Chapter 9

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I didn't know what other pic to pick for the cover of this chapter, but Jason does mention a bit of his past to Diana so it's okay to keep I guess? 😅

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WARNING: Drug mention

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The next day after the incident, Bruce was sitting in front of Talia's cage, as they were having a conversation.

Talia: I wanted to kill her, because I've only wanted a boy, but my father insisted to keep her, saying that we could've raised her to become a warrior too. I regretted not killing her later on, but then Jason took her away from us, and I've never seen her ever since, until yesterday.

Bruce got very irritated by Talia's answer, and he shook his head.

Bruce: This madness is not a reason to kill a baby, Talia; especially since neuroblastoma is curable. Do you have any other reasons at all?

Talia, arrogantly: No I don't, and it's none of your business on what I wanted to do with Diana!

Bruce, sternly: It IS my business because Diana is MY daughter just like how's she's yours! It's not her fault that you're a hypocrite.

Talia: Tt. It's not like she asked to exist anyway, didn't she?

Bruce, sternly: Don't try to get away from this. If anything happens to Diana because of you, I'd never forgive you!

Talia laughed like a maniac and clapped her hands, meanwhile Bruce let out a sigh in displeasure.

Talia: Like the hell I care about your feelings for that pathetic girl! You don't even have the guts to kill me.

Bruce, sternly: What did you say to Diana yesterday?

The fact that Bruce has totally ignored her comment made her blood boil and she looked at him angrily, but she decided to answer anyway.

Talia: I only reminded her of her worth after she was being disrespectful. My ninjas came to save me shortly after, until that asshole has showed up. Then I passed out.

Bruce, sternly: First you buried Damian's childhood, now you're poisoning Diana's peace of mind, even though she didn't do anything to you? What a sick minded bitch.

Talia: Tt, I don't care. You got what you wanted from me, now will you set me free?

She crossed her arms, and Bruce didn't say anything. He only looked at her in disappointment and shook his head.
Tim has suddenly showed up at the batcave a while later, and he headed out to Talia's cage, looking very happy.

Tim: Good news, Diana has regained her consciousness!

Bruce's melancholy quickly turned into happiness and relief by this news. Talia on the other hand, has rolled her eyes.

Bruce: Thank goodness!

With that, Bruce left the batcave and headed to Diana's room, leaving Tim with Talia alone.

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