Chapter 31 : Okay, Okay, Everyone Is Hot

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We all walk in together and the hostess takes us to a private room. Richie rings the gong to announce our arrival to the others in the room.

"This meeting of the loser's club has officially begun," Richie announces.

"Oh, look at these guys." The scrawny one I can only guess is Eddie says.

"Come on, guys. We'll order drinks!" Mike says enthusiastically. We all sit down and order a ton of food and many, many drinks.

"Yo, Eddie, you got married?" Richie asks, amused.

"Yeah, why's that so fucking funny, dickwad?" Eddie asks defensively.

"What, to like a woman?" Richie asks Eddie.

"Fuck you, bro." Eddie waves his fork at Richie while we laugh.

"Fuck you!" He yells at Eddie.

"What about you, trashmouth, you married?" Bill asks. We all argue about his relationship status.

"I got married!" He shouts over us.

"I don't believe that," Bev says, popping some food into her mouth.

"Wait really? You didn't know I got married?" Richie asks, seriously.

"No," Eddie says, frowning slightly.

"Yeah, no, me and your mom are very very happy right now," Richie says completely seriously. We all burst out laughing.

"Fuck you." Eddie shakes his head.

"She'll put her arm around me and she'll whisper to me- she'll go 'beiso coombata'" Richie imitates something I think is from Star Wars.

"I get it, my mom is a great big fat person. Hilarious. Hysterical." Eddie throws his arms up. I have to cover my mouth as I laugh.

"What about you, Dee? Have you tied the knot yet?" Mike asks and all the attention turns to me.

"No, I've been single for a while now." I nod, taking a sip of my water. I haven't tried alcohol my entire life after seeing my father. Besides, it's a better brand to be straight edge.

"Tell them what you do for a living! It's fucking unbelievable." Richie yells and points at me.

"What do you do?" Ben asks, leaning forward eagerly.

"I am a professional wrestler." I quietly inform as my cheeks grow red with embarrassment.

"Shit, really?" Bill asks.

"Yeah." I nod my head, smiling slightly.

"So you like bodyslam people and talk shit?" Eddie asks, leaning back a little bit.

"Yeah. I'm a heel so I'm the bad guy. I get to talk mad shit to everyone and just be mean." I nod as I explain.

"That's crazy." Bev shakes her head with a smile.

"Wait, let's talk about the elephant not in the room. Ben, what the fuck?" Richie waves his glass towards Ben.

"Okay okay, obviously I lost a few pounds." He nods his head bashfully.

"No shit you lost a few pounds," Eddie remarks.

"You're like... you're hot. You're like every Brazilian soccer player wrapped into one person." Richie rubs his hands together and I burst out laughing.

"Okay, alright. Please, come on, is Stanley coming or what?" Ben asks what I've been wanting to ask all night.

"Yeah, you said he'd be here, Mike," I speak up and nod my head. We all look at the empty chair next to me and Eddie.

"Stanley Uris." Bill nods as he remembers his name.

"Urine, Stanley urine," Eddie says.

"No, no, he's a fucking pussy. He's not gonna show." Richie says.

"Shut up, Richie." I hit him on the shoulder.

"You're defending him cus you're still in love with him." Richie fires at me with a smug smile.

"It's been 27 fucking years, Richie." I shake my head as my face grows red.

"Why would Stanley save you anyway? Was I not the one who basically performed surgery on you after Bowers cut you up. Holy shit, that's right." Eddie turns to Ben and reminisces.

"Please say you ended up becoming a doctor, Edds," Bev says, amused.

"No, I uh ended up becoming a risk analyst." Eddie puts his head on his hands.

"Oh that sounds really interesting, what does that entail?" Richie asks, leaning back.

"Yeah, so I work for like a big insurance firm and I uh-" He gets cut off by Richie snoring with his head thrown back. He looks over at Richie with an unamused, annoyed face. We all laugh at the interaction between the two.

"Fuck you, dude. Fuck you." Eddie nods as he continues to grow more annoyed.

"Was this job invented before fun?" Richie asks, frowning softly.

"Oh, that's so not funny." Eddie shakes his head.

"What the fuck are you laughing at?" Eddie turns to his left.

"Guys, I propose a toast. To the losers." Bev raises her glass. We all clink our cups together in the centre of the table. 

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