSE THATS WHAT I MEAN!" She screams.

Todoroki runs over to us and mumbles something. Randomly Y/N passes out and I catch her. "Hurry before she wakes up again!" Todoroki says grabbing her arms.

I grab her legs and lift her. "Where are we putting her?" I ask.

Todoroki points at our room, "we'll put her on the bed for now, I don't want to hurt her."

I nod and help him carry her to our room. I hated seeing Y/N upset but this was for the best.


The last thing I remember before passing out was hearing Todoroki mumble something.

I wake up in my bed. I roll over to see Bakugo texting someone. "Hey, you're up!" He cheers.

I nod my head and try rolling back over. I'm stopped by Bakugo pulling he closer to him. "I'm sorry about everything." He mumbles.

I hug him and he hugs me tighter. "Its fine." I say. I sigh, "maybe now isn't the time to have a kid, maybe sometime else..."

Bakugo looks into my eyes, "babe I'll give you until tomorrow to decide, it's your decision.." he says with his voice cracking.

I nod my head and sigh again. I hear a knock at the door and hear someone enter, "hey Y/N, Bakugo can I talk to you for a moment?" Todoroki asks.

Bakugo nods his head and leaves me for a minute. I hear them say a few things then see the door slam open. "What?" I ask.

Bakugo looks at me, "dont even try talking to me." He says.

I sit up and pat beside me, "tell me what's wrong and dont ignore me." I say.

He just ignores me and throws something at the wall.

I scream as the item shatters. Todoroki takes me and runs me out the room. "Well I told him something he didnt like hearing." He says.

"Well no duh, what did you tell him?" I yell.

Todoroki shuts his eyes for a second then opens them. "I saw you talking to Dabi the other night..." he says.

I hear a door slam and see Bakugo stomping to Todoroki and I. "You little fucking bitch, you knew he wasnt dead!" He yells taking my shoulders, "DIDNT YOU!"

I yelp in pain, "stop you're hurting me!" I scream.

He realizes what he was doing and stops. "Y/N..." he says, "I'm sorry.. I- i didnt mean to.."

I push him away and frown, "every time I'm happy you always seem to find something that messes everything up." I mumble.

I look at Bakugo and shake my head. He trys to pull me back but I step away. "Leave me alone for now, I don't want anything to do with you right now." I growl and walk to my room.

I shut the light off and close my curtains. I change into a baggy shirt then realize it's one of Bakugo's shirts. "DAMMIT!" I scream and throw it off.

Bakugo begins to enter the room and I throw something at the door. "Damn you have a death throw!" He says.

"That's supposed to mean go away!" I yell.

He continues to walk to me, "babe, I'm sorry I didnt mean to hurt and yell at you."

My knees felt heavy. My legs start to collapse and I fall onto Bakugo. I hug him and pound his chest, "sorry wont fix it." I say.

He hugs me back and kisses me on the forehead, "I know, I wish I could take it all back, honestly." He says.

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