Chapter 16

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Long time skip


It's been a while since the incident with Dabi. I defeated him and a few other Villain leauge members. I still have a few scars from Dabi's burns. Bakugo and I fully moved into the Todoroki's residence.

I sit up in bed beside Bakugo, he was still sleeping peacefully. Today was the day of the Hero Arena thing. From all the quirks I gained I might win.

I've learned:
Fire, electricity, speed, rock, blasting, brainwashing, creating items, ice, water and my original quirk levitation.

I hear Bakugo groan, "I think you'll win today."

I jump, "wh- hell no!"

He laughs and sits up. "Babe, you have so many quirks now. You're definitely going to win." He says. "Whatever happens, I love you." He kisses me.

I kiss him back. I hug him and push him backwards. He grabs my wrists and flips me over. He kisses my neck. He js stopped by a loud bang on the door.


Bakugo groans and gets off of me. I stay laying down for a moment. "What's wrong babe?" Bakugo asks me.

I grumble, "I dont want to compete in the competition, I already know I'm better than everyone."

I've also become more like Bakugo when it comes to everyone else. Everyone calls me a bitch, I say I just matured.

He laughs. "You sound like me, its cute." He says.

I get up and put my outfit on. I decided to go comfortable with sweatpants and a baggy tshirt. It would also be easy to change into the outfit they give us in the Arena. "They're all going to be seated when I win." I mumble to myself.

I've tried to hide from the media in the past few months, but failed. At the 1v1 at the competition I'll probably be paired with Bakugo at least once. They'll be putting some of the most powerful students.

The class was called down to the arena. Bakugo was to do a pledge.

"I pledge- I'll be number one."

The whole crowd booed and complained.

"Now now. Even though we had Bakugo representing class 1-A, we have seen a big growth in a student. She has come a long way and is very powerful. Please, Y/N come down and make a pledge!" Midnight says.

I roll my eyes and walk over. "I pledge- that I'll fight to be number one, even if it means beating my own boyfriend. Like Midnight said, I have come a long way. You all can hate me all you want, it just makes me strive more to be numer one." I say and walk off the podium.

I hear cheers and boos. I roll my eyes. "No matter what, when we fight there will be no holding back." Bakugo says pulling me into a tight hug.

I push him away, "yes but no distractions during this. We can be lovey dovey later after the Sports Festival is over." I say and walk beside him.

While waiting for the first course to be announced I grabbed a thing of fries. I learned that when I used my quirks, I get hungry. That meaning I should eat if  I want my quirks to be strong.

Bakugo brings me a burger. "What's this for?" I ask.

"I've watched you during training. You always eat before and after each match. I assume it puts your quirks in full power." He says.

Denki jumps out of his seat. "QUIRKS? AS IN PLURAL, MORE THAN ONE?!" Denki yells.

I grab him by the collar. "You couldnt have said it any louder could've you? It's supposed to be a secret dumbass." I growl. My eyes started to glow.

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