chapter 10

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Dabi's pov

As soon as y/n and I walked into the mall her face lit up. It was nice seeing her happy again. I noticed she got pretty depressed after we took her. I hated seeing her sad, I've seen it on and off for the past few weeks. I've known her for years, when I would hide from her sight I saw it too.

I couldnt do anything but smile at her smile. "OKAY! Where are we going first?" I ask her.

Y/n snaps out of her trance, "hot topic or vans?" She asks.

"So you like those types of brands, alright." I say.

She smiles and skips a few feet. She turns around and looks at me. "Thanks." She says.

"For what?"

"For doing this, bringing me out so I'm not isolated from the world." She smiles.

Her smile always melts my heart, especially when it's a real smile. "Dont thank me, whatever you want I'll give it to you." Damn I probably sounded cheesy but I didnt care.


I think I'm starting to like him... he has one of the best personalities I've ever seen. I dont know if its maybe because he likes me, but I like it.

We find hot topic and walk in. "Ohmygod!" Someone says to us, "you're Dabi! From the villain league, and who are you?" They say looking at me. "Are you his girlfriend? You guys look so cute together!" They say.

"I'm a new member, and yes we're dating." I smile. I reach for Dabi's hand and he accepts. He looks down at our hands and smiles.

The person squeals and walks away. "So we're dating now?" Dabi asks.

"I mean, if you want to. What am I saying I know that's a yes." I laugh.

"That's true." Dabi says and holds my hand tighter before letting go. "Go find stuff you want, I'll pay."

I look up at him, "are you sure? I'm pretty expensive." I say.

He laughs, "expensive is good, I have something to spend my money on."

I smile and grab his hand to drag him around the shop. He ends up spending $475 on me. "Am I getting expensive yet?" I joke.

"You could've been worse. Wanna go to vans now?" He asks. I nod my head.

"Could we stop and get a coffee?" I ask.

"Sure, lead the way." He says.

When we start walking to the coffee shop we see Bakugo, Midoriya and Denki. Before we can turn around Denki catches a glimpse at us. He pokes Bakugo. Bakugo looks our way. I quickly turn around.

"What?" Dabi asks. He looks over to the group, "oh." He says.

Bakugo storms over. "I thought he was your cousin? Midoriya just pointed out, he's from the Villain league. Would you like to explain?" He growls.

I stay silent.

"So you're going to be like that, fuck around with my head and fuck me, then just up and leave?" He growls again.

I look down silently. I feel Dabi's grip on my hand get tighter.

"You wanna go?" Dabi whispers in my ear. I nod my head and turn around.

"I was about to knock him, he doesnt need to say that stuff to you." Dabi says once we're about 20 feet away.

I look at him, "I could tell when your grip got tighter. My hand hurts from that." I fake laugh.

"Sorry. I guess I didnt notice. The one with the green hair through, was that Midoriya?" He asks.


"Dont lie."

"Yeah." I look down. I feel like I was really betraying them now. "I uh.. I couldn't sleep last night. I couldn't stop thinking about how I betrayed my friends." I say. I was close to crying.

Dabi looks at me then at the ground. "I'm sorry... do you want to go back?"

I nod my head and we go back. When I got back to my room there was a surprise waiting for me. Someone found my old clothes and stuff I had from bakugo's house. How did they get all of it? Most importantly, who do I have to thank?

Dabi leans in my doorway, "I had Toga sneak over to Bakugo's place to get your stuff. I hope that's all of it."

"Thanks and yes, everything except my phone and laptop charger which I already have in here apparently." I say.

He nods his head. He quickly leans out of my doorway and grabs something. I see him holding my bags from hot topic. He walks over to me and sets the bags on the bed. "I have a question." He asks.

"Ask away."

"Why were you crying and screaming in your sleep last night?"

I felt a tear run down my face. I didnt want to remember the dream, I hated it. "I.. I uh... I was in the chair again... but instead of the person being you, it was Bakugo. He taunted me about betraying him and everyone else... he said that when they destroy the villain league, I would go down with the villain league.."

At this point I was balling my eyes out. I couldn't stop. Dabi looks at me confused and pulls me close. "I wont let that happen.. I'll keep you safe, I'll get you out of here." He whispers. I grip his shirt and bury my face in his chest.

"Remeber how you said you were saving up to get your own house?" I ask through gasps for air.

"Yeah why?" He replies.

"We can put our checks together, leave this place..." I mumble.

I look up at his face and he looks down at me. He hugs me tighter and nods his head. He runs his hand through my hair and kisses me on the forehead. I relax and slowly fall asleep.

I wake up to my covers on me and my phone charging. I find the new clothes from yesterday. I put on a pair of black and white plaid pants and a black and white sweatshirt. I slip on a pair of checkered vans. Perfect, a whole black and white outfit.

I walk out of my room and find Dabi's room. I knock on the door. "Come in!" I hear him yell. I walk in and he smiles. "Hey." He says while closing his laptop.

"Hey, what ya doing?" I ask.

He looks down at his laptop. "I was looking at some small houses for us. I found one that looked nice, come here." He says.

I move over to his chair and he opens the laptop again. He shows me the one he liked the most. "How much?" I ask.

"Around 100k, with the amount of money we both get a month, we could spend yours on things we need and use mine to pay on the house." He says. He looks up at me for ideas.

"I like it, the house and the idea. Do you want to check it out?" I ask.

"Really? You're fine with it? Well we could check it out today since we aren't busy." He says. I nod my head and he emails the owner.

After five minutes he looks at me, "we have about one hour till we should leave to check the house out." He says. I jump in excitement.

I wait in his room with him until we have to leave.

"Ready?" He asks. I nod my head.

Should I do an SAO x reader? If so just comment characters I should do it for.
🖤xoxo🖤 also, 1269 words.

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