Chapter 2 : Strange Boys

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I've never been one to have friends, even before Greta set her sights on tormenting me. Everyone I've ever cared for has left me, even friends. And I guess I just never do well with such social situations. Even though humans are social creatures, it is one of the scariest things for me to do. Something must be really wrong in my head for me, a human myself, to be fearful of such interactions. 

Richie randomly tells Eddie he has training. I raise my eyebrows in what can only be both surprise and confusion. Oh, how awkward and difficult it is to enter a conversation when it has already started. 

"What training?" Eddie asks with skepticism.

"Street Fighter," Richie says matter-of-factly.

"Is that how you want to spend your summer, stuck in an arcade?" Eddie asks.

"Better than inside your mother," Richie says teasingly and holds his hand up for a high five from Stan. When he doesnt get one from Stan, he looks over to me. 

"Say, you're cute. I'm sure you'd agree with me, right babe?" Richie raises his eyebrows, still keeping his hand up towards me for a high five. Stan grabs his hand and puts it down with a frown on his face.

"What if we go to the Quarry?" Stan suggests.

"Guys, we have to go to the b-b-barrens," Bill says. I notice everyone look down. How interesting, I wonder why they reacted that way... 

"Right," Stan says.

"Betty Ripsom's mom," Eddie is looking away from the group and towards the woman.

Betty Ripsom is a girl who attended our school. She was even in our grade. Recently though, she has disappeared without a trace. In fact, there's been a lot of disappearances recently. I wonder what could be causing them-- What if there's a serial killer in our area! There have been more than three disappearances, definitely classifying this as a possible serial killer. Oh boy, another thing to keep me up at night now!

"Does she really expect to see her coming out of the school?" Stan asks.

"I don't know," Eddie says, "As if Betty Ripsom's been hiding in Home Ec for the last few weeks." He finishes softer than his usual voice.

"Do you think they'll actually find her?" Stan asks. Everyone knew Betty... but not me, she stuck around Greta after all.

"Sure, in a ditch, all decomposed, covered in worms and maggots, smelling like Eddie's mom's underwear," Richie jokes. My lip curls up in disgust while I imagine such a sight. 

"Shut up, that's gross," Eddie sighs and shakes his head. Bill grabs Richie's shoulder, turning him around.

"She's not dead, she's m-m-m-missing," He says defensively. Richie puts his head down and looks unsure.

"Sorry Bill, she's missing," He looks over to Eddie, who immediately looks down.

"You know the barrens arent that bad..." Richie starts.

"Uh, Stan, why is Bill convinced Betty is alive?" I ask, starting to walk with them. I'm invested in this conversation but at the same time, I'm worried I'll become a burden or it'll become unbearably awkward with my presence. 

Stan opens his mouth to answer, but is cut short when Richie is suddenly thrown into him. Both boys fall to the floor. I gasp, quickly looking for the culprits. When I look up, I see Henry Bowers and his gang. Patrick grabs my glasses off my face and throws them behind his back carelessly.

"What the hell?" I gasp, obviously annoyed. I can see him bending down to Stan and he does something to the nice boy. 

"Nice frisbe, flamer," He mocks.

"Give it back." Stan demands, trying to stand up for himself. Patrick makes a throwing motion and laughs.

"Leave him alone, Patrick," I find my voice again while still blind as a bat. Well, that's a lie, bats aren't blind, and neither am I but that's not the point! Patrick scoffs at my words.

"Fuckin' losers," I hear someone else say. I roll my eyes at their attitudes. I get down on my hands and knees and start to look for my glasses. Someone holds them out in front of my face. I slide them on and see Stan again. I smile at him gratefully.

"Thanks again, Stan," I thank him again, a blush creeping over my cheeks. That's the second time today he helped me find my glasses, how embarrassing. He only smiles back in response.

"You s-s-s-suck, Bowers!" I look over to see Bill standing up for everyone. They immediately stop in their tracks and turn back around. My eyes widen. 

"Did you s-s-s-say something, b-b-b-b-Billy? You got a free ride this year cuz of your little brother. Ride's over, Denbrough," Billy walks over to get in Bill's face. Well at least something about him was considerate I guess. 

I hear a radio crackle, and so does Henry apparently since he freezes. I look behind him to see his dad. I quickly turn back around, Henry looks down. Almost if his plan has been ruined. I step forward, next to Bill.

"You can't do anything to him while you're dad is here. Be a smart boy, which I know is pretty hard for you, and fuck off," I fake confidence in my voice and stand up straight even though I'm shaking pretty badly. Henry gives me an intense glare that could kill someone.

"Watch it, bitch. This summer it's gonna be a hurt-train, for you and your faggot friends," Henry licks his hand and rubs it on the side of Bill's cheek. He finally walks away with his henchmen. I shrink down again, exhaling deeply. 

"I wish he'd go missing," Richie scoffs.

"He's probably the one doing it," Eddie remarks with a set jaw. They all turn to me now. Oh no, I don't want this much attention!

"Thanks for s-s-s-standing up for us," Bill says.

"Yeah, that was awesome!" Richie claims excitedly, swinging an arm around my shoulders.

"Bowers is probably gonna be after you now," Eddie says nervously. I slide out from underneath Richie's arm. 

"I'll be fine, besides, he's a dick," I try to shrug it off but am screaming inside. They must think im some cool badass. I only wish it were true.

"Hey, do you want to go to the barrens with us later?" Stan asks.

"Oh, uh, sure," I reply, looking down at the floor. We all collectively start to walk to the bike rack.

"We'll meet you..." Eddie starts to think.

"At your mom's house?" Richie smirks.

"Would you just stop! That's disgusting, seriously," Eddie has a disgusted look. Richie just laughs.

"At th-th-th-the library," Bill says, completely ignoring Eddie and Richie.

"Okay, sounds like a plan," I nod my head. The boys leave and head their separate ways while I go on my own as well. 

I'm actually kind of excited to go to the barrens with these strange boys. I'm finally going to be with people that don't hate me because of the slander that Greta has attached to my name. They know nothing about me and they haven't judged me, in fact, they praised me! I think this might actually work out and Ill be able to feel normal for once. 

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