chapter 9

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"Y/n, I'm just going to be honest.... I do like you." Dabi says.

I groan. "Okay, and? I'm hungry and I want to eat. Besides, you have only known me for like what? 2 days or so?" I shove him aside and walk out.

I hear I'm grumble. "Get over it or get to know me better." I growl and find my way to the dining room.

The whole breakfast was awkward. Toga caught Dabi and I giving each other dirty looks. She nudges me, "what's this about?" She whispers to me.

"He think he likes me but he hasn't even known me for a week, he barely knows me." I whisper back.

She clears her throat, "well... we have actually been watching you for a few weeks."

"Why did you take me now and not a while ago?" I ask.

"We had to make sure that it was you that Midoriya likes and not someone else...." she pauses, "Dabi had actually known you since 3rd grade. You never noticed him because he would always hide in class. He knows you're a good person, he wanted you to be happy for a while before all of this happened. He saw that you and Bakugo were.... involved and he let you have that for a while." She finished.

That was a lot to take in. I look down. "Oh.. could I possibly go back to my room? I have stuff I've been trying to finish." I ask putting my fork down.

"Go ahead, you have this whole week to adjust to this new life." She says.

I push my chair out and stand up. I catch Dabi's eye and walk out. I walk around and go to my room. I find my new laptop and open up facetime. What was I thinking? Who was I supposed to call? I sigh and put my laptop away.

I start to sob. Why did I pick this? How am I supposed to get any good out of this? I'm having nightmares and cant sleep, someone who I barely know likes me.

I grab the nearest pillow and let a loud half scream half sob into the pillow. I hear a knock at my door. "Come in." I wipe my tears away and smile. It's Dabi. "What?" I ask. I put on a fake smile.

"I suppose Toga told you?" He sighs. I shrug asking what, I probably already knew what he was talking about but I wanted to make sure I was right. "Alright, fine, can I sit?" He says and points to the edge of my bed. I nod and he walks over. "I've known you for a while but you never really noticed me. The villain league and I have been watching you for a few weeks... I knew you were a good person and just wanted to live a good life and be a hero. Knowing that, I decided to wait a while till we took you. Then, you got involved with Bakugo so I gave you about a week. I feel like an ass for taking that dream away from you." He finsihes and looks up at me.

"Toga told me about it. That's why I left breakfast early, I could tell you kinda knew what happened." I say. He goes to reach for my hand but I thrust my hand backwards. I shake my head, "not yet... I don't know you like how you know me. Once I get to know you better, then maybe we can talk about dating and liking each other back." I hated to friendzone him. I've done it to so many guys it seems normal now. But not with him, its different. I cant explain it.

He clears his throat, "uhmm... I should probably leave now." He says and starts to stand up.

"Hey," I say with a sweet tone. I partly sit up and give him a simple hug, "if you dont block me out and ignore me, it will more likely happen faster."

He nods and releases my hug. I watch him get up and leave.

Not even 5 minutes after he leaves, Toga enters my room. "Sooo? What happened?" She asks.

"Nothing really, he just repeated what you told me." I told her. I didnt tell her about what else happened.

"Not exciting, but you should get to know him better. Then you might really like him! Anyways I have to go, bye." She says and shes gone in a flash.

I look over at my clock, 10:45 it read. I groan. What was I supposed to do for the whole next week. I jump up with an idea. I rush to find Dabi.

"So you want to go... shopping?" He cringes at the words. I nod my head with excitement. "Okay, I'll ask if it's okay if you leave with me for a little bit. Stay here so I dont lose you." He says. I nod my head again and he leaves.

Five minutes later Dabi returns with a envelope. "What's that?" I cautiously ask.

"Well I was going to pay for you myself but Shigaraki said that you should get your first income," he says and passes the envelope to me, "that should be around five thousand or six thousand dollars."  My jaw drops.

"Why that much?" I ask.

"You only get it once a month and you have to pay for all your traveling and stuff like that. The more Shigaraki trusts you, the more money you get." Dabi replies.

"You dont have to tell me, but how much do you get? It seems you have been here for a while."

"About 10k."


"At first it was so I could buy my own car. I got that, now I'm working on getting my own house. I hate living here some days. I travel a lot during one month so I kind of need some of the money." Dabi says.

"What do you do with the extra?" I ask.

"Well I usually spend it on random things but now if you ever want anything but you cant get it, just ask me. I'm fine with paying for things you want and need." He says. Damn he was nice. This was making me like him even more.

"Oh.. okay. Anyways, let's go! Can we go to the huge mall in the city?" I ask. He nods his head and leads me out the main doors.

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