Chapter 13

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"Well... you have to sit down, its that bad" he says.

I look todoroki in the eyes and sit on the nearest chair.

He sits down beside me. "I know you're currently with the Villain league." He says.

I stumble out of my chair and run to the door. Bakugo stops me a foot away from the door. "Stop, let me go!" I scream while struggling to get out of his grip.

"Y/n, it's useless. He wont let you go until you listen." Todoroki says looking at my chair.

I let out a loud groan, "FINE!" I scream. "Continue this before I lose it again." I say while standing by chair. "I'm not sitting."

Todoroki nods his head and continues, "Bakugo also told me you're dating Dabi. I was told that Dabi has been watching you... you're his next target. He's getting you to fall in love with him so he will be the first to get to you. He wants to be the first so that Shigaraki will appreciate him more. You're better off leaving the Villain league before they take you out." He says.

I let his words sink in. "That... that cant be.." I say. I fall to my knees, bakugo catching me. "I thought he loved me, where did I go wrong?"

"Baby, hes known for impulsive lying." Bakugo says. It was nice hearing him call me baby again.

"He knows how I react to things though. How could I hide?" I ask looking at todoroki.

He thinks for a second. "Well, I'll have my dad keep you in one of the guest rooms for a while." He says.

"Y/n, it's for the best." Bakugo says.

Todoroki pulls out his phone and walks into the living room. "Hey dad, could.  y/n stay in one of the guest rooms for a while? The villain league is looking for her and she cant hide anywhere else." I hear him say.

I move closer to bakugo, "so none of the pro heroes know about this?" I ask.

He looks up for a second. "Well... Deku told AllMight, he gave us some of the background information on Dabi. He didnt turn you in because he knew you could be changed back." He says.

I nod my head. "I'm sorry this all happened." I cry out. Bakugo looks at me and hugs me.

"If you want to get through this you have to stop crying all the time." He says with a stern voice.

I didnt take offense of the comment because I knew it was true. I wipe away my tears and smile.

"That's better, can I....?" Bakugo says smiling and leaning into me a little.

Confused I look at him for a few seconds. "Oh! Uhm.. I guess.." I say.

I close my eyes and he kisses me softly. "This will get better," he says after, "on my life, I promise."

I didnt know what to say so I just layed my head on his shoulder. "Do you think Endeavour will let me stay at their residence?" I ask. I said it in an odd proper manner.

I hear todoroki walk into my room. "Okay. Dad said you're allowed to stay as long as you need to, just you have to pay for everything you need." He says.

I look up at him and smile. "Thanks alot todoroki, its means a lot to me." I say.

"No problem, it looks like you two are fine now." He says pointing at Bakugo and I.

I look at Bakugo, he laughs. "Not at the moment, we still have to get some of her stuff from the villain league." Bakugo says. He looks at me, "can you handle that or do you just want to get new things?" He says.

I think about it for a second. "Since I spent a lot of money on the stuff there, I would rather go there and get my things." I say.

Todoroki and Bakugo nod their heads. "You can do that tomorrow, first lets get you to my dads place and get settled in."  Todoroki says.

"But there's one thing, I'll hide in the tree by your room at the villain league. If anything goes wrong I'll be there." Bakugo says.

I didnt disagree. I knew it was for the better. This was going to be a long night.

Time and area skip

It was time. I walk into the front doors of the villain league. Before I even stepped in the doors, Dabi ran to me with wide arms.

"Y/N!" He yells hugging me, "where did you go? What happened?" He says kissing my forehead.

"I had to go somewhere, someone needed my help. It was one of my old friends but the thing is all fixed." I lied and smiled.

He didn't noticed that I lied, "okay. Just please dont leave like that again." He says.

We walk to my room, it was dark enough that you couldnt see Bakugo unless you knew he was there. I glance at my window and see him give a thumbs up.

"I need my phone, I dont know where I threw it." I say. I walk around my room searching for my phone.

After I found it I layed on my bed. "Babe?" I hear Dabi say.

"Yeah, what?" I ask.

He looks at me, "what did Bakugo want? I know he wanted you to go back with him and your other friends and all, but what was the specific reason?" He asks.

I look at my ceiling with a fake questioning look. "I'm not sure, he reminded me of how being a pro hero was all I wanted when I was growing up. He also said how all of my friends missed me." I say.

I pick up my phone and message Bakugo.

Me: how do I get his attention away from me long enough to get some things?

Bakugo: maybe say you're going to a sleepover at a friends or sum like that

I nod my head. "Oh my god!"

Dabi looks at me in confusion, "what?" He says.

"I cant believe it, I forgot I was going to spend the night at one of my old friends house. We made a promise to always spend the night at each others houses atleast once a month. That was today!" I make a fake panic.

I get up and grab an athlete bag and stuff a few outfits in it. "You need that much for tonight and a day?" He asks. I  could tell he was catching on a little.

"Well yeah, we're girls!" I nervously laugh. I pack my laptop with the charger and earbuds. I grab a few essentials.

"Why are you bringing the laptop?" He asks with confusion.

I roll my eyes, "because, we usually watch stuff on laptops. Hard to explain." I say. I zip up the bad and grab my phone carger. I throw the bag onto my back and look at Dabi.

"I may be back tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, depends on if she has plans. I love you!" I say with a fake excitement and leave my room.

Once I'm out the doors I look around. Finally, I'm out of this bitch. (Heh tiktok meme... ya know? Oh God help me 😂)

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