Chapter 29

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Grabbing all of Videl's hair in his hands, Nicholson pushes it at a side before grazing his lips on the mark that he put it there. Her giggle and the splash of water makes his smile before he sighs and relaxes his back on the stone.

"My sister and I, we used to come here for swimming when we visited Grandpa's house" she informs swimming away from Nicholson grasps.

"Are you not scared or worried leaving this place, your family and everything?" he questions looking around the pond they sneaked in to spend their night at.

"But you are my family too"

"Still, it seems everyone here adores you" he states and she grins before swimming closer to him.

"I am adorable" she puts both her palms on her cheek and smiles his way before scrunching her nose and he pinches it.

"I am serious" he states as he snakes his arm around her waist pulling her closer.

"I will have to leave this place whether I like it or not after I get married if not you then someone else, but if you don't want me to leave this place then fine...

I am sure I will find someone else" she puts her arms around his shoulder and smiles.

"Someone else huh? After this?" he touches the mark on her neck and she sighs.

"Of course, I am sure one of your brothers or uncles will see what you are not seeing and take me back along with them" she nods her head making him smile.

"I don't want you sad"

"Not when you have become my happiness" she finishes putting her finger on his lips shutting him.

"As you have become mine" Nicholson grabs her wrist kissing her fingertips, he dips his head to catch her lips with his enjoying the peaceful moment, without anyone disturbing them.


"All my life it was just my family you know, it was always just them. I never even thought I will be able to be this close with someone but you came in like a wrecking ball and slammed into me so hard that you trapped in...

Making it impossible for me to move to walk away" he confesses as they stay in the water enjoying the coolness.

"I always wanted to know something" Videl turns in his arms moving her arms to wrap it around his shoulders.

"Go on" he smiles pushing her wet hair strands away from her face as he grazes her cheek with the back of his fingers.

"Did it ever bothered you that I could not talk?" she asks and his finger stills before he chuckles a bit and then it turns out to be louder turning into a laughter.

"Bothered? You were incomparable without your voice Red and now I am terrified to even think what will happen now that you have your voice...

A selfish part of me wish you did had your voice back because I like it when I could read your thoughts without you telling me...

Unlike others, we did not have to vocalize our every feelings and I just loved that about us. Also, you really talk a lot" he points making her frown.

"I used to talk a lot before as well" she grumbles hitting on his chest.

"Yes, but there was just something magical about you and your silence" he teases pinching her side and she splashes water on his face making him let go of her as she runs away.

"Well then you sit here without me in silence and feel the magic" she shouts swimming away before he chases her.

"Get back her" he shouts as he swims behind her but Videl is out of the water and running towards where their clothes were.

The Red Curse (Curse Series) Book 1 {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now