Chapter 37 : You Won't Find Me In The Past

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Eddie walks over to the wall and grabs a red ball off of the floor, blowing the dirt off of it. I never realised how tall the roof was- still is. Everyone ducks slightly to keep from hitting their heads while I am able to walk upright without hitting my head or ducking. We all walk around and look at our decorations.

"Hey losers, time to float." A voice from the dark corner snaps our heads in that direction. My breath quickens and Ben falls backwards. Richie runs out of the shadows, laughing hysterically.

"Fuck, Richie." I place my hand over my beating heart.

"Dude." Eddie lets out a breath.

"Remember he used to say that to us? And he'd do that little dance" Richie says through his laughing as he imitates the dance Pennywise did. I smile softly and try to hold back my laugh. It's impossible though and I burst out laughing with Richie.

"Am I the only one who remembers this shit?" Richie stops when he notices we're the only ones laughing.

"Are you gonna be like this the entire time we're home?" Eddie asks angrily.

"Just trying to add some levity to this shit. I'll go fuck myself." Richie nods and walks away. I chuckle softly as I shake my head. We continue to walk around.

"Hey, you guys," Bill calls. I turn around and walk over to him.

"Was this- this S-Stan?" He asks, holding a container.

"For use of losers only. Stan." I read aloud.

"Bill," Eddie says in a warning tone as Bill grabs the container from me and opens it. He pulls out shower caps. Along with the shower caps, he pulls out a memory of mine. I remember when Stan handed these to us and Richie was so against the idea of wearing shower caps, saying we all definitely looked like losers but I disagreed and told Stan he looked cute.

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"What the fuck is this?" Richie asks as Stan hands him the shower cap.

"So you don't get spiders stuck in your hair when you're here." Stan shrugs.

"Stan, I'm not afraid of fucking spiders." Richie throws the shower cap to the ground. When he looks back up and sees all of us wearing shower caps his mouth opens in shock.

"I stand corrected." She sighs slightly. Eddie rips his cap off and Bev just chuckles.

"That's a first." She remarks.

"You definitely look like losers now. Before it might have been a maybe but now it's set in stone." Richie says as he turns back to his comic.

"Well, I think you look cute." I smile at Stan. He blushes slightly.

"Thanks, you do too." He bends down for a short, sweet kiss.

"Get a room!" Richie shouts to us.

"Fuck off, Richie!" We shout in unison. We look back to each other with a small laugh. Eddie begins to argue with Richie but we ignore the small quarrel.

"You took the words right out of my mouth." I smile.

"Can I take them again?" He asks, not waiting for an answer. He leans back down and kisses me again, much longer this time.

"Stan, you should go with Mike to Flordia, you already act 80. You can clean up with all the grandmas." Richie pulls us out of our kiss as he makes his own kissing noises. Stan rolls his eyes before his face grows serious. He's thinking about something.

"Do you guys think we'll still be friends... when we're older?" He asks.

"Why wouldn't we be?" Eddie asks.

"Did any of your parent still hang out with their friends from middle school? I mean things might be different then, we all might be different." Stan says, stuttering slightly.

"We'll always still be friends. I don't think that just g-g-goes away because we get older." Bill answers, sitting down.

"Yeah Stan, come on, you don't have to be so sad," Bev says softly.

"It's okay Stan. We aren't going anywhere just yet. Hang on to these moments with us. Stay in the present, with me." I hold his hand and smile at him reassuringly. He smiles softly and nods at me, leaning over to hold me in a strong hug.

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