Chapter 16

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No warnings this time, I guess.

─── ・ 。゚☆ .☽ . ☆゚. ───

The same day after the previous chapter...

The warehouse

The teenage girl was holding Veronica's hand, screaming and sobbing the whole time in fear of losing her.

Diana, in despair: What has she done to deserve this?

Arsenal checked Veronica's pulse right away by putting two fingers on her neck, and checking her pupils.

Roy: She's still alive. If we hurry up to any nearby hospital, she'll survive.

Even though that was reassuring, Diana was still unable to stop crying and screaming, until her body was unable to handle too much grief.

"Diana!" shouted the Red Hood, as he held her the moment she lost her consciousness out of the sudden. But as soon as he checked her pulse, he sighed out of relief.

"Poor Diana. That really is too much to handle in one day." thought the Red Hood, as he was holding her close.

On the other hand, Batman was sure that the Red Hood was the one who killed the Joker since his body was still laying around.

Therefore, he was obviously pissed about that.

Bruce, sternly: Get both of them to the nearest hospital and make sure they're fine. After that, we'll need to talk, Jason.

The Red Hood knew that Batman was mad at him for killing the Joker, but he didn't bother to respond since that doesn't concern him.

Each of the two vigilantes held the females, and rushed inside the bat wing soon after. 

Thereafter, the bat wing closed and it flew away.

Meanwhile, Bruce and Damian took off their masks, while looking at Talia's dead body for a moment.

The silence got interrupted by Batman's device ringing from his belt, and he grabbed it to answer it immediately.

Bruce: Yes Oracle?

Barbara's echo: The titans have everything under control since Nightwing and Red Robin left them.

Bruce: Affirmative.

The hospital

The next day...

Diana was sitting outside Veronica's room, and she couldn't stop sobbing.

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