Chapter 16

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Note: There will not be many scenes from Ricardo and Gabriella's weddings on this book because like ughh let's not do repetitive things and when I say Videl speaks or anything it means she is talking through sign language with Nicholson.

Nicholson opens the door and walks in the room to find Gabby sitting with Videl and as soon as their eyes meets, she smiles getting up but before anything a bundle of redness jumps in his arms.

"I will leave you two" Gabby smiles as she walks towards the door and touches Nicholson's arm as she leaves.

"Come on, let's clean you up" he sighs as he wraps his arms around her before they make their way towards the bathroom.

Putting a stool, he grabbed from the room he asks Videl to sit on it as he starts the water on the basin and wet a towel slowly cleaning her legs.

Getting up next he cleans her face and pushes her hair away as it was going on different direction, all this while none of them speak a word. Soon, he finishes and cleans his hands before picking her up in his arms, walking back in the room.

After changing their clothes Nicholson pulls Videl in his arms and in all of this she sits quietly, closing her eyes. Thinking her quietness was because of those wolves Nicholson says nothing as he runs his hand up and down her back.

If only he knew, she was scared, scared all right, but not because of the wolves, definitely not, because of them as everything clicks in her head and now, she finally feels the weight of the situation she was in.

Glancing at Nicholson, she touches his jaw with her finger; her touch makes Nicholson look her way before he bends his head to kiss on her forehead.

"It will be all right," he whispers to her.

Videl just closes her eyes snuggling closer to his body warmth as a shiver runs down her body, hoping and wishing everything will be all right as the seriousness of the situation makes her wonder.

Those wolves were not from where she came and Nicholson knew about werewolves so that only means one thing, one thing only. She was mate to a Price, the same Price she along with everyone back at home was warned about to never cross path with.

Price, one folder she did not had excess to, one document she should never open, but she was never the one to follow the rules.

Therefore, she had opened the files and seen everything. She had read each word in there, how four kids were, attacked...

How two of them were turned and how two did not, because of a Price. How their blood was lethal to the point they could stop a shift, they could turn a wolf into human.

Which means the girl she met as his sister, Gracie was the girl who went through horrors in hand of a wolf and because of that Nicholson Cole Price hated her kind just as passionately as he loved his family.

And now she was living with one of them, her mate whose blood would kill easily, erase the existence of her whole kind.

And this is the perfect time to recall all the things her mother would say if she was in her situation.

This must be the square root of-1 because this cannot be real.

Tell the square root of negative one to multiply by itself because shit just got real.

Videl closes her eyes wanting to shut everything but the scent of her mate, because of whom she had forgotten who she really was, where she came from and somehow the things Crystal told her started to make sense.

She did not know what would happen if she mated with Nicholson and she wonders if mating him was worse than him knowing her heritage, that somehow even if she was not a wolf herself but her heritage was part of it.

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