Chapter 21

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Devilin narrows his eyes at Nicholson's words before he turns to fully face him. He stares at their intertwined hands before at Nicholson's face.

"So, you are her mate? Do you even know the meaning of it, do you even know the depth of it?" Devilin questions.

"Your blood has higher chances of killing her, you two maybe mates but are curses for each other, that will not just ruin both of your lives but everyone that connects to you...

So, I plead you to let go of my daughter. She is too damn naïve to know what is wrong or right. If you love her, truly love her...

Let her go" Devilin asks as he raises his hand for him to give Videl away.

"If we are curse to each other, then she is my curse. My Red Curse. And I am not letting her go even if it kills me...

Maybe I will never know the meaning of a mate, but you are one to someone are you not? So, you tell me, would you have been able to let your mate go away? Would you have been able to live without her?" he asks and Devilin stands quiet as his jaw ticks.

"No answer? Well, let my mate answer it for you. Red" he calls and Videl peeks her head out as she stares at her father before she replies.


"See, even my Red knows the answer to that, so who are you to tell me to give her up when she is the epitome of the love you had for your mate,

Maybe it's you who is naïve to think we both will give up so easily. She walked in my life on her free will so I will not let her get dragged out of my life without her will" he vows challenging Devilin.

"Then you give me no choice" Devilin's eyes blazes in anger.

"Devilin that's enough" Dante shouts as he stands between them holding his son back.

"Move aside"

"Have you lost your mind?"

"I refuse to lose my child" he shouts at his father's face before Dante groans calling Dare who surrounds his father and disappears away from there.

"Well, fuck it" Dante sighs as he rubs his face and turns to face Nicholson.

"Great dialogues, loved it but what the fuck? You were going to get fried, now can I at least hug by granddaughter?" he asks and Videl walks out of Nicholson's back before she goes to hug her grandfather.

"You scared us shitless, Red, shitless" Dante sighs as he cups her face before he nods at Nicholson.


"I do not smell any blood" Default speaks as she slowly gets out of the car.

"And no screams...maybe they all patched up. It looks calm, we should totally get back now" Default speaks as she turns to get in the car, but Eric locks the door.

"May be this is the calm before the storm" Eric smiles as he points towards the door and Default groans.

"They are elders, much more knowing it all than me. I am sure they can handle themselves" she points as she tries to unlock the door, but it was no use.

"We came all the way here the least we can do is eat cake if the wedding is ongoing" he smiles making her sigh as she sends a little prayer at above the sky before taking a deep breath, but it gets stuck in her windpipe as she hears a familiar voice.

"Eric" Demetri's calls as he runs towards the man and Default turns before she slides down hiding behind the car.

"Demetri, what a pleasant surprise" Eric shakes his hand.

The Red Curse (Curse Series) Book 1 {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now