Chapter 3

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Diana's room

It was the day for Diana to reunite with Jason, and to meet Bruce and Damian in person for the first time. She was wearing a strawberry themed white t-shirt, and a pastel pink skirt with two white lines on it. 

The girl was sitting on a chair in her room to let Veronica french braid her long purple hair. After she finished, Diana stood up from the chair and looked at herself in the mirror.

Diana: Thanks, I love it!

Veronica nodded with a smile.

Diana: Mom.. Why do you think it took Jason a very long time to contact us again? 

The woman sighed, not knowing what to answer. 

Veronica: Honestly I don't know my dear, but I'm sure something was going on in his life that held him back.

The teenage girl didn't know how to feel. 

On one hand, she truly missed her older brother, and she was glad that she'll get to see him again soon. But on the other hand, she was a little upset that she has missed out on a lot of things about Jason's life. 

Veronica: I'm going to get changed quickly. Need anything else? 

Diana: No. I'll be waiting.

The woman then nodded and left the room, closing the door behind her. 

The girl looked at herself again in the mirror, and she stared to think of her family. 

Diana: I wonder how much Jason has changed, but I hope that he's still a lovely guy. 

Then she started to think about the others. 

Diana: I know how Mr. Wayne looks like because I've seen him on TV many times, but I wonder how Damian looks like.. Hmm.. Probably tall, maybe handsome like Mr. Wayne.. Oh my gosh!!!

She giggled at her own words like a child, then she went to the living room to find Kenneth talking on his phone. He was wearing a simple red T-shirt and beige pants.

Kenneth: You arrived? Since when?..... Around an hour ago?......... No no, we'll come over instead because you're probably tired! Which hotel are you staying in?....... That's good, it's not very far from here...... We're on our way then.... See you later! 

He hung up, and called for Veronica to come over. 

Diana: They're here already?!

Kenneth: Yes, just like what you've heard.

Diana: I'm a little nervous, but I'm also really excited!

Kenneth: It's a natural feeling my dear. 

Veronica got out of the bedroom a while later. She was wearing indigo blue T-shirt, and white skinny jeans. She was also wearing a necklace that has a small silver cross, and her brown hair was down. 

Veronica: I'm ready.

Kenneth: Alright, let's go!

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