Love Live! Fantasy! Chapter 14 "You's Choice"

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A/N: Hey everyone! It's been two weeks since I've published something here. I promised you I didn't quit on this series. I love writing chapters and let you all see my work. I just... got a little overwhelmed in a couple of weeks. I had school and tests, I also studied my driver's ed assigned and temps test, and I passed! I've been busy and it's not fair for you all to wait without knowing what I've been up to and I'm sorry. I'll get back to weekly chapters soon, I promise. But I digress, let's do this!!!

Demon World

"Argh... What's with all the noise around here!?" Lord Zavok opened his door and saw one of his legion. This Demon has hands for mouth that eats anything. "Hey! That's Scarp! How are ya doing buddy?" Lyria asked.

"I've been hungry for the past couple of years so I decided to eat here!" Scarp replied. "Well, eat something at planet Earth. I heard the people there taste great." Lyria smiled. "Hmm, fine... but only a little while."

Temple House

"Has anybody seen You-Chan? I haven't seen her since yesterday's training." Riko walks around. "I saw her taking a jog somewhere, not sure if it was important though, Zura." Hanamaru eating her cereal.

Riko came to the kitchen and check but no sign. "I was about to ask her to help me with something." All the Aqours came to the living room then. "What was it that you're trying to do with her?" Dia sat down with her book.

"I've got the idea for the bazooka canon, I'm working on putting all of our elemental powers into the canon. But there can be some risk, it may break if it absorbs too much magic." Riko crossed her arms.

"Well, maybe she'll come back? Besides that, you only need her to help you." Ruby looked at Riko. "Yeah, well. No offense to any of you, but You-Chan is smart when it comes to magic elements."

Nazuma City

You-Chan walked to the swimming building and check on the poster that says "Regional Swimming Championship" on the wall. "I wish I could swim for the team..." You-Chan said with a low voice. She then checks outside missing the swimming she had missed.

You-Chan was about to leave but bumps into one of the swimming team. You-Chan was recognized by the person in the swimming team. "Oh, uhh... excuse me." You-Chan walked out as quickly as she can then. The girl that You-Chan bumped into went inside and check on the wall to see the picture that is You-Chan.

"I knew it was her!" This woman yelled with excitement. One of her teammates came and tells her about it. "Tsuki-Senpai!" She grabbed her wrist. "I think I saw You-Senpai! She was just outside checking the poster!" Tsuki ran outside and check it out. But You-Chan was gone already. "Where is she?" Tsuki asks and looked around.

"Are you sure it was her?"

"I've never met her but always saw the picture." Her swim team replied. "Maybe she's coming back to cheer you on." Tsuki looked back at her teammate. "It's her fault that we barely qualified. She left us high and dry. I'd never thought she would do that to us." Tsuki walks back to the building with her teammate following her.

You-Chan was on the other side of the wall hiding and heard everything. She looked depressed and guilty for leaving her friends like that.

Twinkle Fountain

You-Chan walked around outside of the fountain just thinking then. "I wish I could tell my cousin the truth, but I have to keep my power a secret. It's best to stay away from them to keep them safe." She said in her head.

The Civilians were yelling and running away from a monster then. Scarp was out in the woods letting his hand mouth and the trees and the bench. You-Chan heard the attack and ran to the noise.

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