chapter 25

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After a long night of tossing and turning, I finally find a comfy spot and fall asleep.

It felt like a minute of sleep. I wake up and slouch over the side of the bed. "You look like hell." Bakugo jokes while turning to me in his chair.

I groan and get up. "Fuck off." I say and he laughs. "What are you doing?" I judge.

He looks back at the screen and then me. "Cod bo4." He says.

I nod and play with his hair for a moment. "Who made breakfast this morning?" I ask.

He puts the controller on the desk and rolls around to me, "I'm not sure actually."

I nod my head again and begin to walk to the kitchen. "Morning y/n.." Todoroki whines.

"What's wrong with you?" I snap.

"Alex didn't like it here, said it was too dangerous for her..." he stops, "she broke up with me."

I let a little laugh out and pat him on the shoulder. "Some girls just aren't the right ones, if she couldn't stand it here then she isnt the right one." I say.

He rolls his eyes and shoves a plate in my hand. "Omlet with your extra cheese and green peppers." He says.

I smile, "thanks."

He nods his head and shoos me out of the kitchen. I leave and sit at the table. I stuff my face with the omlet and finish within 5 minutes.

My phone dings. 'Message from Denki' I roll my eyes and open the message.

Party at my place tonight, 7pm to whenever you want to leave. Be there.

I reply with a simple, 'fine' and continue scrolling through my page.

For most of the day it was pretty chill, Bakugo just played some games, Todoroki did nothing and I just worked on some bracelets.

"Isn't that a basic thing now?" Bakugo asks after taking a break.

I shrug. "For some people I guess, I've been making these before they became popular again." I tell him.

He nods, "so did you get the invite to Denki's party?"

I nod, "yeah, why?"

He flops onto the bed. "Not sure, just wondering." He says.

I nod my head again and continue the pattern I'm making.

"Ugh it's too tight!" I yell. I had recently bought a dress to wear to the party.

"You look fine, now hurry up or I'll leave you here." Bakugo jokes and walks out of the room.

I mock him and decide to finish the look. I slip on white converse and put my hair in two French braids.

"Wow, she can pull off girly and tomboy at the same time." Bakugo says as I walk out to get an opinion, "you look beautiful like usual."

I laugh, "yeah okay."

He laughs and takes my arm, "fine dont take the compliment, we have to leave."

I nod my head and grab my drink on the way out.

Once we got to the party, the anxiety set in. "Hey babe I'll be right back, wait in the first livingroom or kitchen." Bakugo says, leaving me by myself.

"Great." I groan then find the livingroom.

There was 2 living rooms, a small one and a large one. I decided to wait in the large one since there was more room.

"Hey y/n, why ya sitting alone?" Denki asks while approaching me.

I shrug, "Bakugo said to wait here and he would be back."

He nods and sits beside me, "you look nice." He blushes.

I laugh. "Thanks, I hate this though." I say. I fix the dress and accidentally smack myself with a braid.

"Well, miss accident prone, do you know where Bakugo went?" Denki asks between laughs.

I pull out my phone. "I dont know, it's been a few minutes so I'm going to call him." I say and get up.

"Alright, if you need help getting around here just messge me and I'll help." He says and leaves to get a drink.

I attempted to call Bakugo 3 times. Now I was standing in a hallway, tapping my foot in annoyance. "He has a damn phone for a reason!" I yell, "so why wont he fucking use it?"

I call him another time and give up. I find my way to the beer pong room and see Denki waiting for an opponent. I step up, "I'll challenge you." I say.

"Alright, have you found Bakugo?" Denki asks.

I shake my head and fill my cups, "called him 4 times without a reply."

Denki mouths an 'o' and finds the ball. "Ladies first." He says.

I take the ball and make a shot. Everyone yells, leaving Denki astonished. "Beer pong queen?" He jokes.

I laugh and let him go.

I ended up winning, he cleared half of my cups. Leaving me half drunk. "Another~" I slur my words, "game...?"

I hear Denki laugh and pick me up before I could fall. "You know, it's not smart to get drunk at a place that isn't yours." He says.

I stifle a laugh, "I know.." My words slurred again, "I think I like you..."

He laughs again and places me on a bed. "You're awfully honest." He jokes.

I nod my head and pass out.

I flutter my eyes open to see the road. I feel around me and sigh. I was in the car. "Morning, sorry I wasnt there last night. I went to the bathroom and couldnt find you so I thought you left." I hear Bakugo say.

I look over at him and growl. "I called you four times last night you asshole!" I yell.

He rolls his eyes and doesnt reply.

"Well you're awfully bitchy today." I complain.

I could see anger filling in him. "Well yeah, when your bestfriend tells you that your own girlfriend told him she thinks she likes him, I think that's a good reason to be mad!" He yells.

"I did what?" I ask with a quiet tone.

He pulls into the driveway. "Last night you told Denki you think you like him..." he says.

"Oh..." I say looking down, "I didn't mean it. If anything helps the situation, I wasnt even in my right mind. I love you and only you."

He sighs and opens the door, "how many times are you going to say that,    y/n? I've heard you say that so many times I'm beginning to think its fake."

He was almost in tears.

"Bakugo, if you don't believe me, then don't. But at least I know I love you." I yell. I slam my door and run into the house.

Another fight.... what's going to happen? This cant go on forever...

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