chapter 26

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I sigh and throw my sweatshirt on my couch. "Well y/n, I dont know what to tell you." Bakugo yells.

He was still following and yelling at me. I grab a outfit or two of his and throw them in his arms.

"You want to be an asshole today? Good for you!" I yell. "Once you're done you can come back in here, for the meantime I suggest you use another guest room."

His jaw drops. He groans and throw the clothes, "no."

I cock my head to the right. "What?!" I growl.

He reaches forward and tries to kiss me. "Now look who's being the asshole!" He yells.

I laugh, "Bakugo, all you do is fight and try to make up by kissing me. It's not going to work much longer!"

I pick the clothes up and grab some more outfits. I stuff them in a bag and throw them in the hall. "I'm done with you right now, I dont want to see you at the moment." I growl and push him out of my room.

I close the door and listen to him yell.

He decided to pick the room beside mine. I would hear him yelling and cussing at himself. He finally bangs on the wall, "y/n... please forgive me.."

I sigh and swing my door open, stomp down the hall and pound on his door. "If you want me to forgive you, start by getting your act together. I'm tired of having a fight every week." I yell through the door.

He opens the door, "okay I'm ready."

I roll my eyes and walk back to my room, hearing his easy footsteps behind me.

"Also, unless you have your own room, I dont want a mess." I tell him.

He nods his head and continues being silent. He slowly puts his clothes in his closet and cleans up his old dishes.

"Is there anything else you want me to do?" He asks.

I think for a moment. An idea pops into my head. "Well..." I start to say, "we need to completely redo this room, its beginning to look odd. I'll buy everything as long as you help set it all up and paint."

He nods, "sounds like fun..."

Time Skip

"Finally, it's all done!" I exclaim as I look back at my room.

It has been a month since Bakugo and I began to work on the room, it's all finally finished.

Bakugo and I havent gotten into any fights since the last incident. He hugs me and kisses me. "You should flip houses, this is amazing!" He says.

I laugh and grab his hand, "thanks but I cant do that without losing my mind."

He laughs and pushes me onto the bed. I kiss him and laugh too. "It really does look nice..." I say as I gaze around the room.

"It may be beautiful, but it cant even compare to you." Bakugo says.

I smile and kiss him again. Everything was going great, we finally found a time where we aren't fighting.


I think I'm going to end this book here. Its getting really boring and I have other ideas for new books. If I have any other ideas come to mind I'll make sure I add back onto this.

But anyways, thank you for over 700 reads!

Xoxo ~The Author

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