Chapter 44 : Spirits

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"Deirdre..." I grumble in response to the voice calling my name.
"Deirdre, get up." It calls again.
"Just five more minutes." I keep my eyes closed.
"Come on, we don't have much time left." The voice laughs lightly. I open my eyes slowly.
"Stan?" I ask, in disbelief.
"Hey, my dear." Staan smiles down at me. I pull him into my arms tightly.
"Hey, what's the matter?" He asks with concern.
"I miss you." I close my eyes to try and stop the tears from coming.
"I miss you too, baby, but you gotta wake up. Our friends need you." He strokes my head.
"No, I wanna stay here with you." I shake my head.
"You can't." He says softly.
"Please, i love you." I whisper. He pulls away and I try to reach for him again. He leans down and brings his lips onto mine instead.
"I love you too, now go kill that clown." He smiles as he pulls away. I smile sadly at him, letting the hot tears run down my face.

"Deirdre, get up!" A voice shouts urgently. I feel myself being dragged. I groan in pain.
"Dee, come on, girlie, we gotta move!" I get shaken again. I slowly open my eyes.
"Richie?" I stare at the face above me.
"She's alive, thank god!" I turn to Eddie.
"What happened?" I ask, sitting up and rubbing my head.
"Come on!" Richie drags me to my feet and we all run down a hallway. I look behind us and a giant hand is stretching down the hallway towards us. I scream and run faster.
"Oh shit!" Eddie yells. We all let out a stream of curses as we run. We turn the corner and there's three doors labeled "scary", "very scary", and "not scary at all".
"What sadistic saw bullshit is this?" I look at the guys.
"God damn it!" Richie yells.
"Not scary at all, alright!" Eddie decides and goes for the door.
"No, no, no, no, no!" Richie grabs him and stops him. "Theyre flipped, youre supposed to fucking..."
"Very scary!" I call out.
"Trust us!" Richie yells as he goes for the "very scary" door. He opens it to reveal... a dark closet? Something whispers. Richie reaches out and pulls on the light cord.
"Its just a closet?" I remark, confused. A girlish giggle comes out and a pair of legs skip towards us. We all scream and Richie slams the door shut. I turn around and scream, jumping away from the freaky teeth tentacle coming at us.
"Fucking go do not scary at all!" I scream
"He's not fucking with us!" Richie remarks as he runs for "not scary at all".
"Okay..." Eddie slowly opens the door. We all peer down the rocky caved hallway. It's empty.
"It's alright, let's go." Eddie remarks. Richie shines the light at the floor and a pomeranian sits, staring up at us.
"Aw, shit." Richie remarks.
"No way am I falling for this shit again." Eddie stiffens.
"Fucking go, its just a dog." I whisper angrily.
"No, that thing's a fucking monster. I know your moves, you little bitch." Richie starts to talk shit to the dog.
"Richie, Deirdre, its gone. Yeah, wait." Eddie says to us.
"Okay," Richie breathes out. We all turn back to the dog.
"Sit!" Richie orders aggressively. It obeys and sits down.
"It did it." He remarks. "Oh, thats cute."
"That's a good boy." Eddie praises the dog. They begin to make coddling noises at the dog. It grows instantly and turns into a giant skeleton rat thingy. It screeches at us. We scream and Richie slams the door.
"Shit, next time we just go with regular scary!" Richie yells as we speedwalk away from the scary doors. My head is still killing me. Richie grabs a rock as we approach the end of the tunnel and back into the main room. I come up behind him just as he throws it at a giant Pennywise.
"Hey, fuckface!" Richie yells at it. It throws Mike out of its grasp and turns to us.
"Fuck no!" I gasp and turn, pushing Eddie back down the tunnel slightly.
"You want to play truth or dare? Here's a truth, you're a sloppy bitch! Yeah, that's right, let's dance! Yippee ki-yay mother-" Richie gets cut off. The bright light coming into the tunnel suggests the deadlights.
"Oh, shit." Eddie murmurs, he pushes past me and runs down the tunnel. I follow him and see Richie being levitated into the sky by the deadlights like tractor beams. I run up behind Eddie. He's holding a piece of the fence.
