Chapter 21

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"Where are we going?" I ask. I had my hands in front of me.

I hear Bakugo laugh a little. "Babe, you're going to be fine. You'll love it!" He says. I nod my head and stay silent. 

It took about 5 minutes to reach the place. "Okay you can take it off now." Bakugo says.

I take the blindfold off and look around, it was my favourite place. I see flowers covering the whole area. I run under my favorite tree and flop onto the ground.

"Look at the stars!" I yell pointing to the sky.

It was night so there were stars in the sky. "Hold on, I'll be there in a minute." I hear bakugo yell.

I wait a moment and see him carrying a tent bag and blankets. "We're going to camp here tonight. I brought the tent just in case you wanted it." He says.

I smile. "Nah, I want to sleep under the stars..." I look up, "nothing blocking the view." 

A tear runs down my cheek but I wipe it away. Bakugo sits down beside me. "Are you crying?" he asks. 

I laugh and smile, "Yeah..." I pause, "I've always wanted to see the stars but my parents never would let me. It's extra special when I'm with someone I love." I say. I hated admitting it, my parents never really spent much time with me as a kid. 

"Well... I'm glad it makes you happy." He says and hugs me.

Time passes as we watch people set off fireworks. I had a nerd moment and explained to Bakugo what exactly was in fireworks and what made them colorful. "You're such a nerd." He says as we laugh.

<<Time Skip>>

I wake up to bright sunlight beaming down on me. I look around and see a bunny hopping around in the flowers. I sit up and click my tongue. "Wow, you're up early." Bakugo says sitting next to me.

I look at my phone to see it read 5 am. I groan and lean back, "Why is it so early?!" I grumble. 

Bakugo laughs and picks me up, "let's go get breakfast. Sounds good?" he asks. 

I nod my head and pick where I wanted to go. Getting into the place was difficult, everyone knew who I was. "Please, I'll sign things later, I need energy for a long day." I say smiling to the crowd. 

Everyone moves away with mumbles and groans. Bakugo looks at me with a worried face, "are you sure you want to stay? There's a lot of people." He says.

I nod my head, "I'm sure, I'm also really hungry too." 

<<Time Skip>>

We finish eating and pay at the counter. Bakugo sneaks me out without any fans noticing I left. Once we were out the doors we were scolded by Todoroki, "You guys just had to make a scene! Come on, we have to get going Y/N has an interview with the U.A council." He says.

We arrive to U.A and were pulled to the gates. "Welcome young Y/N!" I hear allmight yell. I look his way and we glare at each other. 

I see the principal walk my way, "well, what a pleasure it is to have you here with us. Please, grab something to eat and sit." He says hopping into a chair. 

I hold back a laugh as I grab a quick coffee and sit. I just ate so nothing big would be a good choice. I glance at Allmight and see him glaring at me again. I glare back a roll my eyes.

"There has been word going around that you've been having..." the principal pauses, "some difficulties... Does that happen to be true?" He asks.

I take a second to breathe, "yes sir. Thankfully they were able to be fixed quickly and simply, everything is all right now." I smile.

Bakugo looks at me with a worried face. I smile at him and his face softens. "Uhm Sir, could I ask a question?" He asks.

The principal looks at bakugo with confusion, "Yes, you may." He says.

Bakugo takes a breath and frowns. "Who was it that told you Y/N was having problems? I mean it does have to do with her so she has the right to know."

Allmight shakes his head, "we aren't sure, it was anonymous."

I shake my head and sigh. "We can probably find out sometime but first we have to talk about why I was asked here." I say.

The principal nods his head and sets down his cup of tea. "We would like you to do some training lessons, that's if you would like to." He says.

I fake a smile and shake my head. "I'm sorry sir, I have plans layed out. If I didn't have plans I would surely say yes." I lie.

He chuckles and picks his tea back up. "Oh no, Y/N, it's only if you want to and you can. It's fine if you cant train."

I nod my head and begin to leave. "Oh before you leave, we will be holding a very early graduation for you on Tuesday." Allmight says.

"Sounds good to me!" I say excitedly and leave.

Bakugo nudges me once were a reasonable distance from the building. "What are your plans?" He asks.

I laugh. "Nothing," I get into a car that we called, "for one I dont want to train people and two..." I say grabbing his hand. "I want to spend time with you!" I squeal.

Bakugo smiles and squeezes my hand. "Well then, is there anything particular you would like to do?" He whispers to me.

He whispered enough so I could hear him but the driver couldn't. I grin, "fun time?" I ask.

He smiles again, "anything you want, I'll give it." He says.

I pull out my phone to see a message from Denki.

Hey y/n just wanted to say congrats on everything, I haven't really said anything to you lately.

I smile at the message, atleast he thought of me.


I reply and put my phone away.

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