Chapter 2

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A.R.G.U.S secret base

A young brown haired man with glasses was smoking in the yard one night, minding his own business. Moments later, a device has started beeping in his pocket. He dropped the cigarette, and ran down to his computer inside the building immediately.

As soon as he reached the computer, he soon found that the device has identified some ninjas around where Diana lives.

Then he called the Red Hood immediately.

Luckily, it didn't take long for the Red Hood to respond.

Jason's echo: Hey Felix, it's been a while. What's going on?

Felix: There's an identified group of ninjas that have been around the girl's residence.

Jason's echo: Can you send me more info on that? I'll deal with it myself.

Felix: Yes, of course.

The man did what the Red Hood told him to do, and he transmitted the data to him in less than a minute.

Jason's echo: Good. Now I need you to give me the exact coordinates, so stay on my signal.

New York

Around half an hour later...

The Red Hood was riding his motorcycle really fast for a while, and eventually he stopped around a lane that was only a few blocks away from Diana's apartment.

He sensed something as soon as he stopped, and he hid himself in a nearby small alley.

After a very short while, a group of five ninjas have showed up together.

Ninja1: Are you sure she's here?

Ninja2: I'm totally sure of it.

Before they even continued, one of them had a batarang thrown at deep at his chest. The first ninja bled and collapsed immediately, which made the other ninjas get in a defensive manner.

The Red Hood has showed up afterwards, and he pulled his blade to kill the rest. He managed to stab two quickly, but the other two have kicked him from his back, and he fell to the ground. However, he picked himself up and grabbed his blade, and he sliced the other ninjas abdominal areas deep enough for them to lose lots of blood.
The Red Hood felt relieved for getting the five ninjas out of his way. He grabbed all of them shortly after, and he threw each of them in giant garbage cans.

Then he realized that he was familiar with the lane, which made him very excited since he knew that Diana was very close.

Then he found the McCray's apartment really quickly, and he climbed on it until he reached Diana's window.

As soon as he stopped, he had a peek at the window, to only see that Diana and Ellie were eating sandwiches together, watching Martin Mystery together on her own TV.

The Red Hood had lots of emotions going on after seeing Diana after so many years. He felt sad that he didn't get to see her grow up, but at the same time he was happy to see her having fun with her best friend.

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