Chapter 22

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"GOD DAMMIT!" I hear someone yell as Bakugo and I approach the front doors of the house.

I run in, "what happened!?"

I see Todoroki on the floor and Endeavour on top of him. Todoroki laughs, "nothing bad, I'm trying to beat him at a battle," he looks at his dad, "he won again."

I laugh help them up. I give Todoroki a few simple tips on defense. "Its all simple if you learn it all." I say.

Bakugo listens in, "that's not all-" I cover his mouth.

I clear my throat, "what Bakugo is saying is, I'm not going to tell you everything of course," I beam my eyes at Todoroki, "I can't have anyone beat me."

Todoroki looks down and back up. I watch as he smiles. "I'll just watch how you fight and move." he says.

I nod my head, he can try but I change it up every time. Some days I defend and some days I attack. It mostly depends on my mood. "Well, I give you luck. It'll take even Midoriya forever to know the slightest way I fight." I stop talking for a moment to breath, "if you do find out, we'll all be dead by then."

I see horror enter him and Endeavour's face. "okay, deal. If I think I found out, even if you dont want to you have to battle if I say so." Todoroki says.

I shrug, "sure I guess so." I say.

I watched as todoroki and Endeavour go into a different room to battle more. "So?" Bakugo says.

Before he said anything more I took his hand and dragged him into our room. He slams the door shut and throws me on the bed. I throw my clothes off as he does the same.

"I'm gonna make it so you wont be able to walk tomorrow!" He says getting on top of me. (Bakugo is a top, you have to admit it)

"I'm not complaining." I say back as he opens my legs.

He thrusts onto me, making me yell. He repeats multiple times.

"Y/N, BAKUGO! QUIET THE FUCK DOWN OR STOP!" I hear Todoroki yell while pounding on the door.

We both laugh and quiet down.

Bakugo gets off and lays beside me, kissing my neck. "Its been a while since we did this..." I say.

I remember the last time we did this repeatedly for days straight, at the beginning of our relationship.

"Yeah, that was a while wasnt it?" He says smiling. "Just means we get to do it again." He cheers.

"Yeah..." I say.

What if I get pregnant sometime? What will happen then? Endeavour would probably kick us out. I'll probably have to start my pro hero job and make money to buy our own house.

"Hey Bakugo," I say.

"Yeah? What?" He sits up.

I stay silent for a second, deciding if I should as my question. "Do you ever want kids?" I ask.

He thinks for a moment, "of course! I would love to have kids some day, just thinking of having mini us..." he says losing thought.

I smile and laugh, "well, when would you want them?" I ask.

"Once I get out of college maybe, you've already graduated and I have 2 more years to go." He says.

I frown for a second. "What? Did I say something wrong?" Bakugo says noticing my frown.

I shake my head and smile, "oh, no!" I say piping up.

Hes 17, I'm 16. I should probably wait if I want to be a mother, if not I'd just be a disappointment for being a teen mom.

I hear a knock at the door, "supper is ready, we made chicken and rice." I hear Endeavour say.

We both yell back and get dressed. "I think I'm going to get a job as a pro hero and not just a side hero." I tell Bakugo while walking to the dining room.

"That sounds good!" He says.

Before I went to supper I snuck into the bathroom and locked the door. I look around to find the box I had gotten a few days ago, a pregnancy test.

The test ended up being positive... I walk to the kitchen like nothing happened.

Supper was quiet and awkward. Todoroki kept on looking at bakugo and I as if he wanted to say something. "WHAT?!" I yell.

Everyone looks at me in surprise, "nothing." Todoroki says.

"Okay then." I growl.

Time skip

I clean the dishes and get a glass of water. "Is everything okay?" I hear someone say from behind me.

I drop my cup from scare. I turn around to see Dabi. Before I could scream or say anything, he covers my mouth. "Now, clean that up and say everything's fine." He says.

I nod and clean up the glass. "What happened?" I hear bakugo say while walking around the counter.

"Oh nothing, just slipped out of my hand." I fake laugh.

He nods his head and goes back to our room. I look back to see Dabi again. "Care to explain why you're so.. moody?" He says.

I roll my eyes and take a deep breath. "I'm pregnant, Bakugo doesnt want kids yet." I say.

Dabi smiles. "See, I wouldn't mind." He says.

"Fuck you, I dont want anything to do with you anymore." I huff.

He quietly laughs, "be that way." He says and disappears.

I walk into my room with tears in my eyes. How could I tell Bakugo?

"Babe?" I hear him say as I walk into the room.

"I'm sorry..." I say.

He looked confused, "what, what happened?" He says.

I shake my head. "Look on the bathroom sink." I say.

He leaves the room for a moment, then I hear a yell of joy. "I'm going to be a dad?!" He yells running into the room again. "Babe! Dont be sorry for this!"

"But it's too early, I'm 16 and you're 17. You said you wanted kids after you graduated." I say.

He hugs and kisses me. "I preferred that time, but any other time is just perfect!" He says.

I could see him crying. I couldnt help but laugh, "you're crying, you're that excited." I exclaim.

He nods his head, "why wouldn't I be?!" He says.


After we have the child I'll probably end the story.

I also want to know if anyone wants to see a villain deku x reader?

Xoxo ~Author

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