Love Live! Fantasy! Chapter 20 "Possessed"

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Riko, Chika, You, Dia, and Yoshiko were checking up on Kanan and Ruby and from their bad injuries. "Ruby, Ruby?! Are you okay?" Dia panicked. "What the hell happened? Who did this to them?" You asked with worriedness.

Kanan woke up and was coughing. "Hey, easy, easy." You was giving her a cup of water. "It was a slaughter... Mari, Yohane, and Hanamaru are crazy..." Kanan softly said. "Huh!?" They were giving a confused face.

"Something was wrong with them, some shadow went for Mari and Hanamaru. Then they started attacking without any hesitation. They beat Yohane and then went off on Ruby and me."

You and Chika were looking at each other. "Why would they just attack you? There has to be more than that." You said.

"Their eyes are different too, the three of them had purple eyes instead of their original colors," Kanan replied. Riko was thinking for a bit. "They had to be possessed or something. They would never do that on their own." Riko walked out.

Yoshiko and Chika followed her. "Wait where are you going?" Yoshiko had her hand on Riko's shoulders. "I'm going outside to see what's going on," Riko replied.

Chika blocked the front door from her. "What are you doing?" Riko asked.

"You're our leader, we can't let you just go out on your own," Chika replied. "Chika, You-Chan, and I will go see what's going on." Yoshiko smiled at her.

"I can't just let you three just go if your injured or dead then that's on me. You're my best friends." Riko worriedly said. Chika, Yoshiko, and You-Chan and smiled.

"And because we're your friends, we care about your health too. We got this." You replied. "I promise we'll be back."

Riko thought about and smiled back. "Okay, you win. I'll wait here with Dia." The three nodded and ran out to the front door and ran outside.

Riko took a breather and went to the bedroom and helped out Dia with healing Ruby and Kanan. Riko was using her magic to heal Ruby. "I don't remember you using that ability before." Dia looked at her and putting an arm sling on Ruby.

"It's only temporary, it took a lot of magic energy I had to use this. I still haven't perfected yet." Riko healing Ruby's noticeable wounds first. Dia smiled and went back to putting the paper role on Ruby's arm. "Thank you for helping my sister. I someday wish our brother, my heart would be broken if she's sick just like my brother is."

"I understand losing someone you care is super rough. Mentor taught that if you help someone, then you help everyone. I know my parents would be proud of what I'm doing is right." Riko replied.

"You think Muse would be proud of what we are doing now?" Dia asked and stopped on rolling the paper on Ruby's arm. "Why not?" Riko asked.

"They risk their lives on saving this planet. But I felt like our enemies are stronger than they face before." Dia said. Riko then looked down. "Yeah... I guess we just need to get stronger I guess. If we get Hanamaru, Yohane, and Mari back then I promise you that I'll read Muse's Chapter 17." Dia then looks back at her.

"Chapter 17? You mean the chapter that introduced Eli-Senpai?!" Dia asked. "Yeah, you seem like you're into Eli Ayase more than I thought you would." Riko sweats.

"Who wouldn't!? I admire her so much, that's why I have posters and her toy collection." Dia smiled. "Ohh.." Riko giving Dia a tired look. "Fangirls..."

Meanwhile With Chika, Yoshiko, and You

Chika, You, and Yoshiko got lost around the fog place that Hanamaru, Yohane, and Mari was at. "My god, it's freezing." Chika shivers and hugs herself.

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