chapter 5

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For some reason when I woke up it sounded like a phone taking a picture. I immediately jump up. "Chill, just taking a photo of my drawing attempt." Says Bakugo in the corner of his room. I nod and lay back down. I hear him walking over to the bed. "How did you sleep?" He asks laying down beside me. "Good, once I got to sleep." I winked remembering every detail. He kisses me on the forehead and gets back up. "Do you want to train today or relax?" He asks me while walking to his closet. "I'll just relax I guess." I say getting up and walking over to the closet. I look at his shirts then at his sweatpants. I grab a set of sweatpants and a baggy shirt. I sprint off. "What are you doing?" He says chasing after me. He grabs my waist and I try to duck. "Come on I just want to be a mini you!" I say struggling to get out of his arms. "Fine." He says and loosens his grip. "Thank youu!" I chime and give him a kiss. Changing seemed normal in front of him so I changed right then and there. He walks out of the closet to see me in his clothes. "You look cute." He says leaning on the wall. "I know!" I say with a small jump. He shakes his head and does a small laugh. He walks over to me and tries to kiss me. I dodge the kiss. "Imma be like you for a moment," I say, "move it extras!" I say bumping into him. "Wow." He says shaking his head again. I get on my toes and kiss him.

"I'm hungry!" I jokingly whine. "What do you want to eat?" He asks me. "Pizza?" I ask rocking on my toes. "I assume I'm paying?" He says. I nod. "Fine, but you have to order it." He replies. I squeal and run to get my phone. I order the pizza and sit on the bed to wait. "How much?" He asks me. "Not much. Only $12." I say. He nods and sits beside me. He puts his hand on my thigh. I crawl into his lap and kiss him. He kisses me back. I bury my head in his chest.

I don't remember it but I fell asleep. I woke up to Bakugo carrying the pizza into the room and watching me wake up. "FOOD!" I yell and get up. I grasp for the pizza box but he pulls it away. "Why are you doing this?!" I whine. "What do I get?" He questions. I look at him puzzled for a second then realize what the meant. I give him a kiss and grab the box. I eat two slices and look over at Bakugo. He was frowning at his phone. "What's wrong?" I ask him while shifting to face him. "Just Kirishima being a dick." He replies. I nod. "What did he say?" I curiously ask. "He said that you and denki were serious at one point and he still has feelings for you." He answers, throwing his phone to the side. "Do you like him?" He asks me. "No, all I want is you!" I say moving over to him. I put his face in my palm and he looks at me. "You're all I have." He says to me. "Oh Bakugo..." I say hugging him tightly, "you're all I have too." I finish. He looks up at me, then at the box of condoms on his desk. "Do you wanna?..." he asks fading his voice. "That's what I was thinking of." I say releasing him from the hug.

He pulls my shirt up and kisses my stomach until he can't go farther down. He gets up and grabs the box and walks back. I bite my lip and smile. My phone goes off. It's from Denki. "What the fuck does he want?" Bakugo asks me. I shrug picking up my phone. "He told me to call him." I say. I press the call button and hear it ring. "What do you want?" I ask him as he picks the phone up. "Just making sure you and Bakugo aren't doing anythinggg." Denki replies. "If you could hear me rolling my eyes you would go deaf right now." I joke and hang up. Bakugo moves over to me and takes my phone, "where were we?" He asks and puts my phone on the nightstand. I take off my sweatpants and he kisses my inner thigh. I moan. I hear him laugh so I move my legs away.  "It's not funny!" I whine. He lays down and looks at me with puppy dog eyes. I lay on top of him and grab my phone. "This is what you get for laughing, I'm going to ignore you." I say unlocking my phone. He grabs my ass. "You know you can't do that for long." He whispers in my ear and kisses my neck. I drop my phone, "fine you're right, I can't." I say kissing him. He flips over and gets on top of me. I take my panties off and he takes his pants off. He slips and condom on and holds my hands down. He smirks at me and goes in and out. I moan. "If you moan any louder the neighbors will hear you." He jokes. I try to laugh but it ends out being a moan. We hear a knock at the front door. We both stop and he gets dressed. I put my underwear back on and one of his sweatshirts. I stay in bakugo's room while he goes to see who it is.

A few minutes pass and I hear yelling. "No don't go In there!" Bakugo yells at someone. Before I could do anything Kirishima and Denki burst into the room. "Holy shit... oh wow." Denki says turning around while Kirishima stares. Bakugo pulls Kirishima out of the room and tells denki not to look. "Can you put pants on?" Denki asks. "What are you scared Bakugo is going to kill you for seeing me like this?" I ask reaching for pants. I notice denki staring. "Okay denki, get out and let y/n get dressed!" Bakugo yells quickly walking into the room. Denki nods and leaves. The door shuts and it's just Bakugo and I. "I'm sorry, I didnt know they were coming over." He says holding me by the waist. "Its fine." I grumble getting out of his grip and put the pants on. "Are you mad at me?" He asks holding his arms open. "Nope." I yell and storm out of the room. I didn't know what I was doing I just knew I didnt want to be embarrassed. I spot the bathroom and run in there. I lock the door behind me.
I look down at my phone and see a message,

Bakugo: They're gone now.

Me: okay.

I put my phone down. I get up and unlock the door. As soon as I opened it I felt a kiss. I look up and it was Bakugo. I smile and bury my face in his chest. He immediately grabs my hand and brings me to his room. Throws me on the bed and starts kissing me. Why does he have to make me so... horny? I kiss him back. My phone went off.

Denki: nice body 😉

Bakugo reads the message and gets up. "Where are you going?" I ask sitting up. "I'm going to kill him, he doesn't say that to you." He grabs a sweatshirt and runs out of his room. I roll my eyes and follow him. Since it wasnt long till Denki and Kirishima left they didn't get far. As soon as Denki saw Bakugo he ran. I use my quirk for once in a lifetime and lift him up. I focus on him and float him over beside us. "Bakugo you're not going to beat his ass and Denki, just talk to him will ya." I say and release Denki. I walk away and listen to what they're saying. "Better go catch up to your new doll, dont want her running away too!" Denki yells at Bakugo. That got my attention. I turn around and face Denki. "If I have to teach you a lesson myself I gladly will." I say giving him the death stare. Denki nods and apologizes. He gives me a friendly wave and walks off. Before Bakugo can move an inch I already start to speed walk away. "Babe!" I hear him yell. My speed gets faster. "Y/N!" He yells. I turn around, "what bakugo? What else do you want me to do? I'm a doll so I should do anything right?!" I yell. "Its not like that." He says approaching me slowly. I move backwards a step when he takes a step. "Just let me explain." He says. I nod and start walking back to his house.

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