Chapter 34 : Fucked By A Clown

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The door to the restaurant opens behind me.

"Deirdre, what happened?" Bev rushes to me and crouches down in front of me.

"That was Stan's wife... He's dead." As I say it, my heart breaks into two and it hurts even more. I hang my head down as more tears spill out.

"How did he..." Bev asks.

"With his wrists in the-"

"Bathtub," Bev answers at the same time as me. I look up as she wraps her arm around me comfortingly.

"Stanley... Pennywise knew, he knew before we did." Eddie says angrily and my head snaps back to reality. I haven't heard that name in a long time. Not long enough though. Bev steps away and I look up at them.

"We have to stop him. I have a plan." Mike says.

"I got a plan, get the fuck out of town before he ends worse than one of Bill's books. Who's with me?" Richie raises his hand. Eddie's hand shoots up and so does mine.

"We made a promise to each other," Mike argues.

"Well can't we un-make the promise?" Richie asks.

"Other people are gonna die," Ben speaks up.

"Other people die everyday man. We don't owe this town shit. Plus I just remembered I grew up here like two hours ago so I'm fucking leaving. Fuck this." Richie starts storming towards the car.

"I have a funeral to attend, and it's not gonna be mine." I shake my head and follow Richie.

"Fuck this shit," I mutter as I buckle my seatbelt. We drive away and back to the charterhouse.

"What happened in there?" I ask Richie as he drives dangerously fast away.

"We were being fucked with by Pennywise. It told us Stanley was dead and it's coming for the rest of us. Apparently we don't remember things that happened here during that summer because the town is fucking cursed or some shit." Richie says. We park. Damn, we really made it here in record time. We walk inside, following after Bev with Eddie right in our footsteps.

"Let's get the fuck out of here," Richie announces loudly as we get into the lobby.

"Did you leave your stuff here?" Eddie asks.

"All my stuff's still in the car." Ben answers. We rush upstairs and I grab my already packed bags. I step over to the room next to me. The door is open as Eddie rushes to gather all of his belongings.

"Need help?" I ask from my spot in the doorway. He quickly turns with wide eyes.

"Yeah, that'd be great." He nods. I step inside and help grab his things from the closet to put into the suitcase. I hadn't realised how tall Eddie got. It seems I barely grew while everyone else shot up like a rocket.

"You fold it, I know you're particular about it," I tell him while I step into the bathroom to grab his toiletries.

"How'd you get your asthma under control for wrestling?" Eddie asks from the other room.

"I took a preventative and swam a lot," I answer as I dump all of his toiletries into his suitcase.

"Desideria, Eduardo, andale, let's go!" Richie shouts from downstairs. I fumble to grab his clothes.

"You need the toiletry bag for those!" He says, pointing to the toiletries I grabbed. "Nevermind, I'll go back for that, here."

He dumps one of his bags into my arms and we both lug out luggage downstairs.

"Okay, I just need my toiletry bag and we're good to go." He stands at the stairs. I stop behind him and get worried when I see their faces. They all look scared and worried.

"What'd we miss?" I ask.

"Put your shit down, it's spooky storytime." Richie sighs. Bev and Ben share a look.

"What?" Eddie asks.

"Parlour meeting, now," Ben announces loudly and heads into the parlour. I share a worried look with Eddie as we follow them into the room. 

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