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From: girlgroupscenario (Tumblr)

Summary: lovely lovely fluff//Requested.

Dongyul’s spoon scraped the inside of his bowl as he attempted to pile his cereal onto it. His long dark hair falling into his eyes, causing him to miss his mouth with his spoon. He hastily swiped his hair away and tried again.

“But what if I don’t make friends?” the small 5-year-old boy asked you shovelling cereal into his mouth.

“Don’t be silly of course you’ll make friends.” You replied staring into the child’s large dark brown eyes.

“But what if I don’t?” Dongyul whined. You understood he was nervous but he had been asking the same question all morning.

“Sweetheart, of course you’ll make friends. You’re very good at it.” Your wife spoke out. Wendy finished off making her coffee and sat next to you at your kitchen table. “Eat up, you’ll need all your energy.” She pinched her sons cheek making him to squirm in his seat. You giggled at his little movement. He finished up his breakfast and jumped out of his chair.  He ran to the bathroom; you and Wendy following. You both stood in the doorway and watched him as he pulled his green stool out from under the sink in order to reach. He stretched across the sink and grabbed his toothbrush and toothpaste.

“Make sure to brush properly. We’re going to get your uniform ready.” You told him and watched as the little boys eyes widened.

“Uniform?” he asked in confusion. You and Wendy both chuckled.

“It’s what you have to wear to school.” Wendy explained.

“Don’t you remember during summer when we took you to try on clothes? And they were very smart and you didn’t like them because they were too big?” you tried to rejog the childs memory. Then it dawned on him, he remembered the ugly black blazer and black trousers he had to wear and instantly screwed up his face.

“But I don’t want to!” he exclaimed; crossing his arms and glaring straight at you both. You both tried not to smile but his actions were too cute.

“Well you don’t have a choice. Now finish brushing your teeth or we’ll be late.” Wendy tried hurrying the boy along while you went to his room to take out his new, clean uniform and laid it out on his bed.

Wendy snuck into the room and snaked her arms around your waist. “I can’t believe our baby is growing up.” You twisted round to face her and wrapped your arms around her.

“It’s all happening too fast. It’s like just yesterday we were teaching him to walk.” Wendy nuzzled her face into the crook of your neck. Her voice muffled against your skin.  “Why can’t he just be a baby again?” she whimpered.

“I know, I miss rocking him to sleep and his small chubby fingers.” You sighed and carried on. “I miss him needing us for everything, he can do so much on his own now. I miss him constantly calling on us to help him. He’s grown so much.” A tear slipped from your eye and dripped onto Wendy’s head. She pulled away and wiped the tear from your face.

“Don’t cry babe. He’ll always need us no matter how old he gets and there will always be more moments with him. We’ve got the rest of our lives to create memories with him.” Wendy tried to comfort you.

You heard tiny footsteps make their way into the room and a little body squeezed in between you and Wendy. You picked the young boy up who snuggled into your chest. “Don’t cry. Please don’t cry.” His pleas warmed your heart. You kissed him on the forehead and stared into his deep dark eyes.

“I’m not sad, don’t worry baby.” You reassured Dongyul. “Anyway, it’s time you got dressed.” You said trying to cheer up and placed the child back down on the ground. He ran over to his bed where his uniform was placed and quickly got dressed.

You and Wendy both gasped. “Wow, look how smart you are!” Wendy said excitedly. “Let me go get my phone.” She said as she rushed from the room.

Dongyul looked at himself in his mirror and frowned.

“What’s wrong?” you asked.

“I look silly!” he said crossing his arms.

“Well I think you look handsome.” You said poking the little boys arm. “Turn around let me see you.” He reluctantly turned and once again you gasped in mock surprise. “I have never seen someone so handsome and smart. I’d be friends with you.” That caused the boy to relax a little, he really wanted friends. Wendy rushed back into the room; phone in hand. “Wouldn’t you be friends with him babe?” you turned asking Wendy.

“Oh, absolutely because I could see he’d make the best of friends.” She said smiling and nodding. “Now pose!” she said.

At first Dongyul didn’t move, he just frowned at Wendy. “Pleaseeeeeeee?” Wendy begged. “Just one nice picture for mummy?” she tried to persuade him. He thought about it for a few seconds before giving a huge grin showing all his teeth.

“Grandma and Grandpa are going to love to see this.” You encouraged him. He cheered up a bit and continued allowing Wendy to take photos. After a while you realised it was time to go, neither of you were ready but were excited anyways. You drove to Dongyul’s school singing along to all the songs on the radio. You arrived 5 minutes early and was too afraid to get out the car.

“Can we go in please? I want to see everyone!” his high-pitched voice all excited.

“Okay okay.” You reluctantly got out of the car. He grabbed yours and Wendy’s hand and led you both into the school.

“Look, they’re all dressed like me!” He said happily, glad he wasn’t the only one. The teachers started to call them in. You and Wendy kneeled and looked him in the eyes.

“Have fun and learn lots. Okay?” Wendy said trying to hold back tears. He nodded and she kissed him on the forehead.

“Remember if you need anything ask your teachers, okay? And if you need us just tell them.” You told him.

“I’m not little anymore, can I go now?” He really wanted to go and start his day. You nodded and kissed him on the forehead and let him run off to class. You and Wendy waved and let him go. Wendy leaned her head on your shoulder.

“What do you think about doing this again?” she asked.

“What do you mean?” you asked confused. She looked up into your eyes.

“Have more children?” She clarified for you. You nodded and pulling her in close to your side. You couldn’t wait to do this again with more little ones.

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