"If you believe it does." He begins to chant to himself.
"Edds?" I ask from behind him.
"Beep beep, motherfucker!" Eddie steps forward and screams as he throws the fence at Pennywise like a spear. It hits him right in the face and he stumbles back.
"Yes, Edds!" I cheer from back in the cavern. Richie drops and I rush back inside to go around and grab Richie. I come back out to see Eddie already over him.
"I think I got him! I did it, I think I killed it for real!" Eddie yells over Richie excitedly. His excitement is cut off as Pennywise stabs him with a claw. I scream from where I stand. He gets pulled away. Pennywise laughs tauntingly and swings him around before throwing him. We all run towards the cavern he was thrown into. I make it in first.
"Eddie!" I scream and run down the stairs to him.
"Eddie!" Everyone else shouts as they come up beside me. I kneel down quickly and turn him over. He groans. We lean him up against the stairs. The wound goes straight through him and blood comes gushing out.
"We... we um need to apply pressure to the wound." I manage to get out. I push my hands on Eddie's abdomen wound. Richie pushes me aside and pushes his jacket onto Eddie.
"Eddie's hurt really bad, we gotta get him out of here." Richie stutters.
"How are we supposed to do that, Richie?" Bev shakes her head sadly.
"I almost did it, the leper. My hands were at his throat, I could feel him choking. I made him small, he seemed so weak. He seemed so weak." Eddie whispers.
"Edds, you gotta stop talking. We're gonna get you out of this, okay?" I quiet him.
"The chakapiowa: all living things must abide by the laws of the shape they inhabit." Mike says.
"Guys! Theres a passageway through here." Ben calls from the side.
"The tunnel." Bev gasps. "Pennywise has to make himself small to get through the entrance, right? Okay, if we can get back there, we can force him down to size. We can make him small, small enough so we can kill him."
"I can smell the stench of your fears!" Pennywise shouts from the top, taunting us.
"Let's go!" Mike shouts. I help Richie get Eddie up and we drag him through the tunnel. We find the other exit. The entrance cavern is right across from us.
"I need a little rest, thanks." Me and Richie set down Eddie so he can lean against the rocks.
"Richie, I gotta tell you something." Eddie says.
"What? Whats up, buddy?" Richie asks.
"I fucked your mom." Eddie finally says. I scoff as I roll my eyes playfully at the boys' interaction. Everyone runs towards the entrance but I stay with Eddie and Richie to be in group two. We watch as they make a run for it, only to be blocked by Pennywise.
"You filthy little children." I crawls towards them as they scream and scramble back. They begin to shout insults at it. It changes and shrinks. They back it into the altar area. It gets too small for me to see it from where I stand. They continue to shout at it. Richie gets up with determination set on his face and he runs away.
"Hey, Edds, I love you." I turn and hug Eddie.
"Love you too, Dee." He whispers. The deadlights at the top completely die out. I grab the flashlight Richie left and use it for light. This must mean its dead. An odd crackling noise fills the air. The green aura fills the air. Richie and the gang come running back.
"Eddie, we got it man... Eddie?" Richie tries to wake up Eddie. I bow my head in sadness.
"Richie..." Bev whispers.
"He's gone." Bill says sadly.
"No, he's just hurt. We gotta get him out of here. He's hurt. Bev?" Richie looks to Bev for help.
"Richie..." Bev speaks sadly.
"What!" Richie asks angrily.
"I- honey, he's dead." Bev whimpers.
"Come on, Richie. We have to go." I whisper as I put a comforting hand on Richie's shoulder. He cries and holds Eddie. The guys drag Richie off and away as Richie screams and cries. I drown out the cries so I can not feel bad. We crawl through the cavern and climb up the hole. We jump into the sewer water and swim till we can run. We climb up the well and run out of the house just in time to see it all crumble. Richie continues to scream and cry for Eddie.
"Richie, I'm sorry." I hug him tightly. He finally quiets down and holds me just as tight.

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