Chapter 8

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Bakugo sees me and runs to me. "Who's this?" He says after he kisses me.

I shake my head. "Too much to explain why I was gone. But this is my cousin, I was having a hard time the past few days and he came down here to surprise me," I start to tear up, "but I've been thinking... it would be best if we broke up... I'm moving to live with my other family for a while." I start to cry.

"Who made you think this? Please dont leave me! You're all I have!" Bakugo yells. His grip on me gets tighter and his breathing gets heavier. "Please..." his voice gets shakey, "dont leave."

I put my finger up, motioning to give me a minute. He nods and let's me go. "Can I tell him? Have him join us?" I whisper to Dabi.

"I'm sorry, I cant do that. If he loves you, for your own 'good' he will let you go." Dabi says. "We have to get going or else someone will show up."

I nod my head. "I'm sorry I cant stay, but I will always think of you." My voice got shakey and rough.

Bakugo hugs me one more time. "Come and visit me once in a while?" He asks. I nod and he kisses my forehead.

Dabi and I start to walk away. "So, I guess he really loved you?" Dabi asks.

I nod my head, "we were... involved." I say. I hope he knew what I meant, I didnt want to explain.


"What's the hand guys name?"

"The boss? Shigaraki, why?" Dabi says.

"Just wondering, I don't want to call him the hand guy forever."

Dabi nods his head and looks at me. "Do you think you did the right thing?" He asks.

"Let's please not talk about this, I just got into U.A, I was supposed to live on my life with Bakugo, possibly win the hero thing... I lost about everything because I couldnt protect myself. All I wanted was to be known for doing great things, for working up from nothing. But look at what I'm doing, ruining it all because I didnt want to stay locked up." That was the biggest rant I have ever gone on. At this point I couldnt see where I was going. My chest felt heavy. Everything went black.

I wake up a few hours later. "What happened?" I ask rubbing my eyes.

"You passed out, probably from so much pressure. You should be fine now." Says a girl. "I'm Toga." She says getting up.

"I'm y/n."

She looks at me with anger, "I know, Dabi wont stop talking about you." She points to the corner where Dabi was leaning against the wall. He straightens up and leaves the room. "It takes a lot to catch his eye, you're lucky he hasn't thrown you out yet. Anyways, I should get going. Have a good rest of your day!" She says and leaves.

Does Dabi like me? Or is he just being nice?

I run out the room to find Dabi. "Hey Dabi!" I yell. He turns around.

"What do you want y/n?" He huffs.

I look at my feet, "never mind." I mumble. What's wrong with him.

"No, tell me," he says.

I shake my head, "forget about it, it's nothing."

He corners me and puts his hand on the wall. I try to duck but he traps me. "If you're going to live here, you have to be honest to some of us." He says.

I can feel heat getting to my cheeks. One of my kinks was being pinned to a wall, mostly any surface. "Fine, do you actually talk about me..?" I quietly ask.

He shifts a little to the question. "Well... yeah. The truth is.. first let's get to your room so nobody eavesdrops." I nod my head and we walk to my room.

Once we get to my door I hear giggles. I turn around and its Toga. I shrug in a way of asking what. "Its just, you guy are so cute!" She squeals and runs.

Dabi let's off a little chuckle and walks into my room. "Truth is, your cute and have a good additude. I've talked about you more than a few times."

"So does that mean you like me?" I ask

"Not really, it just means I find you cute. But anyways you should get some rest for tomorrow, you should have some training." Dabi says. He turns around and leaves my room.

Does Dabi possibly like me? Probably not, we just met.

I look around my room and find the fan switch. I turn on the ceiling fan and turn the lights off. I stumble getting to my bed but eventually find it. The bed was really comfortable. Within five minutes I daze off snoring.


I find myself attached to a chair. I look in front of me and see Bakugo coming out of the shadows. "Bakugo! Help I need to get out!" I try to yell. My yell turns into a whisper. I hear Bakugo chuckle.

"You betrayed us, how could you? That doesn't matter. You switched sides so that means when we come for the villains, we will come for you too." He finishes.

He pulls a pistol out from nowhere and shoots me somewhere, then it's all black.

"Wake up!" I hear someone yelling and shaking me.

"What?" I yell back. The shaking stops.

"For one, you were crying in your sleep. And two, its time to get up for breakfast," Toga says, "I brought you some clothes I thought fit your style. You have five minutes to get ready and I'll be back in here." She finishes and walks out of my room.

Was I really crying? Never mind that, I have to get ready. I'll think of everything else later. I look at the clock, four minutes left.

I jump out of bed to see a pair of black ripped jeans with zippers and a dark red long sleeve shirt. I look around for shoes and find a pair of all black Air Jordans. I put the jeans and shirt on and slip the shoes on. I pull my hair out from the inside of the shirt and look at myself in the mirror.

I look basic.

"Are you done y-" I hear someone yell and stop, it wasnt toga. I turn around and see Dabi.

"Did they never teach you how to knock? I could've been fully naked." I yell turning around.

I hear Dabi mumble something. "What?!" I yell again. I was already frustrated.

He huffs. "I wouldn't mind seeing that view..." he mumbles, just enough for me to hear.

I throw my hands up, "so you must like me, never mind let's just get going." Additude at 100% this morning.

Before I walk out the door Dabi grabs my arm, "y/n...."

Word count, 1162

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