It all comes to fruition

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It's been slightly over a month since Talia came for that stupid surprise visit of hers. Since that day Tim and Alfred have been bugging me nonstop to tell everyone especially the demon brat about what happen to me back in the league. But I can't I'm just not ready. Lately I've been avoiding the boys because of their constant nagging and idiocy so I've been hanging out more and more with Artemis and M'gann. They both kind of know what happened but they understand why I won't tell them everything. 

It's lunch time now and I'm sitting with the girls once again just talking about their training and our skills and even boys. They were telling me about their boyfriends and what they're like when I feel a presence behind me. One I'm starting to get very irritated with. It's the presence of the one person I've hated my whole life.

"What do you want Wayne. Don't you annoy me enough at home?" I asked not even turning around and the girls look at me confused as to how I knew Damian Wayne was behind me. I told them through the mental link M'gann established that I would explain after. He scoffs "As if. Drake just wanted me to tell you that he will not be with us this evening." He stated plainly. "Umm. And why couldn't he tell me himself?" I asked finally spinning around in seat to look at him. "How am I supposed to know that Wilson? But it could be for the fact that you have been avoiding him, Todd, Grayson and Pennyworth." He pointed out as if it was obvious. I rolled my eyes and turned back to my friends. I hear and feel him walk away. 

"Okay. Now what the hell was that about and how did you know it was him?" Artemis asked I sighed and looked back up at them. "So you know about how I'm magically bound to someone to be married from my days in the league correct?" I started and they nodded urging me to continue. "Well for started, Damian is the person I am bound to. And how I knew it was him was because of the bond. Because of the magic that is tying us both together there is this vibe I guess you can call it that I get whenever he is around. It's almost like I'm being pulled towards him." I explain further as they both look at me confused and surprised. "Wait. Wait. Wait. You mean to tell us that you have to get married to Damian Wayne?" Artemis almost yelled as I looked at her confused. "Is that all you got from what I just told you?!" I exclaimed just as the bell rang signaling that lunch was over. I got up from my spot and headed to my next class. 

*End of the Day*

I'm walking through the doors and I'm already hit with that annoying vibe I get around the brat. I groan as I walk closer to him just as Alfred drives up to the school. I hop in before he can even register that I was there. 

Damian's P.O.V

I was too busy texting Raven to notice Wilson walk up and get into the limo that had just pulled up. I put my phone into my pocket and got into the limo as well. I look over at the girl beside me to see her staring out the window. I can't help but study her. She's no longer the girl from the league. She's no longer the girl that was able to beat me in everything. She was just this beautiful girl that had a past almost as bad as mine if not worse. But she is still that girl that humiliated me in front of the whole compound. She was also a very rude and selfish girl. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I hear voices. "Miss. Wilson I do believe it's time. It's been a month and they all have the right to know. It shouldn't have gone on this long. You will be turning 19 in a couple weeks. They need to know before it's too late." I heard Alfred say. "Alfie I will tell them when I'm ready. And that's not now." I can hear that she's getting irritated. "I understand that Miss. Mykie but it is for your own good as well as theirs that they know before you and the young master are married." He stated again and she just sighs. We pull up to the manor and she jumps right out of the limo right before it's fully stopped. I get out much slower and walk inside as Alfred pulls into the garage. 

I walk up to my room when I hear yelling. "Mykayla how is he supposed to make up for what he did to you if he doesn't even know. How are you supposed to be engaged if he knows nothing about you. Damian needs to know exactly what happened in the league. And so do the others." I hear Drake yell.


"Kay. Don't wait until it's too late. You're going to be 19 soon that's when the magic will reach it's full potential, when you and Damian will be fully drawn to each other. If you and the demon spawn are going to be engaged then he needs to know what he did to you." Drake stated a little softer this time I hear her sigh. "Why do you have to be right?" I walk closer and when I turn the corner and see her leaning against Drake with his arm around her shoulder. "Fine. I'll tell them. Get everyone to meet in the living room. See if Alfie can help. I'm going to get changed and meet you down there." She walks away towards her room as Drake walks towards me. "Meet us down in the living room. There's something important that Mykie needs to tell everyone." He said as he walks by me bashing my shoulder on his way by. I scoff as I walk to my quarters to change out of my school uniform. 

After I change and head down to the living room to see that Wilson still isn't here. I roll my eyes and sit next to my companions. (The animals) When I see her walk in. She sits down and looks down at her hands.

Myke's P.O.V

I finish getting changed and throw my hair up in a loose messy ponytail and sit on the end of my bed with my head in my hands. 

I'm sitting there stressing about this whole thing

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I'm sitting there stressing about this whole thing. I'm about to tell everyone what happened. I'm about to relive my worst memories. I shake my head and get up from my spot and walk out of my room. I walk down the stairs not even looking where I'm going knowing this house inside out. I reach the living room and sit in the only spot open and separate.

"So you're all probably wondering why I ask you here." I said finally looking up glancing around at everyone as they all nodded. "So I think it's about time you all know what really happened to me back in the league that led me to where I am now." I started as I inhaled and continued "It all started when I was 8. Damian and I were training, he was known for being the best of the best all because of who his grandfather was. He was thought of as royalty. So when he was beat by a girl who was about a year younger then him, smaller then him and of lower class then him. He couldn't handle that that humiliation. So he went to his mother and complained to her about how I had humiliated him. She couldn't handle that someone was better then her son so she punished me for my hard work. She used to whip me, beat me, burn me... Essentially she tortured me. And it never stopped there at that one time. It got even worse the day that I found out that I was to be bonded and betrothed to Damian. It kept happening after I found out about the bond every time I disobeyed orders or messed up or bested him. I had my memory erased on top of all the torture because they didn't want me knowing about the bond. Talia took every chance she could get to hurt me. All because Damian couldn't deal with someone being better then him so he had to report to his mother." I explained and they all just looked between me and Damian either pissed off or confused.

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