Chapter 21 : Mom's Cooking (feat. Stanley)

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I take a bite of the chicken Mrs.Uris made. It isn't that bad but it is a bit dry.

"So, Deidre, how did you meet Stanley?" Mrs.Uris asks, taking a bite of the chicken. I swallow my bite quickly.

"We actually bumped into each other at School and my glasses were knocked off. He helped me find them." I say. She looks over at Stan and smiles.

"He's a helper." She grabs his hands and rubs it. He sits there, looking embarrassed. I smile, wishing I had this type of interaction with my parents. His dad sits there, eating his chicken.

"Mom, you know, Deidre's a really good cook." Stan cuts a piece of his chicken.

"Stanley." I scold him for insulting his mom's cooking.

"What? I'm not saying her cooking is bad." He clarifies. I exhale deeply. His mother laughs.

"It's fine Deidre. Maybe you can teach me a thing or two?" She asks.

"Of course." I smile.

"Donald, how's the food?" She asks. He nods.

"It's good, thank you Andrea." He smiles at his wife. I wished for this my whole life.

"Will you excuse me,"  I say abruptly, getting up. 

I walk to the bathroom. I close the door and lock it. I run my hands through my hair, trying not to have a mental breakdown. I sit on the toilet and hold my head with my hands. I breathe hard. I close my eyes and focus on my breathing, calming myself. I take a deep breath before flushing the toilet, making it appear I was using the bathroom. I turn on the sink and wash my hands. I look at myself in the mirror and tell myself, a little longer. I wipe my hands and open the door. I sit at the table and resume the scene. I get back into my character: a normal girl who is having dinner with her crush's family. Oh God wait, I like Stan.

"Deidre, right?" A voice snaps me out of my thoughts. I look at Donald, Stan's dad.

"Yes, sir."  I plaster a fake smile on my face.

"Stan says you've been helping him with reading the Torah. Are you Jewish?" He asks before taking another bite.

"Um, to be completely honest sir, I have no idea. My parents never took me to any church or had any beliefs or customs." I explain, realising it for myself as well.

"Oh." He says awkwardly. "Well, you're always welcome into the house of God."

"Donald!" Andrea scolds disapprovingly. "Leave the poor girl alone."

"It's alright, he's doing what he loves," I say politely. She nods but glares at him. Everyone soon finishes their food. I go to help clear the table with Stan.

"Oh, Deidre! It's okay, you go sit down." Mrs.Uris stops me.

"Oh no, it's the least I can do to thank you for having me over." I smile. She lets me help eventually. I walk into the kitchen, carrying the last plate.

"Deidre, did you see the broccoli tonight?" Stan asks. I nod.

"It was good," I say, nodding my head.

"I made it, using your recipe."  He tells me.

"Wow, I'm impressed."  I giggle.

"So you're the reason he's been wanting to help me in the kitchen lately," Mrs.Uris says. Stan blushes and glares at her. I raise my eyebrows at him.

"The recipe was wonderful Deidre, you'll have to teach me now." She laughs. I laugh with her.

"Of course, whenever you would like." I smile. I walk back to Stan's room with him. I lay on his bed, throwing myself like a starfish, taking up the whole bed.

"I'm so tired." I yawn.

"Me too." He jumps on the bed, making me nearly fall off. I yell at him.

"I'm gonna fall off the bed!" I exclaim.

"I'll save you!" He says in a brave voice. He jumps off and picks me up bridal style. I yelp in surprise. He spins me around. I laugh.

"I'm gonna throw up all over you if you keep spinning me!" I get him to stop. He puts me down with a disgusted look. I smirk.

"I have to leave now." I wink at him. "Keep your window open." He rolls his eyes.

"Bye Stanley," I call, pretending to leave. I walk into the kitchen.

"Goodbye Mrs.Uris, maybe tomorrow we can exchange recipes?" I suggest.

"Of course, Deidre." She smiles and waves goodbye.

"Goodbye, Mr.Uris. I'll definitely think about going to church." I tell him.

"Goodnight Deidre, God bless. Be safe on your way home." He waves. I wave back. I exit the house and walk around back, making my way to Stan's room. I climb through the window. We look at each other, smiling deviously. I hear footsteps coming towards the room. I quickly crawl underneath the bed.

"Stanley, Deidre left," Mrs.Urs says.

"I know." He replies. "What did you think of her?" He asks.

"I liked that girl, she's perfect for you." She says.

"What? I don't know what you're talking about." Stan says quickly. I feel him blushing which makes me smile.

"Stanley Uris, it is very obvious that you like that girl. Your father and I approve." She says before closing the door. Ohmygod. He likes me?! I quickly crawl out from under the bed.

"Stanley, is it true? Do you have a crush on me?" I ask instantly. I sound breathless. I almost don't want to know.

"This isn't how I wanted you to find out." He facepalms himself. "Yes, Deidre. I have a crush on you." I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him close.

"Do you like me back?" He asks confused.

"Yes, you big dummy, I like you." I hold on to him. I pull away and smile widely.

"Let me get changed for bed," I say. I'm so tired. He nods and slips out of the room. I grab some pyjamas from my bag and quickly change. He knocks lightly on the door. I open it, letting him in. He's changed too. I climb into bed and he turns off the light before following me. I've been feeling really good lately. I'm happy. It's so new to me. I'm scared at the same time though. What if this happiness doesn't last? At least I'll have a memory to hold on to. For now, I'll worry about nothing...

I wake to find the bed empty. I look around for Stan. The door opens quickly and thankfully it is just Stan. He looks like he just woke up.

"Deidre, it's too early, go back to bed." He climbs in and wraps his arms around me, pulling me into his chest. I wouldn't mind this becoming a daily thing.


I wake a few hours later in the face of an awake Stanley.

"Stanley?" I ask, my voice groggy and my breath even worse.

"Hmm?" He asks.

"Were you watching me?" I ask. He nods shyly.

"Maybe..." He says, tucking a loose hair behind my ear. I shiver at the touch.

"Your hands are cold," I tell him.

"Sorry," He mumbles. I smile at him again. Worry nags at the back of my mind still. What if this is the last moment like this with him. Maybe he doesn't even like you. Something is going to go wrong, don't get attached to him! I shut the worry out. It will be okay... I hope.

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