Chapter 2 - edited

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F/S favorite song.

As soon as I got home my mom came running to me. "Bakugo and his parents want to have dinner with us tonight! Are you two getting along again?" she asks.

I nod, "Yeah. Today I got my quirk, I can make things levitate!"

"That's great! Okay go upstairs and get ready for dinner." she says and walks to the kitchen.

As soon as I get to my room I message Bakugo. Somehow I still had his number.

Me : Hey did you tell your parents we're getting along?

Bakugo : Yeah why?

Me: You guys are having dinner with us...

Bakugo: Oh, well I'll see you there!

I put down my phone and began to draw. I put my earbuds in and relaxed. I didn't know what I was drawing but I knew it was going somewhere. A few hours passed and I finally realized what I drew.

No, not what, who. Shit, I drew Bakugo. I look up from my book and see a figure in my doorway. A small flame lights up. Yup, it's Bakugo.

"Show off." I say and make something hit him.

"Heh, you're cute when you're mad." He says walking to me.

I look down at my book and hide it.

"What ya got there?" He says boosting himself to my book.

I lean back on my bed and hang my arm off away from him. He lands on me. My eyes widen, "get off get off get off.!" I yell.

He gets up and is blushing.

"You're blushing!" I say throwing a pencil at him. He catches it.

I jump off my bed and run into my bathroom. "Y/n..." I hear him say quietly.

"Whatttt?" I joke.

He takes a deep breath, "I kinda need you to be out here for what I'm gonna tell you." he mumbles.

I unlock the door and look at him. He motions for me to step out. "I guess I like you.." he says looking down.

My jaw drops, "ME?!" I scream. He lowers his hands telling me to quiet down, "sorry. But why though?" I ask.

He steps back a little and sits in my gaming chair. "Before you found your quirk, you were adorable." I sigh I knew what he mean't.

I'm not threatening at all, I'm 5'0. "Once you got your quirk, well now. Your cute....." he grumbles.

I laugh, "sorry." I say walking over to him.

I sit in my other chair. I face him. I go to reach for his hand and he pulls away. I look up at him and he looks at me. I've never seen him this.... weak?

He breaks the silence by grabbing one of my Xbox controllers, "COD?" he asks.

"Go ahead, but before you do that," I say getting up and grabbing my sketch book, "this is what I was hiding." I say.

His eyes widen. "Holy shit! That's just, amazing! Can I look?" he asks holding his hand out.

I hand him the book and grab my phone. "What music do you like?" I ask.

"Anything except for rock and country." he replies.

"Okay, favorite color?" I ask.

"Red." He says. I turn my speakers on and turn my around lights on red. I start playing F/S.

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