Chapter 5 : AIDS

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"I think it's great that we're helping the new kid but we also need to think about our own safety. I mean, he's bleeding all over and you guys know there's an AIDS epidemic happening right now as we speak. I mean my mom's friend in New York City got it just by touching a dirty pole in the subway and she got AIDS blood into her system through a hangnail, a hangnail! And they can amputate legs and arms, but how do you amputate waist?" Eddie's voice has been shaking for miles now. Ever since we picked up Ben, he's been freaking out over getting sick. 

"Eddie, you can only get AIDS if the person has a high virus count in their blood. And I'm pretty sure Ben does not have AIDS." I motion towards Ben, trying to make my voice reassuring even though I'm a bit fed up with his whining. 

Still, I hope that calmed Eddie a bit. Unfortunately, he still looks wary but he nods his head at me. All of us then park our bikes in an alley near the general store and the pharmacy.

"You know that there are alleys full of AIDS-infected needles, right? You know that?" Eddie mutters with disgust as he looks around. The guys throw their bikes to the floor and Bill helps Ben sit down on some stacked crates.

"Deirdre, Richie, stay here!" Bill yells and takes off inside with the other boys.

"I'm glad I got to meet you before you died," Richie suddenly says to Ben.

"Richie!" I scold him. What is wrong with this boy? I swear he just likes to freak people out for no good reason. 

"What?" He smiles innocently. I shake my head at him whilst rolling my eyes. 

"You're not helping! Look, Ben, you're gonna be fine, don't mind him," I cast a glare at Richie. 

He throws his hands up in the air in mock innocence. My mind wanders back towards Bill when we were at the barrens. I wonder why he behaved so stubbornly when he found the shoe. 

"Hey, Richie?" I decide to voice my curiosity to Richie.

"What?" He glances over at me.

"What happened to Bill? Who is Georgie?" I ask. 

The fun, carefree look on his face falls instantly. He looks a bit uncomfortable and rubs the back of his neck as he thinks of what to say. Now, I feel bad for asking. How dumb of me to ask something that clearly affects them all so strongly. Now I've gone and ruined everything, they won't want to be my friend or hang out with me anymore because of what I've said. Of all the times I've been told not to ask so many questions, you would've thought I learned my lesson by now. I knew I was a burden, this just confirmed it. 

"Well, uh, Bill's little brother, Georgie, went missing not too long ago. Bill thinks he was washed up by the storm-- He thinks Georgie is still alive," He informs me, trying not to explain too much or too little. 

"And you don't think he is?" I inquire. Why did I ask that? Didn't I just remember not to ask questions? What am I even doing right now?

"Nobody does," Richie says.

"You're probably right, If there was a storm that day the chances of hypothermia are high. The body cannot last long in the wilderness, especially someone who has very little to no survival skills. There is always diseases transferred by insects or even heat exhaustion-- not to mention natural selection and predators," I trail off once I see his face. His mouth opens slightly as his eyes are wide behind his glasses. I said too much, now he's probably uncomfortable. I haven't made things any better, probably worse... yet again... 

"Sorry," I try apologising, hoping he just forgets everything I just said. Goodness, Deirdre, what is wrong with me? That was probably one of the most insensitive things I could've said in this situation.

"Wow, Dee, I knew you were a babe but I didn't know you're a nerd!" Richie exclaims. His words ease my worries and I sigh, simply rolling my eyes at his words. 

"I don't think I'm the nerd here, street fighter," I cross my arms, trying to defend myself. 

"You know you're not too bad... for a girl," He points a finger at me with a joking smile on his face.

"Um, thanks," I laugh nervously. "You know you're actually pretty dang funny yourself,"

"Thanks, but I know baby," He throws a wink my way. I smirk and roll my eyes, completely understanding his personality now. I glance back down at Ben sitting on the crates.

"So what exactly happened with Bowers?" I ask him, bending down to his level and placing my hands on my knees. He looks reluctant to tell me anything.

"Ben, I'm not going to make fun of you or anything like that," I reassure him with a soft smile.

"I'm not making promises I can't keep," Richie raises his hands. I hit him lightly in the chest, making sure to give him a 'what the fuck' look. Ben looks between us for a few seconds before finally nodding his head, agreeing to tell us his story. 

"He started to beat me up and I fought back," He starts his tale.

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