Love Live! Fantasy! Chapter 22 "The Darkness Within"

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Riko was running as quick as she can with Yoshiko and Dia following her too. The three was running as quickly as they can to get back to the Temple House, but sadly they were too late. "No.." Riko guilty said.

Dia using her special move to release the fire. "Valkyrie Slash!" Dia slices through the wind and blows the fire out. Riko was running inside with Yoshiko and Dia waiting. "Riko-Chan wait!"

A couple of minutes later Riko walked out slowly having her head down. "What happened? Where's Mentor?" Dia asked. Riko walked past Dia and Yoshiko. "H-hey! Wait!" Yoshiko had her hand on Riko's hand.

Riko looked at Yoshiko with her knowing what happens by the look on her face. She then walked away again.

3 Weeks Later

Weeks have passed with Riko being at her Mentor's tombstone. Yoshiko walked up and checked on her. She was wearing a purple jacket. "Hey, you feeling okay?" Yoshiko asked. Riko looked at her and giving her a half-smile.

"I'm fine, I really am," Riko said and looked back at the tombstone. "Mentor usually was the one who took care of me ever since my parent's death. Around when I reach 16, he started getting cancer."

"Is that why we don't see him so much?" Yoshiko asked. "Yeah..." She nodded. "The days where I dream of losing a Mentor and friends are actually happening." Riko looked away.

"Sometimes I think the world is rejecting me, so I plan on leaving the world myself, because... what more could I lose besides friends and a family."

Yoshiko walked up and had her two hands on Riko's cheek.

"Riko-Chan, no..." Yoshiko sadly said. "If you ended all then what? You're just gonna leave the guilt to me and Dia then?" "Yo...shi...ko-Chan..." Riko shredded a tear. "Don't ever think of that, ever. You gave me a chance to be in this team, so why not yourself as well?" Yoshiko smiled.

Riko has her head on Yoshiko's chest letting herself out. Yoshiko out her chin on Riko's head. A couple of minutes later they give each other some space.

"Come on, follow me." Yoshiko grabbed Riko's hands and started running. "H-hey! Where are we even going!?" Riko asked with a loud scream. "I want you to talk to somebody!" Yoshiko replied with a smile.

Nazuma Mountain

Around a different area, Yoshiko brought Riko back to where she fought Chika. Red X was there with Yoshiko and Riko. "Red X?" Riko asked. "What's a person like you doing here?" "I came here to see you." He replied.

"To see me?" Riko asked. "The battle with you and Chika was one of the craziest battles ever, wouldn't you agree?" Riko eyes widen and looked down and nodded. "Yeah... I didn't expect her to be so strong." She said.

"I know she was strong but I didn't expect to be this strong, but it's like she changed. She was talking and acting differently." "That's because of the power she has." He said and looked at Yoshiko.

"Yoshiko, you sense that too right?" He asked and she nodded. "It's from Purple X. She corrupted her and Achilles, with the other Aqours members as well." Yoshiko crossed her arms.

"But there is a way to get them back to their senses. Theirs possessed because of what Purple X had. Those stones that can possess things, or maybe she could use an Allume Stone."

"Huh? What's Allume Stone?" Riko asked. "Allume Stone is one of the most powerful stones in the universe. It has elements of its own, it can possess people and do whatever it pleases. Like You-Chan's Crononite. It's a stone that can power any weapons."

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