Chapter 7 : Trouble Without a Doubt

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After Eddie had fixed up Ben, the boys all went their separate ways. All of them, not including Stan and me because he insisted on walking me home. He truly was a kind boy, much kinder than many others in the school. They all talked about gross things which would make me scoff at their horrible attitudes but Stan rolls his eyes with me. He truly is a refreshing change to be around. 

"Where do you live? I'll drop you off,"  He offers kindly.

"No, it's okay. We can go to your house first,"  I say quickly. Perhaps a little too quickly. My heart begins to race and I'm sure I'll mess up somehow. I can't have him go to my house because then-- then there would be problems. 

"Are you sure? It's no problem for me,"  He tries again. Curse his kindness, can't he take my hint? 

"I'm sure... I don't go home until later anyways,"  I tell him. "I try to spend as much time away from there as I possibly can,"

"Dee,"  I look over at him. "Are you okay?" He asks, concern lacing his every word.

"I'm fine," I assure him with a soft smile. 

The closer we get to my house, the more nervous I feel. My palms sweat as I grab onto my bike handles, walking it beside me. My heart beats rather loudly. From where I stand in the street, I can see a car pull into a driveway-- my driveway. My dad gets out of the car, making me stop dead in my tracks as my heart sinks. Oh no, he came home early. Stan sees me stop.

"Deirdre,"  Stan calls out my name. Oh, shit, he just sealed my fate. He has no idea what he's just done to me, I've been condemned. My dad's head turns sharply in my direction. It feels as though he's the only thing in the world right now. My stomach twists in fear at the look in his narrowed eyes.

"Deirdre Alexandra Hearst. Come here,"  My dad yells from the driveway. His arms are crossed and folded over his chest, his face growing a bright red with anger. 

I slowly start to walk to the driveway with my bike. Every muscle in my body screams at me not to go to him but to run. The problem is that my mind knows the consequences. It forces me to continue forward slowly. 

"Is that your dad?" Stan asks as he turns his head to me. I nod my head, unable to speak out of pure fear. Not once do I take my eyes off of my father.

"Are you in trouble?" He asks me.

"Without a doubt,"  I reply with my voice barely above a whisper.

"Here," Stan hands me a small piece of paper and I finally tear my eyes off of him. "It's my house number, just ask for me." 

I grab the paper from his hand and quickly tuck it in my short pocket for safekeeping. When I finally step foot onto the concrete driveway, I make sure that I keep my eyes to the floor. My dad rips my hand off my bike and lets it fall to the ground with a loud bang. Then, he roughly grabs my arm and drags me along with him. 

"Let's go," He says viciously as he drags me into the house. I have no choice but to reluctantly follow.

"Who was that?" He demands the second we get inside the house.

"Just someone from school,"  I reply softly.

"Speak up! Why was he with you?" He asks with his signature annoyance and quick temper. 

"Because we live on the same street, he was just being nice," I defend Stan, but I know I shouldn't have. It was a stupid mistake.

"You know your mother and I aren't on the best terms and now I have to worry about you being a slut?!" He angrily screams at me.

"No sir," I cower at his loud and menacing voice.

"Whenever I look at you, I see a disappointment. The one time I look at you, the one time!" He roars. 

I shake but I refuse to cry, he doesn't deserve to know the pain he causes me. I look away instead, biting the inside of my lower lip which also trembles. He rips my glasses off my face and throws them to the floor, making me jump. When they make contact with the floor, I can hear a small crack and instantly know something broke.

"Look at me! Why the fuck are you still here? Go lose your virginity cause I don't fucking care you little whore!" He yells in my face. I scurry away from him and towards my room.

"Fuckin' little piece of shit, just like her mother..." He mutters as I walk away. I hurry to my room. 

I open the door and see my dog, Chucho. He happily greets me but I can't return the same happiness. I close the door and my face explodes, releasing everything I had been holding in. Tears stream down my cheeks as my throat swells. I make sure I'm really quiet though, if he heard me... I don't want to think about it. 

Mom should be home anytime now, then all the attention will be off of me. If only they knew how they really made me feel... Never mind, nothing would change them. They are selfish, they only think about their happiness and themselves. I quickly wipe my tears away. I never get to feel happy anymore, I just feel nothing, like I'm just going through the motion of life. There is no sadness, but there is no joy either. Whenever I feel anything, it's momentary joy, or overwhelming sadness or anger. 

I am glad, however, I finally get to hang out with people that make me happy at the moment. Those boys have no idea what they've truly done for me by inviting me out with them. They're my disgusting, perverted little saviours. Maybe with them, I can learn to be normal. 

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