Chapter 23 : Wishing Well

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"Stan, we all have to go."

"Stanley, we need you. Bev is in there, she needs your help. I need you." I grab his hand. I know he's convinced.

"Be-Be-Beverly was right. If we split up like last time, that clown will kill us one by one. But if we stick together, all of us, we'll win. I promise." He takes a few small and reluctant steps forward. I smile softly and gently pull him inside the old house. We walk hand in hand down to the basement. A well is in the centre. With some dried blood on the edge.

"I didn't realise it was a literal well house." I mumble. I hear Richie laughing nervously behind me.

"Hey Eddie, you got a quarter? I wouldn't want to make a wish in that fucking thing." Richie makes his own remark. Bill and Ben shine their flashlights into the well. It doesn't seem to end.

"Beverly?" Ben yells down the well.

"How are we supposed to get down there?" Mike asks.

"We need something like a rope or a long ass ladder." I say.

"What about this rope." Bill catches our attention. We turn to face him and he's picking up a rope off the floor.

"That'll work. Okay, we need to tie knots in it so we don't fall because I doubt any of you are gymnasts that can hold your weight up for a long period of time." I say. They all nod and we quickly tie knots onto the rope. Bill throws a rope down the hole after securing it to a pipe on the ceiling. One by one, everyone climbs down. I look down and gulp. The hole looks deep. I start to panic, I don't like heights.

"Deidre, you can do this." Stan shouts reassuringly. I swallow my nerves and nod. I grab the rope and take a deep breath. I slowly climb down, making sure not to slip and fall to my death. OH god, this is way worse than I thought. I'm gonna die down here. Tears fill my eyes.

"Deidre, take a deep breath, you're almost here." They all call reassuringly to me. I blink away my tears and continue on. Hands reach out of the sewer tunnel and pull me away from Danger. I look at all the boys and push up my glasses.

"Thank you guys." I pull them into a big hug. I look up at Mike. He takes a deep breath before grabbing the rope. Mike stumbles forward and he has a look of pain on his face. I gasp and we all see Bowers' face.. Oh shit!

"Mike!" We all shout out to him. Bowers pulls the rope up, leaving us unable to escape. The boys in front try to grab the rope but it slips from their grasps.

"No!" I cry out. "Bowers, stop!"

I watch with anxiety as the boys shout and we see nothing. We wait for news about Mike. We hear Bowers grunt in pain. Come on Mike... A body falls down the well and screams.

"Oh my god." I say with horror.

"Holy shit!" Richie yells. We look up and see Mike standing victorious. I let out a breath of relief and push my glasses up.

"I'm ok." Mike says. The refills to the nail gun fall over the edge and down into the abyss. I look over to where Stan is. He isn't there.

"Stan?" I ask worriedly. No answer. I call out again. "Stanley? Guys, where is Stan?" I look behind at the boys for backup, but they're missing too. Im alone. That stupid clown. I look around and observe my surroundings. I'm still in the sewer/well but im alone in a weird room. I see a metal door that looks like it hasn't been opened in years. It seems to be the only way in or out. I run to it and pull. I pull at it with all my strength, but it doesn't move an inch.

"Deidrreee." My name is called eerily. I gasp and turn around. The voice calls my name again.

"Where are you? Im-im-im not scared of you." I gulp.

"Deidre, you are afraid. Where is your Stanley?" The voice of the clown mocks me. I stand up straight, determined to get to Stan.

"This can either happen one of two ways. One, you open this door and let me get to Stanley. Or two, I kick your ass and get to Stanley. Either way, I'm getting out of here and getting to Stanley. So come on out you coward!" I test IT's limits. Within seconds, he stands in front of me. He looks amused. I tip my head up and look at him with daggers in my eyes. He waves his hand towards the door and I turn to see it opening. I look back but he's vanished. I take the opportunity and run through the sewers calling out for Stan. I run into something. I scream and swing my fist blindly with force. I hear a grunt of pain as my glasses shift oddly but stay on my face. I fix them and am face to face with the rest of the boys, minus Stan. I look and see I punched Richie in the gut.

"Deidre, where were you? You disappeared!" Mike says, helping Richie up.

"We have to find Stanley!" I say urgently and search their faces. They nod. A scream of pure terror echoes throughout the tunnels. My blood runs cold, it's Stan. We run through the tunnels, calling for Stan. Who knows what that clown will do to him. We run into a big open room. I quickly scan the room, looking for any sign of Stan. I see him! Something is over him. I cry out for him, along with the rest of the boys. The creature looks up. It's a woman with a distorted head, with teeth embedded in Stan's head. She's eating him! I scream and grab onto Eddie, making sure to be careful with his arm. The creature snarls and gets off of him before slithering away. I am the first to run to Stan.

"Stanley!" I shout, helping him sit up. He throws himself up before sliding back with pure terror on his face. He looks at all of us, crying.

"You left me!" He shouts with his voice breaking. He cries and screams.

"You're not my friends! You made me go in there, you made me go!" He screams. I stare at him with regret written all over my face.

"You left me!" He cries out again. Everyone shouts over him, trying to calm him down. I know they can't help.

"Stanley, I would never leave you!" I shout above him and pull him into a hug. I hold him as he cries into me. He cries loudly.

"Stanley, I promise we'll keep you safe. I'm sorry we weren't there for you." I cry into his ear. The guys gather around us and we hold him in a hug. His cries soften significantly.

"Bill!" Eddie shouts. I look up and see Bill following IT. I care about Bill but all my attention is on Stan at the moment.

"Go after him! I'll take care of Stanley! We'll catch up later!" I order to the other boys. They look at me with uncertainty.

"Go!" I urge them. The look at one another before nodding and running off after Bill.

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