Chapter 14

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I was back at Todoroki's house. I run up to the doors and hug todoroki. He waited for Bakugo and I.

"I see you were successful." He says pulling away from my hug.

I nod. "It wasnt all of my stuff so I might have to go back." I mumble. I really didnt want to go back.


It was great seeing Y/N smile. She finally did something for herself.

I look around the area while Y/N and todoroki talk. My eyes stop on a certain figure. It was Dabi, staring at Y/N with glaring eyes.

"Todoroki.. Dabi's here." I mumble. Todoroki walks over to my side.

"Y/N! Go inside, tell my dad someone from the Villain league is here." Todoroki mumbles to Y/N.

Dabi starts to emerge from the shadows while Y/N runs inside the house. We watch a hand pull him back into the shadows.

"He's been watching us the whole time?" I question to todoroki.

He shrugs. I hear a burst behind us, it was Endeavour getting ready to fight.
Y/N wasnt far behind him. She was smiling, the whole time.

"I'll be right back." She says and walks near where Dabi was.

I see a gun tucked in the back of her jeans. She walks into the shadows and disappears, the only thing giving her location was the gun.


What is that fool getting himself into this time? I hide myself behind some bushes. Dabi wasnt letting Y/N leave easily. I see him walk away from my hiding spot, revealing himself to everyone.

I pull him back, "you dumbass they'll see you!" I growl at him.

He rolls his eyes and kneels down. "I dont care, I just have to get them out of the picture... then her." He says.

I cant believe what I was hearing. He played her the whole time? "You mean..? You just played her, this whole time?" I say.

He looks down and nods his head.

I hear footsteps approach us. They were light but almost fast. I could tell they were Y/N's footsteps. "Who's going to tell her?" I ask Dabi.


"Those are her footsteps. Should I tell her to run? She deserves a heads up." I say.

"Dabi, I know your there. Also hey Toga." I hear Y/N softly say. I see her figure materialize, she was smiling. "Its a shame you played me." She says and pulls Dabi up by his shirt.

"Y/N who said that?" He laughs.

She gleams at me. I look down trying to hide my face. This was all up to Dabi now. I jump to my feet and sprint away. I'm not going to help Dabi, he got himself into this, he needs to get himself out if it.


What way can I distract her? She has me at eye level... without thinking I kiss her.

"What the fuck Dabi?!" She yells, dropping me hard onto my back.

I dont know how to explain it but I still want her. I dont want her to be my next target, to have her be my girlfriend again...  

"Y/N...." I say. She stops trying to smack me, she was listening. "Please... just let me get them out of the way and I'll let you be. I just want to be with you again, I never thought we would get this close." I say.

I see her smirk, "nice try. Your games wont work on me anymore." She says.

I hear rustling in the grass behind her. I look up to see a large figure. For a second I didnt realise who it was. Before I could say anything I was knocked out cold.


Finally, I hope this was over with. Everyone survived and Dabi was in jail.
I had Y/N sleeping peacefully by my side. It was nice to see her happy and relaxed again. I missed her for the time she was gone.

"Bakugo." I hear someone whisper to me. I look around the room to see Todoroki.

"Yea?" I whisper back.

"We should bring her back to my dads house for protection because the Villain league may come for us since we arrested Dabi." He whispers back.

I hated waking her up while she was sleeping. I shake her. She groans. I shake her again and she growls. "Y/N! YOU HAVE TO GET UP! THE VILLAIN LEAGUE IS HERE!" I yell.

She shoots up and immediately reacts. "What?! Did you do that just to get me up?" She says laughing with her evil laugh.

"Maybe." I bite my lip. She crawls on my lap and gets close to my face. I could feel her warm presence. She pulls away laughing. "You little tease!" I joke.

"So why did u get me up?" She asks standing up.

I watch her put her hair up and put one of my sweatshirts on. "Well, todoroki made a point to me. The villain league is probably going to come looking for us, most importantly they'll be looking for you." I say.

Her hair drops put of the messy bun. She huffs and flops onto my lap. "I dont want to leave though." She whines.

I laugh and play with her hair. "HURRY UP! YOU GUYS ARE THE SLOWEST!" We hear todoroki yell from downstairs.

Before walking out the door I stop Y/N. "So... are we dating?" I ask her.

She looks up and thinks for a second. "Yeah, you have known me the longest and have been looking out for me even if I made a bad decision... I guess I've always loved you." She says perkily and kisses me softly.

I smile and we continue going to Todoroki's place.


Any requested story types?

Also sorry this chapter is short

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