Chapter 40 : Rot In Hell

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I smile softly at the star necklace. Stanley and his parents never questioned the absence of the cross, it benefited me more than it did them to have thrown it out the window. I slide the necklace in my pocket as I decide it's my token. I walk down the street back to the charterhouse, ready for the next step in the ritual. As I walk, a car horn blares down the street and I turn around to face the noise. The noise instantly stops and I place a hand over my strong heartbeat. I turn back around, ready to shrug it off but come face to face with Pennywise. I scream and fall backwards, scrambling.
"Hiya, Deirdre." IT cheerfully greets.
"Get away from me! You murderer!" I scream, still trying to back away.
"Murderer? That's not very nice to say to your dear old friend, Pennywise." IT shakes his head with a tsk of its tongue.
"You killed Stan!" I grow angry instead of scared.
"I didn't kill him, that was what he chose to do." IT shakes his head.
"Why can't you just leave us alone? What did we ever do to you? Another 27 years and we'll be long gone and you can continue to feast. Just leave us out of it all." I stand up, still keeping a distance between us.
"You won't leave me alone. Your friends aren't nice like you. No, you want peace, they want an end. It'll be your time, like it was for Stan." IT chuckles.
"You dare say his name again and you won't have them to worry about, it'll be me." I glare at IT.
"You're very good at pretending. You pretended you weren't hurt to see Stan's wedding ring, you pretended not to have had an affair with him, you pretend not to be scared, you pretend to be brave, you pretend to be strong but you are still that scared little girl who needs her inhaler when she gets scared." IT taunts as it begins to step away. My eyes get watery as I know he's right.
"Rot in hell," I say lowly as a tear falls down my cheek.
"You will before I ever do." IT laughs as IT disappears behind a tree. I catch my breath as I allow some more tears to fall down my cheeks. I've done some things I can never take back. That night when Stan and I reunited for the first time in our adult years, we slept together. It was a heat of the moment thing and I felt bad for his wife. We hooked up many other times after that and I didn't feel bad anymore. I can't withhold the wave of guilt when I think about Stanley. He would've been happy with me, if only I hadn't moved away he would still be alive. Or maybe if I had even been there more for him. I could've kept him safe and he would be here with me, knowing exactly what to do. I nearly run back to the charterhouse. I stop dead in my tracks when I see a familiar face. His bloody shirt and messed up mullet make me stop dead in my tracks. His face turns my way and he stares dead into my eyes. Bowers. He seems to hesitate as he decides what to do. I look at his bloody knife in his hand and my blood runs cold. It feels like hours pass as we stare at eachother before he gives me a small nod, gets into a car and drives away. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. I run into the charterhouse, expecting the worst.
"Hello!" I scream into the house.
"Up here! Help!" Bev's voice yells from upstairs. I run up the stairs and see Eddie on the floor with his face covered in blood as Bev holds his face. I nearly scream but I keep it together.
"What happened?" I rush over to him on the floor.
"Bowers." Eddie tries to talk.
"I know, I saw him. Don't talk right now." I shush him.
"You saw him and he didn't kill you?" Bev asks.
"No, he owed me one. He doesn't anymore though." I shake my head.
"He owed you one? Why?" Ben asks from the doorway.
"We weren't enemies." I shake my head, keeping it vague. "We need to get you to urgent care."
We help Eddie up.
"My jeep should be in the parking lot, I'll drive you," I say, grabbing a towel to put on his face. He holds it onto his wound and keeps quiet.
"We'll stay here in case Bill comes back," Ben says, looking at Bev for the big ok. She nods, nervously biting her thumbnail. I nod and rush Eddie out of there and to the hospital.
"Kaspbarack, Edward." The nurse calls out his name after this was deemed not an emergency and we had to wait to be seen. We both quickly stand and follow her to the doctor.
"Well, Edward, it seems you will be needing some stitches today. What exactly happened?" The doctor asks, wheeling away. I look at Eddie quickly. He shrugs frantically.
"We went into the woods and he fell on a really sharp stick and at first I had thought he had pierced through his skull but then I looked at it closer and saw it was only in his cheek," I explain as best as I can.
"You went walking through the woods?" He questions, raising a suspicious eyebrow.
"You caught us." I put my hands up with a nervous smile. "We were getting a little... freaky if you know what I mean, doctor. I thought maybe if he could just hold his body like this-"
"I think I'd rather not know." The doctor puts his hands up and stops me from even standing up.
"But if you could keep this between us, I would so appreciate that. His wife would flip if she knew what happened today." I wink at the doctor.
"I'll make sure it stays off the file." He nods quickly, wanting to get out of the uncomfortable situation. He looks to Eddie with an uncomfortable face. Eddie simply laughs nervously, his face very red. The doctor quickly writes the notes for the nurse and runs out of the room.
"Sorry, Edds, but that's how you get someone to stop questioning you." I pat his shoulder. The nurse comes back and fixes up Eddie's face. She tops it off with a big bandage over the wound.
"You didn't die today, yay!" I exclaim excitedly as we walk out of the urgent care. He looks at me with a 'seriously?' face. I smile and boop his nose.

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