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"Deidre, hurry up!" Stan calls into the bathroom. I groan.

"I'm coming!" I shout back. I open the door and see Stanley with his face pressed against the door. I sigh and shake my head with a smile.

"I'm ready. Did Bill say where he wanted to meet us?" I ask, looking at his bandaged face.

"Yeah, just follow me." He says, grabbing my hand and dragging me through the house.

"We're going out mom!" Stan yells, allowing no time for his mom to respond. I giggle, allowing him to pull me through the streets of Derry. I push my glasses up a few times. We arrive at a grassy field with a view of a small river and an enclosed bridge over it. It's the shortcut Eddie showed us a bit ago. I greet the friends that I have grown so close to this last summer. We all sit down in a clearing, I sit next to Stan.

"Bev, what happened when the clown had you in the trance? What did you see?" Mike asks.

"I thought I was dead. That's what it felt like. I saw us, all of us together back in the cistern, but we were older, like our parents' ages." She explains, stopping occasionally.

"W-w-w-what were we all doing there?" Bill asks her. She shakes her head.

"I just remember how we felt. How scared we were. I don't think I can ever forget that." She sighs. BIll snatches something off of the ground and stands up.

"Swear it. Swear if it isn't dead, if it ever comes back, we'll come back too." Bill says clearly. 

We all look amongst one another in hesitation. Bev stands up. We all stand up after, agreeing to the oath. Bill uses the broken piece of glass to slice the palm of his hand. He walks over and does the same for Richie, Eddie, Mike, Stan, Me, Bill, Bev. All of us. All of us have a gash in the palm of our left hands, reminding us of what we did this summer. Reminding us of our promise, our blood oath. Bill and Bev hold hands. We all hold each other's hands. This day that we've made this silent promise, this mutual agreement, we lose our freedom to run away from our fears. We will come back, and we will make sure it stays dead. We all let go, dropping our hands.

"We gotta go." Stan grabs my hand. I look at him oddly.

"I hate you." He says, looking at everyone with a serious face. I keep a smirk on my face, knowing he can't hate me. He smiles after a couple of seconds, confirming my suspicions. They smile back at him.

"I'll see you later." He says as he pulls me away from the group.

"Bye, everyone! I'll see you soon!" I call after them and wave with my free hand. They wave back.

"Stanley, what was so important that you had to drag me away from everyone?" I ask, placing my hands on my hips once we're far enough.

"This." He holds out something in his hand. He is shaking a little bit which makes it cute. I look into his hand and see the ring my mom gave me, the one I wanted to get rid of.


"I know you said that you didn't want it but just hear me out, please. Deidre, I'm crazy for you. I just killed an evil clown because I wanted you to be safe. I want you to take this ring, but this time, I want it to be from me, no one else but me. I... I really like you. Deidre, all I want is to see you happy, and seeing you worry over a piece of jewellery is awful. Will you take this ring... Please?" He asks, holding it out to me. I sniffle, blinking the tears away. I smile at him and nod, grabbing it from his hand. He smiles down at me. I stare at him. He's so amazing to me, what did I ever do to deserve this?

"What?" He asks me, noticing me staring. I smile at him and bring my hands up to his face. I cup his face with my hands and bring my lips up to his. I have to pull him down at the same time that I go on my toes in order to reach. Wow, my first kiss. He wraps his arms around my waist. After a couple of seconds, I pull away.

"I love you, Stanley Uris," I whisper, smiling at him. He smiles his beautiful smile at me. 

Looking back at how far I've come from the girl I used to be in the beginning of this year, I'm so proud of myself. I didn't let my depression squeeze the life out of me. I took my life into my hands, even if it was being run by a demon clown. I found someone who loves me just as much as I love them. I let go of my depression and allowed myself to be happy for once, letting my guard down.

"I love you too Deidre." He says tenderly.

Maybe life isn't so bad after all, maybe, just maybe, nobody is truly meant to be all alone.

All Alone | Stanley UrisWhere stories live. Discover now