Chapter 24

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I walk from one wall to the other. "I think we should get rid of it all and continue our dreams. After an appropriate time we can have a kid." I say.

Bakugo shrugs, "It's all your decision, I have no right to tell you what you should do."

Todoroki leans in the doorway, "I'm just going to put my input into this, do what you need to do for now."

I knew he mean't nothing rude but his decision on words made me uneasy. I brush the feeling off and smile, "Okay." 

Todoroki smiles, "I hope I helped a little, I can tell you two are really stressing over this." He says. I look over at Bakugo then back at Todoroki. 

I nod my head and he leaves with a smile.

"I think we should get rid of it, I'm not even showing so it's like what, just the beginning of my pregnancy. Nothing is really there." I say.

"Are you sure?" Bakugo asks.

I nod my head, "I'll make an appointment with the doctors for tomorrow."

Next Morning-----

"Morning!" I say as Todoroki walks into the kitchen.

I decided to make some breakfast before I went to my appointment. I notice a girl standing behind Todoroki, trying to hide. 

"I see you have someone special?" I ask with a smirk.

Todoroki shuffles sideways, enough to reveal who the girl was. "Yeah.. this is my girlfriend actually." He says with a wide smile.

The girl smiles a little, "I'm Alex, nice to meet you! I heard you beat Allmight!" Alex says holding a hand out.

I walk over to her and shake her hand, "nice to meet you, Alex! Would you like something for breakfast?" I ask her.

She looks uneasily at Todoroki. "It's fine, it's not like she's gonna poison it or anything." He says.

I laugh, "Oh god no! I have some crepes being made if you want some." I say.

I run back over to the stove and flip the crepe. "Sure sounds good!" Alex replies.

I nod and begin to finish a few crepes. Bakugo walks out into the kitchen and hugs me. "It's about time you wake up, we have to leave in an hour." I say.

He groans, "food?" 

I laugh, "Yeah give me a minute or else you will make it yourself." 

He nods and sits on a bar stool. "So, who's that?" He asks pointing to Alex.

"That's Todoroki's girlfriend, shes really nice." I say shoving a plate in front of him.

"Oh," he grabs the plate, "it's about time."

I laugh and walk back to the stove. Todoroki and Alex sit down on barstools.

I grab their plates and hand them the plates, "Okay I'm sorry I can't stay longer and talk more but I really have to get a few things done before Bakugo and I leave." I say shoving the dirty dishes in the sink.

I run out of the kitchen and into my room. I quickly grab an outfit and run across the hall to the bathroom. I look at my phone, "Okay I have about 45 minutes... I can take a 10 minute shower and clean up my mess in the kitchen..." I mumble to myself.

I hear a laugh outside of the bathroom, "you talk to yourself!" I hear Todoroki yell between laughs.

I bang on the door and curse. I turn the water on a burning temperature and get in. 

As soon as I get out of the shower I dry off and throw my clothes on. I hated leaving messes around. 

I run out to the kitchen and see Bakugo cleaning the dishes, "don't worry I got it." he says.

I huff and cross my arms, "fine."

He laughs and finishes the dishes. I decided to be petty and drink something just so I could but the cup in the sink.

I rush away before he could see me put the cup in the sink. I walk into the living room and fall onto the couch. I pull my phone out and look at some memes, occasionally finding a few funny ones. 

"Hey! It's time to go!" Bakugo yells. 

I jump to my feet and grab my wallet. "After we leave the doctors, if they allow it I wanna stop and get a coffee." I tell him.

He nods, "sounds good."

Time Skip

The doctors prescribed me some things and we picked them up. While waiting in the waiting room I decided to call my parents and apologize for all the things I did to hurt them.

"Don't you want to get a coffee?" Bakugo asks as I walk past the coffee shop.

"Not really." I say frowning.

He nods his head. "You never ignore a chance to get coffee, so why now?" He asks again.

"I don't know, I feel sick, okay?!" I yell.

He walks up to me and holds my hand, "wanna tell me what happened?"

"Fine, I called my parents and told them I was sorry for all the embarrassment and disappointment I caused them... they said they never wanted to hear from me again." I say between voice cracks.

He stops and hugs me, "you never disappointed anyone, they just don't see the potential in you." 

I nod my head so I didn't have to hear anything else. 

Once we got home I made sure I ate something. I make some noodles and stare at the full bowl.

"You okay?" Alex says sitting at the opposite side of the table.

I pull the bowl closer to me, smile and nod my head, "Of course! Why wouldn't I be?" 

She looked uneasy for a moment, "Okay, but if you ever need a girl to girl talk I think I'll be here quite often." 

I nod my head and smile again, "Alright! Thanks!" 

She smiles and leaves me alone. I immediately frown again and push the bowl away. I get up and put the bowl in the fridge without care.

"And here ladies and gents.." I look to my left and see Toga sitting on the counter, "Is a very stupid and depressed bitch."

I ignore her and walk away. "Fine, be that way.. just know the Villain League is coming for you."

I also ignore that and hear her jump off the counter and run out of the house.


sorry for not updating for a while. A few of my friends found my account and wont stop bothering me about it so I basically gave up for a while.

Also thanks for over 600 reads!

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