Chapter 20

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I wake up to hearing Y/N practically screaming. Couldn't her and Bakugo be any more quiet?

I get a shirt on and walk to their door. I bang twice and hear nothing. "What!" I hear Y/N yell.

I clear my throat. "Can you guys quiet down?!" I yell back.

Everything went silent for a moment.      Y/N stood in the doorway in front of me, thankfully fully clothed. She pushes me out of the way and walks to the kitchen.

"Why are you so bitchy?" I ask walking with her.

She pulls a knife and puts it down. "I'm not. Why are you asking?" She asks with a happy tone.

Bakugo pulls me back and gets quiet. "Is it just me or is she being very... happy and nice lately?" He asks me.

I look at him and think. "She has been very preppy after we got rid of her extra quirks..." my voice fades. "And the knife thing she just did? I think shes finally calming herself before she stabs someone."

"Anyone want pancakes this morning?" Y/N asks. Budding into our conversation.

I look at her then at Bakugo. "Sure, sounds nice." Bakugo and I say at once.

"Great! I'll get them started!" She pipes up and runs to the kitchen.


Hopefully they take this act I've been putting on. I've been acting all happy and lively lately.

I see Bakugo pull Todoroki into a different room. Curiosity got the best of me, so I end up listening to their conversation.

<<Time Skip>>

I was getting a nice dress on for once. I've got to look presentable... Unexpectedly I was asked to arrive to U.A for an interview about my life and how I fight so well.

"You look nice!" Bakugo says while walking into my room.

He stares at me through the mirror, and smiles. "Do I have to do this? I mean, dressing up is it necessary?" I ask. I hated everything about a dress.

"Babe, you look fine. Now stop complaining." He says and walks out.

<<Another Time Skip>>

I was standing on the stage waiting for my queue to speak. "Hi everyone! As you know, I beat Bakugo and Allmight during the Sports Festival! I'm only here for limited time due to extra things to do, I'll take some questions." I say.

I hated being all happy. It was annoying to be honest.

I hear a gunshot and see it zip past my face. I glare to where the shot came from. "Well, that was stupid. What was the point in that?" I say firming my stance.

I stare the person in the eyes long enough to recognize who they belonged to. It was a very old friend nobody knew about. "Well, lilith nice to see you again. Now tell me..." I activate multiple  quirks to get up in front of her. "How did you miss that shot?" I ask.

She panicked and tried to run. "I'm not going to hurt you, if anything you should be put in jail for attempted murder." I say wrapping an arm around her.

"Dabi's still alive..." she mumbles, "when he gains his strength, he WILL kill you!" She screams in my face.

"Nice try." I say and escort her to the guards.

"Y/N what did she say? You look terrified!" Midoriya says when I walk back to the group.

I hesitate and look through the stands to see if I can find Dabi's eyes hiding through a new looking body. "Its.. she said Dabi is still alive.." I murmur.

Bakugo grips my waist, "that cant be, you obviously killed him..." he says.

It's true, I remember over powering myself and destroying everything around me. I shrug it off, "It's probably just something to scare me, he can't be alive." I say and smile.

I pull out my phone to see a message from my mother. I decided to not answer it, it was probably just to yell at me. I find my earbuds and put them in. "I think I'm going to go on a run.. I'll be back by supper." I say while turning my music on and starting to jog. 

<<Time Skip>>

I take my earbuds out as I approach the front door. Why am I doing this? I take a deep breath and open the doors. "Y/N! How dare you walk in here!?" I hear Shigaraki yell. 

Yes... I was at the Villain League. I cross my arms and glare into his soul. "We need to talk, someone said that Dabi is still alive." I say and I make him sit. 

Nobody has ever been able to control Shigaraki except for his boss, somehow I top that off. "What makes you think I'll tell you anything?" He says. He stares daggers at me. 

I chuckle and sit down. "Because, I'm the reason you're not in jail, I mean I can tell everyone where we are right now." I say slipping my phone out.

Shigaraki shakes his head, "fine fine! Dabi never died, you just killed a clone someone made of him. He said he wont go after you because you mean too much to him." 

I watch as a figure approaches the doorway behind Shigaraki. "Wow, you really can keep a secret." The figure says.

They step out towards me, I realized it was Dabi. I scoff and move in my seat. "So it's true, now tell me..." I say leaning forward., "how did you fake it?" 

<<Time Skip>>

I get back to the house. "Y/N, where were you! You're never late to be home." I hear my maid say. 

I put my pointer finger up, motioning her to give me a moment. "Are we eating out or staying home?" I ask. I wanted to stay home and eat. 

"Well... Bakugo says he has a dinner planned for you guys." She says, "Oh, also I was told to give you these to wear." She finished.

She handed me a pair of light blue jeans and a grey and pink stripe shirt. "He wants me to wear this?" I question. I never wear stuff like this.

She nods her head and leaves my room. I put the outfit on, followed by a pair of checkered vans. I throw my hair up in two french braids and walk out my room. 

I had to be blindfolded and brought to the mystery destination. I hated everything about this, the outfit, the mystery, being blindfolded.. EVERYTHING!

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