Chapter 19

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I woke up in a cage/cell thing. I see Bakugo staring at his phone. "Where am I?" I ask.

He looks up from his phone and smiles. "You're awake! Well... you kinda had something going on and tried to kill Todoroki. We decided the best thing for now was to keep you here so you cant kill any of us." He says.

I try melting the bars. I try activating my strength quirk and pulling the bars apart, that didnt work either. "Its no use, its indestructible. We knew you would try to get out when you woke up so we had someone come and make it." He says.

I was on the urge of crying. "I wont hurt anyone. How could you even think about that." I say.

Bakugo rolls his eyes. A gesture hes never done towards me. "Y/N, you tried to kill todoroki. You had a knife to his throat. If it wasnt for you passing out.. I think you would've killed todoroki. There was no holding you back."

I could tell what he was thinking. Just like with Dabi. There was no holding back... Pure shock of horror spread across my face. All I wanted was to hug Bakugo... but he probably wasn't even allowed to go inside my cage.

I start to slump and cry. "What now?" Bakugo sighs.

I shake my head. "Nothing.. it's all fine." I say. My voice cracks.

Bakugo sighs and gets up. He holds a hand through 2 bars. Assuming he was doing it so I could hold his hand, I crawl to his hand and hold it. I rest my head on the bars. "How long do I have to be here?" I ask.

Bakugo thinks for a second. "About a week, if not a month or more..." his voice fades away.

"I promise.. I'm fine now." I say.
For now atleast. I smirk.
Bakugo's POV

"I promise.. I'm fine now." Y/N says.

I knew she hated breaking promises. She never broke one and she wishes to never break one. "Y/N you know if we do let you out... and you do it again, you're breaking a big promise." I say.

She looks down and nods. "Another chance?" She asks.

"I have to talk to Endeavour and Todoroki. I'll be right back." I say and leave the room.

"What are you?! Crazy!" Todoroki yells.

"Well.. when she makes a promise, she doesn't break them." I say. "She knows if she breaks one, it's a bad one to break."

Endeavour glares at me and thinks about it. "Heres the keys.. dont let her get to them." He says.

I jump and grab the keys. I walk to the cell and see Y/N in the opposite corner of the door. She had her head resting on her knees, rocking back and forth. "I wan't to get rid of my quirks... they're destroying me.." she cries. 

I ring the keys in my hand. Should I let her out? Or should I wait to see if her sanity reaches her again? I decide to unlock the door. Y/N immediately looks up at me. She reaches a hand out and pushes herself up. I watch as she walks to the door and lean on a bar. "Unless we can get rid of my quirks..." she says and slowly pulls the door shut, "I think I should stay in here." 

"But you're better than Allmight! The number one hero!" I yell. I didn't want her to give up on her dream.

She looks up at me with sad eyes. Her sad look begins to straighten into a smug look. "That's the scary thing..." she sighs, "the only reason I beat him was because I found everything out about him.. his quirk, weakness and childhood. You've always liked to play with fire... well I'm the flame that will burn you alive. I destroy everything.." she says.

"You- you're..." I stutter, "Todoroki was right, you are crazy!" I yell. I begin to lock the door but she reaches through the bars and grabs my hand. 

"Listen to me..." she says, loosening her grip. "there's something in my head, messing with me. I need you and Todoroki to find someone that can help me." She says.

It all kind of started to make sense. Something was in her head making her do things she never would do in her own mind. When she randomly collapsed after trying to kill Todoroki.. something was after her strength. 

I nod my head and finish locking the door. "I'll be back, next time with some help." I say and walk away.


I see Bakugo run out from where we had Y/N. "I got it!" he yells.

"Got what?" I ask. 

He smiles. "There's something in Y/N's head, she would never do anything like this in her own decision. She said we should get someone to erase her quirks. I would just take away the ones she doesn't use." He says.

<< Time Skip >>

We had someone come and look at Y/N. Apparently there was something making it into her head, controlling her mind. We were able to set her mind straight again, we were allowed to let her out.

She stretches. "It's nice not thinking I'm going to kill anyone on purpose." Y/N says. She kind of scared me. The way her eyes glimmer.. and her smirk. If her smirk could kill, it would. 

Dad rolls his eyes. "If it happens again, you're out of here!" He raises his voice. 

As a way to scare dad, Y/N reaches to her side pretending to pull a knife and flinches towards him. In reaction, dad yells and puts his arms up. "I'm that scary?" she asks throwing her arms.

It was a funny sight but I knew Y/N could rip us apart without using full power... she has a monster inside her...



It was nice seeing Y/N out and being happy. She was laying in a meadow of flowers and Japanese blossoms. "Hey, come and look at this drawing I did!" She excitedly shreiks.

I walk over to where she was laying down. I stand above her as she flips the sketch book to me.

"Its beautiful.." I say. It was a drawing of Atlantic City with beautiful coral and fishes.

Y/N smiles and looks back at the drawing. "Come and lay with me!" She says.

She was being so happy. I've never seen her this happy. I flop backwards and look her in the eyes. I could see she was happy to have a some what normal life at the moment.

"I like it here..." she sighs, "its peaceful and beautiful."

I could tell she hated to leave. "Okay then, this can be our date night spot? You like that?" I ask.

She sits up and smiles. She openly kneels on my chest and puts her hands on my shoulders. "I would love it!" She exclaims and kisses me.

We stayed like that for a few minutes. It was a beautiful sight, especially with
Y/N there, smiling and brightening the world.

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