Chapter 25 : Shit Water, Crack House, Clown Killing

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We all slowly walk towards the direction where Bill went. I hold Stanley's hand in mine, trying to keep myself from shaking out of fear. We let Mike go first, following close after him. I stop dead in my tracks, seeing Bill standing across from a small boy. I assume that's Georgie, his brother. We all look at one another, unsure of what will happen next.

"I wanna go home." Georgie whines with tears in his eyes. I would cry too but I know there is no way that he would be alive. That has to be the clown. I open my mouth to speak up but Stanley squeezes my hand. I look at him and he softly shakes his head. I nod in understanding. Bill needs this, he needs some sort of closure.

"I miss you, I wanna be with mom and dad." Georgie cries. I hear Bill's sobs from where I stand. The poor guy. When I get my hands on this clown, he will pay for what he's doing to Bill.

"I want more than anything for you to be home... With mom and dad." Bill says, taking small steps closer to him. "I miss you so much."

"I love you, Billy," Georgie says, his lip quivering. Bill is standing right in front of him now.

"I love you too..." Bill says and pulls the nail gun up to Georgie's head. I look down. He shouldn't have to do this.

"But you're not Georgie." I close my eyes before he pulls the trigger. I hear the sound of a slack body falling to the floor. I open my eyes, knowing that it's over. I lean into Stan. I don't know if that is the best idea, considering he almost got eaten... I'm gonna assume he's fine. I look at his body on the floor. He doesn't move for a few seconds. What if this actually was Georgie? Oh my god.The body spasms. I gasp in surprise. He screams, new legs and arms sprouting out of him. I watch, frozen in fear. The clown body lays before us, unmoving. He sits up quickly, taking a deep breath. Bill steps back.

"Kill it, Bill!" Eddie screams from next to me.

"Shit! Kill it!" Richie screams along with him.

"Bill!" I scream at him. Please, just kill that thing. We all join in on the shouting. We all want it dead more than anything right now. Mike says something softly. I only hear him partially. Bill cocks the nail gun and holds it up at the clown.

"Hey, it's not loaded," Mike says. 

I look at him and then to Bill. Time seems to slow as he fires the gun, blasting only air in the clown's face. He grunts and leans back as his face starts to crack away. Air wouldn't harm it... It's teasing us! He screams, shaking back and forth. Bill screams and backs up, closer to us. The clown comes back up, lunging at us. We all scramble backwards. I let go of Stan's hand and run backwards. He goes after Bill first. He bites at Bill but the nail gun is in the way. He pushes the clown to the side. Bev runs at the clown with a pointy metal pole. At the last second, the clown turns to her, stopping the metal pole.

"Beverly, No!" Eddie yells as the clown throws her stick to the side. He then lunges at her but Mike stands in the way with another pole. I scream.

"Mike!" Stan calls. The clown throws mike into the wall. He falls to the floor hard. I run over to him. Bev helps him up.

"Mike, are you okay?" I ask, looking him over quickly. He nods and winces in pain. I look back to the clown and see Richie and Bill on the clown's back, Ben biting one hand, and the clown holding Stanley with the other. They spin in circles. It is chaotic.

"Stanley!" I scream, trying to keep track of everyone on the clown. I hear Stan grunting and Bill, Richie and Ben yelling. Mike holds the pole, trying to get a clear shot to hit the clown.

"Leave them alone!" I shout at the clown. Almost as if on cue, he lets go of Stanley and he is sent flying. I gasp and run to Stanley.

"Oh my god, Stanley. Are you hurt?" I ask him, bending down to him.

"Yes!" He shouts, tears filling his eyes. He almost got his face ripped off by the woman and now this clown. I watch as more bodies go flying off of the clown. Richie, then Ben. Bill stays on the clown like a leech. He is flipped over and the clown grabs onto him.

"Bill!" We all scream. Richie shuffles back, still on the floor. The clown holds bill tightly, bending down to the floor.

"Let him go," Bev says bravely to the clown.

"No." He answers quickly in his deep voice. "I'll take him. I'll take all of you, and I'll feast on your flesh as I feed on your fear. Or..." He holds up a shaky finger. "You just leave us be. I will take him, only him and then I will have my long rest. And you will all live to grow and thrive and lead happy lives until old age takes you back to the weeds." He offers eerily. His voice wavers every few words. I look at Bill with sorrow. He has tears in his eyes and looks like he is slightly being choked.

"Leave... I'm the one who dragged you all into this. I'm s-s-s-s-so sorry." He says, getting choked up.

"S-s-s-s-s" The clown imitates him. No, mocks him. He laughs. I look at everyone, they guys seem to be considering it.

"Are you guys seriously considering it? We can't leave him here to die." I look at them.

"Eddie? Richie? Stan?" I ask, horrified that they would even think about doing something like this.

"Go!" Bill says. The clown laughs.

"Guys, she's right. We can't!" Bev backs me up.

"I'm sorry." Bill says softly, giving up. Richie stands up.

"I told you Bill. I fucking told you. I don't wanna die. It's your fault. You punched me in the face." Richie starts to walk to the pile of stuff in the middle.

"You made me walk through shitty water, you brought me to a fucking crackhead house. And now..." He grabs a baseball bat from the pile.

"Im gonna have to kill this fucking clown."

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