Chapter 12

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The batcave

The next night...

The girl was sitting with Batman alone, while he was preparing for something on the batcomputer.

And of course, Talia was no longer there. But since the last events in the batcave, she was high-key uncomfortable to be in that place.

Diana: I've been getting nightmares since the day I've met my mom here. Ever since, they've been getting worse and worse.

Bruce: I've already noticed that before. Are you getting the same nightmares, or do you see different things?

The girl only nodded, but didn't say anything. Instead, tears fell from her innocent blue eyes by the thoughts of her nightmares flashing through her head.

Batman knew that she was very scared, and over all not in a good shape. He held her close, which made her cry more.

Bruce: Shhh, everything will be alright. I promise you that, Diana.

She sobbed in his arms for a while, and he simply let her cry in his arms until she calms down.

They split up from the hug a minute later, and the girl sat down on the chair again.

Batman has grabbed some tissues from the desk, and gave some to his daughter, to wipe out her tears.

Bruce: I think I know the cause of your nightmares.

Diana: Isn't it common to have nightmares after some bad events anyway?

Bruce: Yes. But in this case, I think Talia has inserted the toxin of nightmares in you without realizing it.

The teenage girl's eyes went wide open, horrified of this possibility to be true.

Diana, confused: Huh? Other than having my neck deeply cut, I didn't feel anything else!

Bruce: That's because she's very stealthy. She knows how to do anything without anyone noticing her.

Diana: And why do you suspect her?

Bruce: I suspect her because I remember years ago when Ra's has used something on me to fight me in a nightmare type of arena.

Diana: Hmm, that's possible I guess. *shrugs* Any solution for that?

Bruce: I need to run a test on you first, to confirm that you're indeed intoxicated. If it's confirmed, then I'll go search for the cure.

Diana: And if it turns out I'm not intoxicated?

Bruce: I'd still get you the help you'll need if that's the case.

Diana was genuinely terrified to think about the possibility of being intoxicated, but at the same time she's relieved that her father is trying to help her.

Diana: Fair enough.

Bruce: Alright, let's run the test on you.

Living room

The titans were assembled alone with Alfred, as they were talking about last night's events.

Dick: We have to wait for the results from Batman. In the meantime, I want you all to help us with this situation.

Victor: We're a team, we'll definitely help you! Right titans?

Kori: Yes, because poor Diana does not deserve to have nightmares frequently!

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