chapter 12

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Dabi was laying beside me and occasionally kissing me. "So who's better in bed, me or Bakugo?" He asks.

I bite my lip. "You actually made me scream."

He bursts into laughter. "Then I'm doing great." He slips under the sheets and I feel him open my legs. I feel him kiss my inner thigh.

I moan. I tried to keep it in but it was impossible with him. "Better keep quiet or else they'll hear us." He says popping his head out from the covers then going back.

I squirm a little to the feeling. "They-" I pause, moaning again, "probably already heard it." I say. I hear a knock at the door. Its toga again. " for one, you guys are really loud. Thankfully only I can hear you guys. And two its dinner, let's get going." Her voice was a little muffled from being on the opposite side of the door. We still heard her though.

Dabi looks at me, "I already had my meal." He jokes.

It was difficult getting our clothes on seems how we just wanted them off. "It hurts to walk." I whine.

Dabi laughs, "you re fine. Come on I'm actually kinda hungry." He says.

I nod and get my outfit on. On our way to dinner we hear Toga run up behind us. "Yes Toga?" I ask turning around to look at her.

"Nothing, just following you around because I didnt know where you guys were." She says. I nod and continue walking.

Once were to the dining hall everyone stares at Dabi and I. "He gave you a limp." Someone laughs. I didnt know the person well. I make a fake laugh and knee them in the gut.

"It doesnt mean I cant kick your ass." I growl and sit down.

"Someone's in a bad mood." I hear Shigaraki say while entering the room and seating himself.

If you could hear me rolling my eyes, you would be deaf. I ignored the rest of his comments. I just wanted to go back to my room and watch some shows. I lean over to Toga, "can I just eat in my room?" I ask her. 

"First of all, why?" she asks. I look down. "No that's not happening so-" 

"I don't want to be in here..." I quietly say with tears brimming my eyes. Every time I see someone from the Villain League that's not Dabi or Toga, I get stressed. I hate it, it hurts. 

She looks at me with care, "You have to suck it up and get over it. I'm sorry but no, you can't leave." 

I growl and finish eating. Why the fuck cant I leave? I finished my food within 5 more minutes. I stood up, grabbed my plate and threw it in the sink and continued walking. "What's her problem?" I hear someone grumble.

I ignore the insult and stomp away. I open my door to my room. As soon as I walk it I turn my tv on. How was I going to pass time waiting for Dabi? I throw myself on my bed from exhaustion.

I hear a knock at my door and walk over. I crack my door open and see a familiar face. "Ba-" I start to say and was stopped by a hand covering my mouth.

"Are you okay?" I hear the figure say. It was Bakugo. I roll my eyes and pull him into my room.

"Why are you here? And yes I'm fine!" I glare at him. "I push him aside and open my window, "leave." I growl.

He stands still. "I'm not leaving without you, you're supposed to be a hero and stand by my side, along with Denki and Midoriya. Remember them? The people who were like your brothers?" He says with a crackly voice. 

It's not fair, he gets to play the guilt card on me. "Stop, you're playing the guilt card on me." I look in his eyes, "I don't want to leave." I growl.

Bakugo tries to grab my arm, I smack his hand away, "I said I'm not leaving!" I yell. I yelled louder than I should have. Dabi bangs on my door.

"What's going on in there?" I hear him yell. 

Panicked I start to cry, "nothing everything is fine." I managed to whimper. I look at Bakugo, "Please, say Hi to everyone for me. I'm not leaving, I'm happy here." I whisper to him. I didn't want him to get caught here. Oh god, what would they do to him. 

He nods his head and starts to climb out my window. I walk over and he pulls me out of the window with him. Thankfully I was on the first floor and landed on my feet. "YOU IDIOT!" I scream. 

I hear heavy footsteps approach my window. It was Dabi, he looked unhappy. He jumps out the window and pushes Bakugo. "Stop!" I yell. It was useless. I closed my eyes. When I opened them, Dabi was on the ground and Bakugo had him pinned.

"One word or move from you, and I'll shove my hand down your throat and use my quirk." Bakugo growls. He was officially pissed. 

I walk up to Bakugo. "Please, stop." I quietly say. I set my hand on his arm, "just forget about me, I'm nothing to you. We're on different sides now, don't you see that?" I say, my eyes were brimming with tears. I distracted him enough to get Dabi up.

"Yeah... you're right, so thats why I should kill you too." He says. He lifts his arm, his quirk staring up from all the sweat. 

I look down, "go ahead." I sniffle. 

He looks at me with sadness and anger mixed, "wow, you're just sad." he says and drops his arm. I look up. "You're not going to beg for your life?" He growls. 

I laugh, "I never had one, what is there to beg for?" That set him off. He lifted his arm but instead of activating his quirk he pulls me. "What are you doing?" I yell.

He knocks Dabi to the ground. "I can tell you're not happy, you don't have the shine to your eyes anymore, or the sparkle to your smile." Bakugo says.

I decide to run with him instead of pulling away. I'll be back Dabi, I promise.  Why does my life have to be difficult? I just want to make a decision and not have to change it.

After running a few blocks I start to slow down my pace. Bakugo stops running, making me ram into him. "Why did you stop?" I growl.

"Because I could tell you were running out of energy. I'm not forcing you to run if you can't." He says.

I look at him and laugh, "that's funny because your forcing me to go somewhere. I would rather be forced to run than go somewhere."

"Give me a break. Todorki is waiting for you at my house... he says he needs to talk to you." Bakugo says.

Instead of arguing I agree. I couldnt turn down Todoroki, he has been nice to me since he first came to the school.

When I walk into the doors of Bakugo's house I was trampled by Todoroki. "Thank you! I'm so glad you're okay,     Y/N!" he basically yells in my ear.

I nod and release his hug, "what did you need to talk to me about?" I ask.

"Well... you need to sit down, its that bad." He says.

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